Genesis 27:34-40

Coverdale(i) 34 Whan Esau herde these wordes of his father, he cried loude, and was exceadynge sory, and sayde vnto his father: O blesse me also my father. 35 But he sayde: Thy brother came with sotyltie, and hath taken thy blessinge awaye. 36 Then sayde he: He maye well be called Iacob, for he hath vndermined me now two tymes. My byrth right hath he awaye, and beholde, now taketh he awaye my blessynge also. And he sayde: Hast thou not kepte one blessynge for me? 37 Isaac answered, and sayde vnto him: I haue made him lorde ouer ye, and all his brethren haue I made his seruautes. With corne & wine haue I prouyded him. What shal I do vnto the now my sonne? 38 Esau sayde vnto his father? Hast thou not one blessynge more my father? O blesse me also my father. And he lift vp his voyce, & wepte. 39 Then Isaac his father answered and sayde vnto him: Beholde, thou shalt haue a fat dwellinge vpon earth, & of ye dew of heauen from aboue: 40 with thy swerde shalt thou get thy lyuynge, and shalt serue thy brother. And it shall come to passe, yt thou shalt put of his yock, and plucke it from thy neck.