Judges 6:19 Cross References - WEB_Strongs

  19 H1439 Gideon H935 went in, H6213 and prepared H5795 a young goat, H4682 and unleavened cakes H374 of an ephah H7058 of meal. H7760 He put H1320 the meat H5536 in a basket H7760 and he put H4839 the broth H6517 in a pot, H3318 and brought it out H424 to him under the oak, H5066 and presented it.

Genesis 18:6-8

  6 H85 Abraham H4116 hurried H168 into the tent H8283 to Sarah, H559 and said, H4116 "Quickly H7969 prepare three H5429 measures H5560 of fine H7058 meal, H3888 knead H6213 it, H6213 and make H5692 cakes."
  7 H85 Abraham H7323 ran H1241 to the herd, H3947 and fetched H7390 a tender H2896 and good H1121 calf, H5414 and gave H5288 it to the servant. H4116 He hurried H6213 to dress it.
  8 H3947 He took H2529 butter, H2461 milk, H1121 and the calf H6213 which he had dressed, H5414 and set H6440 it before them. H5975 He stood H6440 by them H6086 under the tree, and they ate.

Leviticus 2:4

  4 H7126 "‘When you offer H4503 an offering H4503 of a meal offering H3989 baked H8574 in the oven, H4682 it shall be unleavened H2471 cakes H5560 of fine flour H1101 mixed H8081 with oil, H4682 or unleavened H7550 wafers H4886 anointed H8081 with oil.

Judges 13:15-19

  15 H4495 Manoah H559 said H4397 to the angel H3068 of Yahweh, H6113 "Please, let us detain H1423 you, that we may make a young goat H6213 ready H6440 for you."
  16 H4397 The angel H3068 of Yahweh H559 said H4495 to Manoah, H6113 "Though you detain H398 me, I won't eat H3899 of your bread; H518 and if H6213 you will prepare H6213 a burnt offering, H6213 you must offer H3068 it to Yahweh." H4495 For Manoah H3045 didn't know H4397 that he was the angel H3068 of Yahweh.
  17 H4495 Manoah H559 said H4397 to the angel H3068 of Yahweh, H8034 "What is your name, H1697 that when your words H935 happen, H3513 we may honor you?"
  18 H4397 The angel H3068 of Yahweh H559 said H7592 to him, "Why do you ask H8034 about my name, H6383 since it is wonderful?"
  19 H4495 So Manoah H3947 took H1423 the young goat H4503 with the meal offering, H5927 and offered H6697 it on the rock H3068 to Yahweh. H6213 Then the angel did H6381 a wonderful H4495 thing as Manoah H802 and his wife H7200 looked on.

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.