1 Chronicles 17:24-27

  24 H539 Let it even be established, H8034 that your name H1431 may be magnified H5769 for ever, H559 saying, H3068 The LORD H6635 of hosts H430 is the God H3478 of Israel, H430 even a God H3478 to Israel: H1004 and let the house H1732 of David H5650 your servant H3559 be established H6440 before you.
  25 H430 For you, O my God, H1540 have told H5650 your servant H1129 that you will build H1004 him an house: H5921 therefore H3651 H5650 your servant H4672 has found H3820 in his heart H6419 to pray H6440 before you.
  26 H6258 And now, H3068 LORD, H430 you are God, H1696 and have promised H2063 this H2896 goodness H5650 to your servant:
  27 H6258 Now H2974 therefore let it please H1288 you to bless H1004 the house H5650 of your servant, H6440 that it may be before H5769 you for ever: H1288 for you bless, H3068 O LORD, H1288 and it shall be blessed H5769 for ever.