1 Corinthians 10:18-21

BIB(i) 18 βλέπετε (Consider) τὸν (-) Ἰσραὴλ (Israel) κατὰ (according to) σάρκα (flesh): οὐχ (Not) οἱ (those) ἐσθίοντες (eating) τὰς (the) θυσίας (sacrifices), κοινωνοὶ (fellow partakers) τοῦ (in the) θυσιαστηρίου (altar) εἰσίν (are)? 19 Τί (What) οὖν (then) φημι (do I mean)? ὅτι (That) εἰδωλόθυτόν (what is sacrificed to an idol) τί (anything) ἐστιν (is), ἢ (or) ὅτι (that) εἴδωλόν (an idol) τί (anything) ἐστιν (is)? 20 ἀλλ’ (Rather) ὅτι (that) ἃ (what) θύουσιν (sacrifice) (τὰ (the) ἔθνη) (Gentiles), δαιμονίοις (to demons) καὶ (and) οὐ (not) Θεῷ (to God) θύουσιν (they sacrifice). οὐ (Not) θέλω (I do wish) δὲ (now), ὑμᾶς (you) κοινωνοὺς (fellow partakers) τῶν (-) δαιμονίων (with demons) γίνεσθαι (to be). 21 οὐ (Not) δύνασθε (you are able) ποτήριον (the cup) Κυρίου (of the Lord) πίνειν (to drink), καὶ (and) ποτήριον (the cup) δαιμονίων (of demons). οὐ (Not) δύνασθε (you are able) τραπέζης (of the table) Κυρίου (of the Lord) μετέχειν (to partake), καὶ (and) τραπέζης (of the table) δαιμονίων (of demons).