Genesis 9:1-11:32

Great(i) 1 And God blessed Noah & his sonnes, and sayde vnto them: brynge ye forth frute and multiplye, and replenyshe the earth. 2 The feare of you and the drede of you shalbe vpon euery beast of the erth, and vpon euery foule of the ayre, in all such as the earth bryngeth forth, and in all the fyshes of the see. Into your hande are they delyuered. 3 Euery thynge that moueth it selfe, and that lyueth, shalbe meate for you: Euen as the grene herbe haue I geuen you all thinges. 4 But flesshe in the lyfe therof, and in the bloude therof shall ye not eate. 5 Els your bloude of your lyues wyll I requyre. From the hande of euery beaste wyll I requyre it, and from the hande of man: From the hande of mans brother wyll I requyre the lyfe of man. 6 Who so sheddeth mannes bloude, by man shall hys bloude be shedde: For in the ymage of God, dyd God make man. 7 But brynge you forth frute, and multiplye: Gendre ye in the earth, and increase therin. 8 God spake also vnto Noah & to his sonnes with hym sayeng: 9 Beholde I set vp my couenaunt with you, & with your sede after you, 10 and with euery liuing creature that is with you, both in foule and in catell, and in euery beast of the earth which is with you of all that go oute of the Arke, according vnto euery liuyng thing of the earth. 11 But my couenaunt wyl I make wt you that from henceforth euery flesshe be not roted out with the waters of a floude, neyther shall there be a floude to destroye the earth any more. 12 And God sayde: This is the token of the couenaunt which I geue betwene me & you, and euery lyuynge creature that is with you in to perpetuall generacyons. 13 I haue set my bowe in the cloude, and it shalbe for a token betwene me & the erth. 14 And it shall come to passe, that whan I brynge a cloude vpon the erth, the bowe also shall be sene in the same cloude. 15 And I wyll thynke vpon my couenaunt whych is betwene me & you, & euery lyuynge creature in all fleshe: & it shall nomore come to passe, that waters make a floude to destroye all fleshe. 16 But the bowe shalbe in the same cloude, & I wyll loke vpon it, that I maye thynke vpon the euerlastynge couenaunt betwene God and euery lyuinge creature, in all flesh that is vpon erth. 17 And God sayde vnto Noah. This is the token of the couenaunt which I haue made betwene me and all flesh that is vpon erthe. 18 The sonnes of Noah goynge furth of the Arke, were: Sem, Ham, and Iapheth. And Ham truly is the father of Chanaan. 19 These are the thre sonnes of Noah, & of them was the whole erth ouerspred. 20 Noah also beganne to be an husbande man, and planted a vyneyarde. 21 And he drynkynge of the wyne, was dronken, and vncouered wythin hys tent. 22 And Ham the father of Chanaan seynge the nakednesse of hys father, tolde hys two brethren wythout. 23 And Sem and Iapheth, they two, takynge a garment, layed it vpon their shulders: & comminge bakwarde, couered the naked preuityes of their father: namely, theyr faces beynge turned awaye, lest they shulde se theyr fathers preuities. 24 And Noah awoke from hys wyne, and knewe what his yonger sonne had done vnto hym. 25 And he sayde: Curssed be Chanaan, a seruaunt of seruauntes shall he be vnto hys brethren. 26 He sayde moreouer: Blessed be the Lorde God of Sem, & Chanaan shalbe hys seruaunt. 27 God shall enlarge Iapheth, and he shall dwell in the tentes of Sem, & Chanaan shalbe their seruaunt. 28 Noah lyued after the floude thre hundreth and fyftye yeares. 29 And all the dayes of Noah were nyne hundreth & fyftye yeares. And he dyed. 10 1 These are the generacions of the sonnes of Noah, Sem, Ham and Iapheth: And vnto them were chyldren borne after the floude. 2 The chyldren of Iapheth: Gomer and Magog, and Madai, and Iauan, and Thubal, Mesech and Theras. 3 The chyldren of Gomer: Askenas and Riphath and Thogarma. 4 The chyldren of Iauan: Elisa and Tharsis, Kitthim, and Dodanim. 5 Of these were the Iles of the Gentiles deuyded in their landes, euery man after hys tonge, & after hys kynreds in their nacyons. 6 The children of Ham: Cusch & Mizraiim, and Phut and Chanaan. 7 And the chyldren of Cusch: Seba and Hauilah and Sabtha, and Rahma, and Sabthecha. The chyldren of Rahma: Scheba and Dedan. 8 Cusch also begat Nimrod. The same beganne to be myghtye in the erth. 9 For he was a myghtye hunter before the Lorde. Wherfore it is sayde: Euen as Nimrod the myghtie hunter before the Lorde. 10 The begynning of his kyngdome was Babel and Erech and Accad, and Calne, in the londe of Sinhar. 11 Out of that londe came Assur, and buylded Niniue, and the stretes of the citie & Calah. 12 Resen also betwene Niniue and Calah, and it is a greate cite. 13 Mizraiim begat Ludym, & Enamim, & Lehabim, and Nephtuhim. 14 Pathrusim also and Casluhim, out of whom came Philistiim and Capthorim. 15 Chanaan begat at Zidon his fyrst borne sonne, and Heth, 16 & Iebusi, and Emori, & Girgosi. 