Matthew 25:4-10

Bishops(i) 4 But the wise, toke oyle in their vessels, with their lampes also 5 Whyle the brydegrome taryed, they all slumbred and slept 6 And euen at mydnyght, there was a crye made: beholde, the brydegrome commeth, go out to meete hym 7 Then all those virgins arose, and prepared their lampes 8 So the foolyshe sayde vnto the wyse: geue vs of your oyle, for our lampes are gone out 9 But the wyse aunswered, saying: [not so] lest there be not inough for vs & you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and bye for your selues 10 And whyle they went to bye, the brydegome came: and they that were redy, went in with hym, to ye maryage, and the gate was shut vp