Lamentations 3:1-20

Bishops(i) 1 I am the man that thorowe the rodde of his wrath haue experience of miserie 2 He droue me foorth and led me, yea into darknesse, but not into light 3 Against me is he turned, he turneth his hande dayly against me 4 My flesh and my skinne hath he made olde, and my bones hath he bruised 5 He hath buylded rounde about me, and closed me in with gall and trauaile 6 He hath set me in darknesse, as they that be dead for euer 7 He hath so hedged me in, that I can not get out, and hath layde heauie linkes vpon me 8 Though I crye and call pitiously, yet heareth he not my prayer 9 He hath stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones, and made my pathes crooked 10 He layeth wayte for me lyke a beare, and as a lion in a hole 11 He hath marred my wayes, and broken me in peeces, he hath layde me waste altogether 12 He hath bent his bowe, and made me as it were a marke to shoote at 13 The arrowes of his quiuer hath he shot, euen into my reynes 14 I am laughed to scorne of all my people, they make songues vpon me all the day long 15 He hath filled me with bitternesse, and geuen me wormewood to drinke 16 He hath smitten my teeth in peeces with stones, and roulled me in the dust 17 He hath put my soule out of rest, I forget all good thinges 18 I thought in my selfe, I am vndone, there is no hope for me in the Lorde 19 O remember yet my miserie and my trouble, the wormewood and the gall 20 Yea thou shalt remember them, for my soule melteth away in me