new(i) 31 G3568 { Now G2076 [G5748] is G2920 the judgment G5127 of this G2889 world: G3568 now G1544 0 shall G3588 the G758 ruler G3588 G5127 of this G2889 world G1544 [G5701] be cast G1854 out.} 32 G2504 { And I, G1437 if G5312 [G5686] I shall be lifted up G1537 from G1093 the earth, G1670 [G5692] will draw G3956 all G4314 men to G1683 me.} 33 G1161 G5124 This G3004 [G5707] he said, G4591 [G5723] signifying G4169 what G2288 death G3195 [G5707] he should G599 [G5721] die.