Lamentations 3:1-20

Coverdale(i) 1 I am the ma, that (thorow the rodd of his wrath) haue experiece of misery. 2 He droue me forth, and led me: yee into darcknesse, but not in to light. 3 Agaynst me only he turneth his honde, & layeth it euer vpon me. 4 My flesh & my skynne hath he made olde, and my bones hath he brussed. 5 He hath buylded rounde aboute me, & closed me in with gall and trauayle. 6 He hath set me in darcknesse, as they that be deed for euer. 7 He hath so hedged me in, that I can not get out, & hath layed heuy lynckes vpon me. 8 Though I crie & call piteously, yet heareth he not my prayer. 9 He hath stopped vp my wayes with foure squared stones, & made my pathes croked. 10 He layeth waite for me like a Bere, and as a lyon in a hole. 11 He hath marred my wayes, and broke me in peces, he hath layed me waist altogether. 12 He hath bent his bowe, and made me as it were a marck to shute at. 13 The arowes of his quyuer hath he shot, euen in to my reynes. 14 I am laughed to scorne of all my people, they make songes vpon me all ye daye loge. 15 He hath fylled me with bytternesse, & geuen me wormwod to drynke. 16 He hath smytten my teth in peces, & rolled me in the dust. 17 He hath put my soule out of rest, I forget all good thinges. 18 I thought in my self: I am vndone, there is no hope for me in the LORDE. 19 O remembre yet my mysery and my trouble, the wormwod and the gall. 20 Yee thou shalt remebre them, for my soule melteth awaye in me.