Matthew 8:9-10

  9 G1510 For I am G444 a man G5259 under G1849 authority, G2192 having G4757 soldiers G5259 under G3004 me: and I say G5129 to this G4198 man, Go, G4198 and he goes; G243 and to another, G2064 Come, G2064 and he comes; G1401 and to my servant, G4160 Do G5124 this, G4160 and he does it.
  10 G2424 When Jesus G191 heard G2296 it, he marveled, G4483 and said G190 to them that followed, G281 Truly G3004 I say G2147 to you, I have not found G5118 so G5118 great G4102 faith, G3761 no, G2474 not in Israel.