1 Timothy 2 Cross References - JMNT

1 Consequently I am habitually calling you alongside to encourage, counsel and exhort you to first of all be constantly making petitions for needs, prayers (speaking, thinking and doing toward things being well), encounters (or: intercessions; meetings within situations to converse or hit and obtain the objective), [and] expressions of gratitude (or: of the goodness of grace and favor) over (or: on behalf of; for) all mankind (humanity) – 2 over (or: for) kings and all those being folks within a position of holding control over (or: above) [others] (or: being in superiority or high station), to the end that we may continuously lead (or: carry through) a course of life that is still – at rest (free from all agitation or disturbance with tranquility arising from without), and also quiet – peaceable (gentle, exciting no disturbance in others, with tranquility arising from within) in all reverence (pious and devout relations with everything) and majestic seriousness (dignity and gravity which inspire awe). 3 This [is] beautiful (fine; ideal) and welcomingly received from the presence of, and in the sight of, God, our Deliverer (our Savior; the One Who heals us and makes us whole, restoring us to our original state and condition), 4 Who is constantly willing (continuously intending and purposing) all mankind (all humanity) to be saved (delivered; rescued; made healthy and whole), and (or: even) to come into a full, accurate, experiential and intimate knowledge and insight of Truth (or: into a realization of reality), 5 for God [is] One, and One [is the] Mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus (or: for [there is] one God, and one medium between God and humans, [the] human, Anointed Jesus), 6 the One giving Himself a correspondent ransom (a ransom in the place of and directed toward the situation) over [the situation of and] on behalf of (or: for) all (everyone; all humanity and all things) – the witness [note: “the witness” is omitted by A; other MSS: the evidence of which] [will come] in its own fitting situations (or: the Witness for their own seasons; the Testimony to and for His own particular occasions; the evidence [appears] in its own fertile moments) – 7 into the midst of which I, a preacher (or: herald) and one sent with a mission (an envoy and representative), was placed (or: am set) – I am speaking truth, I am not lying – a teacher of multitudes (nations; the multiplied ethnic groups; non-Jews), within faith and Truth (or: in union with trust and reality). 8 I am wanting and intending, then, the men (adult males) within every place to habitually pray (constantly think, speak and act toward having ease, goodness and well-being), continually lifting up loyal and dutiful hands that are pure from all crime, apart from impulse of intrinsic fervor (or: passion and swelling desire; or: anger, indignation or wrath) and reasonings (debates; divisions in thinking; dialogues; computations). 9 Likewise, women to habitually adorn and arrange themselves in an ordered and arranged system of proper behavior and descent clothing: with modesty, so as to be unseen (or: as having downcast eyes), and soundness of mind (sanity and sensibility), not in braids (or: inter-weavings) and in golden ornaments, or in pearls or expensive garments, 10 but rather – what is suitable (proper; fitting; becoming) in (or: for; to) women giving instruction on reverence for God [note: refers to women who taught “God-fearers” in synagogues, to prepare these folks for conversion] – through good works and virtuous actions. 11 A woman (or: wife) must be habitually learning – within calm quietness (without making a fuss; in peaceableness and gentleness, exciting no disturbance in others, and with tranquility arising from within) – in union with every humble alignment while giving support (or: within every subordinate arrangement). 12 Now I am not turning upon a woman, so as to direct her to be habitually teaching (or: Yet I do not habitually turn on a wife, to regularly teach [her]) – neither to continually act in self-authority to use arms for murdering an adult male (or: = habitually to be a self-appointed master to domineer over a man [note: this may have been an exhortation against Gnosticism, and a possible rendering could be: And I am not permitting a woman to teach that she is the originator of a man]) – but rather to exist (or: be) within quietness (centered in gentleness, exciting no disturbance, with tranquility arising from within) – 13 for you see, Adam was molded and formed first, thereafter (or: next), Eve. 14 Also, Adam was not seduced and deceived, but the woman being completely cheated out by seduction (or: thoroughly deluded) has come to be and exists within deviation (transgression; a stepping by the side), 15 yet she will be delivered (rescued; saved; made whole and restored to her original state and condition) through the Birth (or: birthing) of the Child – should they dwell (abide) within faith (and: trust) and love and the results of being set-apart (holiness; the quality of sacred difference), with soundness of mind (sanity; sensibility). The Word [is] full of faith! (or: Trustworthy [is] this message.)

