1 Περὶ (Concerning) δὲ (now) τῆς (the) λογείας* (collection) τῆς (which is) εἰς (for) τοὺς (the) ἁγίους (saints), ὥσπερ (as) διέταξα (I have directed) ταῖς (the) ἐκκλησίαις (churches) τῆς (-) Γαλατίας (of Galatia), οὕτως (so) καὶ (also) ὑμεῖς (you) ποιήσατε (are to do).
2 κατὰ (Every) μίαν (first) σαββάτου (of the week), ἕκαστος (each) ὑμῶν (of you) παρ’ (aside) ἑαυτῷ (him) τιθέτω (let put), θησαυρίζων (treasuring up) ὅ¦τι (what) ἐὰν (if) εὐοδῶται (he may be prospered in), ἵνα (so that) μὴ (not) ὅταν (when) ἔλθω (I might come) τότε (then) λογεῖαι* (collections) γίνωνται (there should be).