Genesis 9:1-11:32

Matthew(i) 1 And God blessed Noe & hys sonnes, and said vnto them: Encreace & multiply and fyll the earth. 2 The feare also & dreade of you be vpon all beastes of the earthe, and vppon all foules of the ayre, & vpon al that crepeth on the earth, and vpon all fyshes of the sea, whych are geuen vnto your handes. 3 And all that moueth vpon the earth hauynge lyfe, shall be your meat: Euen as the grene herbes so giue I you al thinge. 4 Onely the flesh with his lyfe whych is his bloude se that you eate not. 5 For verily the bloude of you wherin youre lyues are wyl I require: Euen of the hand of all beastes wyll I requyre it, and of the hande of man and of the hand of euerye mannes brother wyll I requyre the lyfe of man: 6 so that he whych sheadeth mans bloud shal haue his bloud shed by man againe: for God made man after hys owne lykenesse. 7 Se that ye encrease, and waxe, and be occupied vpon the earth, & multiply therin. 8 Furthermore God spake vnto Noe & to hys sonnes with him, sayinge: 9 See, I make my bond with you & your seed after you, 10 & wyth all lyuynge thynge that is wyth you: both foule & cattel, & al maner beastes of the earth that is with you, of al that commeth out of the arcke, whatsoeuer beast of the earth it be. 11 I make my bonde wyth you, that hence forth all fleshe shal not be destroied with the waters of any floud, & that hence forth there shall not be a floud to destroy the earth. 12 And God sayd: This is the token of my bond which I make betwene me and you, & betwene all lyuyng thyng that is wyth you foreuer: 13 I wyll set my bowe in the cloudes, & it shall be a sygne of the appointment made betwene me & the earth: 14 so that when I bring in cloudes vpon the earth, the bowe shal appere in the cloudes. 15 And then wyll I thinke vpon my testament whych I haue made betwene me and you, and all that lyueth whatsoeuer fleshe it be. So that henceforth there shall be no more waters to make a floude to destroy all fleshe. 16 The bowe shal be in the cloudes, & I wil loke vpon it, to remembre the euerlastynge testament betwene God & all that lyueth vpon the earth, whatsoeuer fleshe it be. 17 And God sayed vnto Noe: Thys is the sygne of the testament which I haue made betwene me and all fleshe that is on the earth. 18 The sonnes of Noe that came oute of the arcke were: Sem, Ham and Iapheth. And Ham he is the father of Canaan. 19 These are the thre sonnes of Noe, and of these was all the world ouerspreade. 20 And Noe beynge an husband man, went forth & planted a vineyarde, 21 & dranke of the wyne & was droncke, and lay vncouered in the middest of hys tent. 22 And Ham the father of Canaan sawe hys fathers priueties, and told hys .ij. brethren that were without. 23 And Sem and Iapheth toke a mantyll, & put it on boeth theyr shoulders and went bacward, & couered theyr fathers secretes, but theyr faces were backewarde, so that they sawe not theyr fathers nakednes. 24 As sone as Noe was awaked frome hys wyne, & wyste what hys yongest sonne had done vnto him, 25 he said: Cursed be Canaan, & a seruant of al seruantes be he to hys brethren. 26 And he sayed: Blessed be the Lorde God of Sem, & Canaan be his seruant. 27 God encrease Iapheth, that he maye dwel in the tentes of Sem. And Canan be theyr seruant. 28 And Noe lyued after the floud thre hundred and fyfty yere: 29 so that all the dayes of Noe were .ix. hundred & fyfty yere & then he died. 10 1 These are the generations, of the sonnes of Noe: of Sem Ham, and Iapheth, which begat them children after the floude. 2 The sonnes of Iapheth were: Gomyr, Magog, Madai, Iauan, Tuball, Mesech, & Thyras. 3 And the sonnes of Gomyr were Ascenas, Riphat and Togarma. 4 And the sonnes of Iauan were: Elisa Tharsis, Cithim, and Dodanim. 5 Of these came the Isles of the Gentils in theyr countryes, euery man in hys speach kynred, & nation. 6 The sonnes of Ham were: Chus, Misraim, Phut, & Canaan. 7 The sonns of Chus were Seba, Heuyla, Sabta, Rayma, and Sabtema. And the sonnes of Rayma were: Sheba, & Dedan. 8 Thus also begat Nemrod which began to be myghty in the earth. 9 He was a myghty hunter in the syghte of the Lorde: Wherof came the prouerbe: he is as Nemrod that myghty hunter in the syght of the Lord. 10 And the begynnyng of hys kyngdome was Babell, Erech, Achad, & Chalne in the lande of Synear: 11 Oute of that land came Assur, & builded Niniue, & the citye Rehoboth, & Calah, 12 and Ressen betwene Niniue & Calah. That is a greate cytye. 13 And Mizrim begat Ludim, Enamim, Leabim, Naphtuhim, 14 Pathrusim, & Casluhim: from whence came the Philystyns, and the Capththerynes. 