Romans 5:18-21

  18 G686 It is so G3767 then G5613 as G1223 through G1520 one G3900 transgression G1519 it was unto G3956 all G444 men G1519 for G2631 condemnation; G3779 so G2532 also G1223 through G1520 one G1345 right action G1519 it was unto G3956 all G444 men G1519 for G1347 justification G2222 of life.
  19 G5618 For as G1063   G1223 by G3588 the G3876 disobedience G3588 of the G1520 one G444 man G268 [3 as sinners G2525 2were established G3588   G4183 1many]; G3779 so G2532 also G1223 by G3588 the G5218 obedience G3588 of the G1520 one man G1342 [3 as righteous G2525 2shall be established G3588   G4183 1many].
  20 G3551 But law G1161   G3922 entered privately, G2443 that G4121 [2should be superabundant G3588   G3900 1transgression]. G3739 But where G1161   G4121 [2was superabundant G3588   G266 1sin], G5248 [2superabounded G3588   G5484 1favor];
  21 G2443 that G5618 as G936 [2reigned G3588   G266 1sin] G1722 in G3588   G2288 death, G3779 so G2532 also G3588 the G5484 favor G936 should reign G1223 through G1343 righteousness G1519 to G2222 life G166 eternal G1223 through G* Jesus G5547 Christ G3588   G2962 our Lord. G1473