Acts 17:4-5

  4 G2532 And G5100 some G1537 of G846 them G3982 were persuaded, G2532 and G4345 consorted G3972 with Paul G2532 and G4609 Silas, G5037 and G4576 of the devout G1672 Greeks G4183 a great G4128 multitude, G5037 and G4413 of the chief G1135 women G3756 not G3641 a few.
  5 G1161 But G2453 the Jews, G3588   G544   G2206 being moved with jealousy, G4355 took unto them G2532   G5100 certain G4190 vile G435 fellows G60 of the rabble, G2532 and G3792 gathering a crowd, G2350 set the G4172 city G2350 on an uproar; G5037 and G2186 assaulting G3614 the house G2394 of Jason, G2212 they sought G71 to bring G846 them G71 forth G1519 to G1218 the people.