15 Canaan also begat Zidon hys eldest sonne & Heth, 16 Iebusi, Emori, Girgosi, 17 Him, Arki. Sini, 18 Aruadi, Zemari, & Harmati. And afterward sprange the kinreds of the Cananites. 19 And the costes of the Cananites were from Sydon tyll thou come to Gerara & to Asa, & tyl thou come to Sodoma, Gomorra, Adama, Zeboim, euen vnto Lasa. 20 These were the chyldren of Ham in theyr kynredes, tonges, Landes, and nations. 21 And Sem the father of all the chyldren of Eber, & the eldeste brother of Iapheth begat children also. 22 And his sonnes were Elam, Assur, Arphachsad, Lud & Aram. 23 And the children of Aram were: Vr, Hul, Gether & Mas. 24 And Arphachsad begat Sala, & Sala begat Eber. 25 And Eber begat two sonnes. The name of the one was Peleg, for in his time the earth was deuided. And the name of his brother was Iaketan. 26 Iaketan begat Almodad, Saleph, Hyzarmoneth, Iarah, 27 Hadoram, Vsall, Dikela, 28 Obal, Abimael, Seba, 29 Ophir, Henila & Iobab. Al these are tho sonnes of Iaketan. 30 And the dwellynge of them was from Mesa vntyl thou come vnto Sephara a mountayne of the east lande. 31 These are the sonnes of Sem in their kinredes, languages, contryes, and nations. 32 These are the kinredes of the sonnes of Noe, in their generations & nations. And of these came the People that were in the worlde after the floude. 11 1 And all the worlde was of one tonge and one language. 2 And as they came from the Easte, they found a playne in the lande of Sinear, and ther they dwelled, 3 and they sayed one to an other: come on, lette vs make brycke and burne it with fire. So brycke was theyr stone, and slyme was theyr morter. 4 And they sayed come on, let vs builde a citye & a tower, that the toppe may reach vnto heuen. And let vs make vs a name for peraduenture we shall be scatered abrod ouer al the erth. 5 And the Lord came downe to se the city and the tower which the children of Adam had builded. 6 And the Lorde sayed: See, the people is one, and haue one tonge amonge them all. And thys haue they begon to do, and wyll not leaue of frome all that they haue purposed to do. 7 Come on, let vs descende, and myngle theyr tonge euen there, that one vnderstande not what another sayeth. 8 Thus the Lorde skattered them from thence vpon all the earth. And they left of to builde the city. 9 Wherefore the name of it is called Babell, bycause that the Lorde there confounded the tonge of al the world. And bicause that the Lorde from thence scatered them abrode vpon all the earth. 10 These are the generations of Sem: Sem was an hundred yere old, & begat Arphachsad .ij. yere after the flode. 11 And Sem lyued after he hadde begat Arphachsad .v. hundred yere and begat sonnes and doughters. 12 And Arphachsad lyued .xxxv. yere & begat Sala, 13 & lyued after he hadde begat Sala .iiij. hundred yere & .iij. & begat sonnes & daughters. 14 And Sala was thirty yere olde & begat Eber, 15 and lyued after he had begot Eber .iiij. hundred & .iij. yere, & begat sonnes & daughters. 16 When Eber was .xxxiiij. yere old, he begat Peleg, 17 & lyued after he had begat Peleg foure hundred and .xxx. yere, & begat sonnes and doughters. 18 And Peleg when he was .xxx. yere old begat Regu, 19 & lyued after he had begot Regu .ij. hundred & .ix. yere, & begat sonnes & daughters. 20 And Regu when he had liued .xxxij. yere begat Serug, 21 and lyued after he had begot Serug .ii. hundred and .vij. yeare, and begat sonnes and daughters. 22 And when Serug was .xxx. yere olde, he begat Nahor, 23 & liued after he had begat Nahor .ij. hundred yere, & begat sonnes & daughters. 24 And Nahor when he was .xxix. yere old, begat Terah, 25 and lyued after he had begat Terah, an hundred and .xix. yeare and begat sonnes and doughters. 26 And when Terah was .lxx. yere old, he begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran. 27 And these are the generations of Terah. Terah begatte Abram, Nahor, and Haran. And Haran begat Lot. 28 And Haran dyed before Terah hys father in the Land where he was borne, at Or in Chaldea. 29 And Abram and Nahor toke them wyues. Abrams wyfe was called Sarai. And Nahors wyfe Mylca, the doughter of Haran whyche was father of Milca, & of Iesca. 30 But Sarai was baren, and had no chylde. 31 Then toke Terah Abram hys sonne, & Lot hys sonne, Harans sonne, & Sarai hys daughter in lawe, hys sonne Abrams wyfe. And they went wyth him from Or in Chaldea, to goo into the Lande of Canaan. And they came to Haran and dwelled there. 32 And when Terah was two hundred yere olde and fyue, he dyed in Haran.