17 Hahiui also and Haarki and Hassini, 18 and Haaruadi, and Hazmari, and Hahemathi: And afterwarde were the kynreds of the Cananites spred abrode. 19 The border of the Cananites was from Zidon, as thou commest to Gerar vntill Gazan, and as thou goest vnto Sodoma, and Gomora, and Adama, and Zeboiim, euen vnto Lesa. 20 These are the chyldren of Ham in their kynreds, in theyr tonges, countrees and in theyr nacyons. 21 Unto Sem also the father of all the children of Eber (and elder brother of Iapheth) there were chyldren borne. 22 The chyldren of Sem: Elam and Assur, Arphachsad, and Lud and Aram. 23 The children of Aram: Uz and Hul, Gether & Mas 24 Arphachsad begat Selah, & Selah begat Eber. 25 Unto Eber also were borne two sonnes: The name of the one was Peleg, for in hys dayes was the erth deuyded. And hys brothers name was Iaketan. 26 Iaketan begat Almodad and Saleph Hazarmaueth and Ierah, 27 and Hodoran & Uzal and Dickla, 28 Obal also & Abimael and Scheba, 29 and Ophir, and Hauila, and Iobab. All these were the chyldren of Iaketan. 30 And their dwellinge was from Mesa, as thou goest vnto Sephar a mount of the east. 31 These are the children of Sem after their kynreds and tonges in their londes and nacyons. 32 And so these are the kynreds of the chyldren of Noah, after their generacions in their peoples, and of these were the nacions deuyded in the erth after the floude. 11 1 Al the whole erth was of one language & lyke speche. 2 And it happened whan they wente furth from the east, they founde a playne in the londe of Sinhar, & there they abode. 3 And they sayd euery one to his neyghboure: Come, let vs prepare brycke, & burne them in the fyre. And they had brycke for stone, & slyme had they in steade of morter. 4 And they sayde: Go to, let vs buylde vs a citie & a tower, whose toppe maye reach vnto heauen: & let vs make vs a name, lest haply we be scatred abrode in to the vpper face of the whole erth. 5 But the Lord came downe, to se the cytie and tower whych the chyldren of men buylded. 6 And the Lorde sayde: Beholde, the people is one, and they haue all one language, & thys they begynne to do, neyther wyll it be restrayned from them, whatsoeuer they haue ymagined to do. 7 Come on, let vs go downe, and confounde theyr language, that euery one perceaue not hys neyghbours speche. 8 And so the Lorde scatred them from that place into the vpper face of all the erth. And they left of to buylde the cytie. 9 And therfore is the name of it called Babel, because the Lorde dyd there confounde the language of all the erth. And from thence dyd the Lorde scater them abrode vpon the face of all the erth. 10 These are the generacyons of Sem: Sem was an hundreth yeare olde, and begat Arphachsad two yeare after the floude. 11 And Sem lyued (after he begat Arphachsad) fyue hundreth yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 12 Arphachsad lyued fyue and thyrtye yeares, & begat Selah. 13 And Arphachsad lyued (after he begat Selah) foure hundreth & thre yeares, and begat sonnes & daughters. 14 Selah lyued thyrtye yeares, & begat Eber. 15 And Selah lyued (after he begat Eber) foure hundreth and thre yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 16 Eber lyued foure and thyrtye yeares, and begat Peleg. 17 And Eber lyued (after he begat Peleg) foure hundreth and thyrtye yeares, & begat sonnes and daughters. 18 Peleg lyued thyrtye yeares, & begat Reu. 19 And Peleg lyued (after he begat Reu) two hundreth and nyne yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 20 Reu lyued two and thyrtye yeares, and begat Serug. 21 And Reu lyued (after he begat Serug) two hundreth and seuen yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 22 Serug lyued thyrtye yeares, & begat Nahor. 23 And Serug lyued (after he begat Nahor) two hundreth yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 24 And Nahor lyued nyne & twentye yeares, and begat Terah. 25 And Nahor lyued (after he begat Terah) an hundreth and nynetene yeares, and begat sonnes and daughters. 26 Terah lyued seuentye yeares, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. 27 These are the generacyons of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor & Haran. Haran begat Lot. 28 And Haran dyed in the presence of Terah hys father, in the londe of hys natyuitye, euen in Ur of the Caldees. 29 Abram and Nahor toke them wyues: The name of Abrams wyfe was Sarai, & the name of Nahors wyfe was Milca, the daughter of Haran the father of Milca & the father of Iisca. 30 But Sarai was baren, & had no chylde. 31 And Terah toke Abram his sonne, and Lot the sonne of Haran, hys sonnes sonne, & Sara hys daughter in lawe, hys sonne Abrams wyfe. And they departed together from Ur of the Caldees, that they myght go into the londe of Chanaan, & they came vnto Charan, & dwelt there. 32 And the dayes of Terah were two hundreth and fyue yeares, and Terah dyed in Haran.