Job 12:16-21

  16 H5797 With him is strength H8454 and wisdom: H7683 the deceived H7686 and the deceiver are his.
  17 H3212 He leads H3289 counselors H7758 away spoiled, H8199 and makes the judges H1984 fools.
  18 H6605 He loosens H4148 the bond H4428 of kings, H631 and yokes H4975 their body H232 with a belt.
  19 H3212 He leads H3548 princes H7758 away spoiled, H5557 and overthrows H386 the mighty.
  20 H5493 He removes away H8193 the speech H539 of the trusty, H3947 and takes away H2940 the understanding H2205 of the aged.
  21 H8210 He pours H937 contempt H5081 upon princes, H7503 and weakens H4206 the strength H650 of the mighty.