Job 20:12-15

  12 H7451 Though evil H4985 [H8686] may be sweet H6310 in his mouth, H3582 [H8686] though he may hide H3956 it under his tongue;
  13 H2550 [H8799] Though he may spare H5800 [H8799] it, and forsake H4513 [H8799] it not; but keep it still H8432 within H2441 the roof of his mouth:
  14 H3899 Yet his food H4578 in his body H2015 [H8738] is turned, H4846 it is the gall H6620 of asps H7130 within him.
  15 H1104 [H8804] He hath swallowed down H2428 riches, H6958 [H8686] and he shall vomit them up again: H410 God H3423 [H8686] shall cast them out H990 of his belly.