42 So I came this daye vnto the well of water, and sayde: O LORDE thou God of my master Abraham, Yf thou hast prospered my iourney that I go:
43 Beholde, I stonde here by the well of water: Now yf there come forth a virgin to draw water, and I saye vnto her: geue me a litle water to drinke out of thy pitcher,
44 and she saye vnto me: Drynke thou, and I wyll drawe water for thy Camels also: that the same be the woma, which the LORDE hath prouyded for my masters sonne.
45 Now or euer I had spoken out these wordes in my hert, beholde, Rebecca commeth forth with a pitcher vpon hir shulder, and goeth downe to the well, and draweth.Then sayde I: geue me a drynke.