Lamentations 3:1 Cross References - Bishops

1 I am the man that thorowe the rodde of his wrath haue experience of miserie

Job 19:21

21 Haue pitie vpon me, haue pitie vpon me, O ye my friendes, for the hande of God hath touched me

Psalms 71:20

20 (71:19) Which hast made me to feele many great troubles and aduersities: yet returnyng thou hast reuyued me, yea returnyng thou hast caused me to come out from the bottome of the earth

Psalms 88:7

7 (88:6) Thyne indignation sore presseth me: and thou hast vexed me with all thy stormes. Selah

Psalms 88:15-16

15 (88:14) I am in miserie, I labour euen from my youth with the panges of death: I haue suffered thy terrours, [and] I am styll in doubt 16 (88:15) Thyne indignation hath gone ouer me: and thy terrours haue vndone me

Isaiah 53:3

3 He is dispised and abhorred of men, he is such a man as hath good experience of sorowes and infirmities: We haue reckened hym so vile, that we hyd our faces from hym

Jeremiah 15:17-18

17 I dwell not among the scorners, neither is my delight therin: but I dwell alone because of thy hande, for thou hast fylled me with bitternesse 18 Shall my heauinesse endure for euer? Are my plagues then so great that they may neuer be healed? Wylt thou be as one that is false, and as a water that falleth, and can not continue

Jeremiah 20:14-18

14 Cursed be the day wherein I was borne, vnhappy be the day wherein my mother brought me foorth 15 Cursed be the man that brought my father the tidinges to make hym gald, saying, Thou hast begotten a sonne 16 Let it happen vnto that man, as to the cities whiche the Lorde turned vpsidedowne and repented not: Let hym heare crying in the morning, and at noone day lamentable howling 17 Why sluest thou not me assoone as I came out of my mothers wombe? or that my mother had ben my graue her selfe, that the byrth might not haue come out, but remayned still in her 18 Wherefore came I foorth of my mothers wombe? to haue experience of labour and sorowe, and to leade my lyfe with shame

Jeremiah 38:6

6 Then toke they Ieremie and cast him into the dungeon of Melchiah the sonne of Amelech, that dwelt in the fore entrie of the prison, and they let downe Ieremie with coardes into a dungeon, where there was no water, but mire: So Ieremie stack fast in the mire

Lamentations 1:12-14

12 Haue ye no regarde all ye that go foreby, beholde & see yf there be any sorowe lyke vnto mine, wherwith the Lorde hath troubled me in the day of his fearefull wrath 13 From aboue hath he sent downe a fire into my bones, and it burneth them cruelly: he hath layde a net for my feete, and throwen me wyde open, he hath made me desolate, so that I must euer be mournyng 14 The yoke of my transgressions is bounde fast to his hande, they are wrapped [or writhen] and come vp about my necke: he hath caused my strength to fayle, the Lorde hath deliuered me into those handes wherout I can not quyte my selfe

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.