Luke 18:10-14

  10 G1417 Two G444 men G305 went up G1519 into G2411 the temple G4336 to pray; G1520 the one G5330 a Pharisee, G2532 and G2087 the other G5057 a tax collector.
  11 G5330 The Pharisee G2476 stood G4336 and prayed G5023 thus G4314 with G1438 himself, G2316 God, G2168 I thank G4671 you, G3754 that G1510 I am G3756 not G5618 as G3062 other G444 men G727 are, extortioners, G94 unjust, G3432 adulterers, G2228 or G2532 even G5613 as G3778 this G5057 tax collector.
  12 G3522 I fast G1364 twice G4521 in the week, G586 I give tithes G3956 of all G3745 that G2932 I possess.
  13 G2532 And G5057 the tax collector, G2476 standing G3113 afar off, G2309 would G3756 not G1869 lift up G3761 so much as G3788 his eyes G1519 to G3772 heaven, G235 but G5180 struck G1519 upon G846 his G4738 breast, G3004 saying, G2316 God G2433 be merciful G3427 to me G268 a sinner.
  14 G3004 I tell G5213 you, G3778 this man G2597 went down G1519 to G846 his G3624 house G1344 justified G2228 rather than G1565 the other: G3754 for G3956 every one G3588 that G5312 exalts G1438 himself G5013 shall be abased; G1161 and G3588 he that G5013 humbles G1438 himself G5312 shall be exalted.