Romans 5:12-21

  12 G1223 Why, G5124 G1520 as by one G444 man G266 sin G1525 entered G1519 into G2889 the world, G2288 and death G266 by sin; G3779 and so G2288 death G1330 passed G3956 on all G444 men, G3956 for that all G264 have sinned:
  13 G891 (For until G3551 the law G266 sin G2889 was in the world: G266 but sin G1677 is not imputed G3361 when there is no G3551 law.
  14 G235 Nevertheless G2288 death G936 reigned G76 from Adam G3475 to Moses, G2532 even G1909 over G264 them that had not sinned G1909 after G3667 the similitude G76 of Adam’s G3847 transgression, G3739 who G5179 is the figure G3195 of him that was to come.
  15 G3900 But not as the offense, G3779 so G2532 also G5486 is the free G5486 gift. G1487 For if G3900 through the offense G1520 of one G4183 many G599 be dead, G4183 much G3123 more G5485 the grace G2316 of God, G1431 and the gift G5485 by grace, G3588 which G1520 is by one G2424 man, Jesus G5547 Christ, G4052 has abounded G4183 to many.
  16 G1520 And not as it was by one G264 that sinned, G1434 so is the gift: G2917 for the judgment G1520 was by one G2631 to condemnation, G5486 but the free G5486 gift G4183 is of many G3900 offenses G1345 to justification.
  17 G1487 For if G1520 by one G3900 man’s offense G2288 death G936 reigned G1520 by one; G4183 much G3123 more G2983 they which receive G4050 abundance G5485 of grace G1431 and of the gift G1343 of righteousness G936 shall reign G2222 in life G1520 by one, G2424 Jesus G5547 Christ.)
  18 G686 Therefore G3767 G3900 as by the offense G1520 of one G3956 judgment came on all G444 men G2631 to condemnation; G2532 even G3779 so G1345 by the righteousness G1520 of one G3956 the free gift came on all G444 men G1347 to justification G2222 of life.
  19 G1520 For as by one G444 man’s G3876 disobedience G4183 many G2525 were made G268 sinners, G3779 so G5218 by the obedience G1520 of one G4183 shall many G2525 be made G1342 righteous.
  20 G1161 Moreover G3551 the law G3922 entered, G3900 that the offense G4121 might abound. G3757 But where G266 sin G4121 abounded, G5485 grace G5248 did much G5248 more abound:
  21 G266 That as sin G936 has reigned G2288 to death, G2532 even G3779 so G5485 might grace G936 reign G1223 through G1343 righteousness G166 to eternal G2222 life G2424 by Jesus G5547 Christ G2962 our Lord.