Matthew 1:21-25

21 "Now she will proceed giving birth to (or: will be bringing forth) a Son, and you will proceed calling His name Jesus [= Yeshua, or Joshua; in Hebrew: the Savior is Yahweh], for he will progressively restore His people to health and wholeness (will salvage, rescue, save and deliver His people and return them to their original state and condition), away from their failures to hit the target (from their mistakes, errors and sins)." 22 Now this whole [occurrence; situation] has happened and has come into existence to the end that the thing being spoken by [the] Lord [= Yahweh] through the prophet would (could) be fulfilled, [he] continually saying, 23 "Look and consider! The Virgin will proceed holding (having) one within the womb (= The young woman of marriageable age will become pregnant) and then will proceed giving birth to a Son, and they will repeatedly call His name 'Emmanuel,'" [Isa. 7:14] which is normally being translated and interpreted, "God [is] with us." (or: "God Himself {literally: The God} [is present] with us.")

Matthew 1:23-25

23 "Look and consider! The Virgin will proceed holding (having) one within the womb (= The young woman of marriageable age will become pregnant) and then will proceed giving birth to a Son, and they will repeatedly call His name 'Emmanuel,'" [Isa. 7:14] which is normally being translated and interpreted, "God [is] with us." (or: "God Himself {literally: The God} [is present] with us.") 24 Then Joseph, upon being awakened from sound sleep, did as the Lord's agent (= the messenger of Yahweh) had directed (or: arranged toward) him: he took his wife to his side (or: he accepted and received his wife; = married her and took her home), 25 and yet he continued having no intimate experience [with] or [sexual] knowing [of] her until [the situation] where she gave birth to a [other MSS: her firstborn] Son and he called His name Jesus [= Joshua: Yahweh is the Deliverer; the Healer-Restorer-Savior is Yahweh].

Matthew 5:22-24

22 "However, I Myself am now saying to you people that everyone, who – from internal swelling or agitated emotions of his natural disposition, or from the fruition of his mental bent – is habitually being randomly impulsive to, or without cause repeatedly intensely angry with, his brother (= fellow member of the society) will continue being held within the decision (= under control of the judging of the local court). Now whoever may at some point say to his brother, 'Raca (an Aramaic word of verbal abuse: contemptible imbecile; worthless good-for-nothing; senseless empty-head; brainless idiot; blockhead)!' will continue being held within (= accountable to) the Sanhedrin (the ruling Jewish council). Yet whoever may at some point say, 'Inept moron (Stupid scoundrel; Despicable fool; Perverse idiot)!' will continue being held within (= accountable to) [placement] into the [part of] the Valley of Hinnom which pertains to the fire (i.e., the incinerator for refuse in the dump outside of Jerusalem). [note: Dallas Willard, in his book The Divine Conspiracy, HarperSanFrancisoc, 1998, p. 151-2, points out that raca was a word of contempt, and contempt, he says, is "a studied degradation of another," or, it is meant to "mark [someone] out" as being "contemptible." He further shows that using expressions of contempt "breaks the social bond" and excludes, pushes a person away, and leaves him isolated. Willard cites Prov. 14:16; 18:2 and 26:11 as Biblical definitions of a "fool;" he states that this word "is a combination of stupid perversity and rebellion against God"] 23 "So if you folks should happen to be in the process of offering your gift (or: bearing forward your gift [to be placed]) upon the altar, and there you should be reminded that your brother continues holding something against you (or: continues to have something [written] down pertaining to you, or possesses [evidence] that could bring you down), 24 "at once abandon your gift – there, in front of the altar – and proceed on your way to bring things under control: first be reconciled with your brother (or: have the situation thoroughly changed by your brother), and then coming, continue offering (bearing forward) your gift. [note: beginning with vs. 22, above, Jesus uses the word brother in its wider semantic range, in His teaching, to indicate the sense of solidarity, membership of a group, or fellow human being; other NT writers do the same – it often means "fellow believer," or "member of God's family, but here would likely mean "fellow countryman"]

Matthew 5:44

44 "Yet I, Myself, am now saying to you folks: Be constantly loving your enemies (urging toward reunion with, and accepting as persons standing on the same ground, those folks hostile to you; [comment: this could have applied to the Romans, as well as to personal enemies]), and be habitually praying over (on behalf of) the people continuously persecuting you –

Matthew 6:9-10

9 "Therefore, be continuously praying in this way: 'O our Father – the One within and in union with the heavens! (or: in the midst of the atmosphere and firmament!) Make Your Name to be set-apart and kept holy (or: treated as sacred). 10 Make Your reign and kingdom come. Make Your will (the effect of Your intent and purpose) come into existence (happen; come to be; be birthed) – as within heaven (or: [the] atmosphere), so also upon earth.

Matthew 6:12

12 And then, send away the results of our debts for us (let the effects of our obligations flow away in us; cancel our indebtedness), as we also dismiss and send away the debts for those who owe us (let the obligations owed to us flow away; cancel the loans of our debtors).

Matthew 6:14-15

14 "You see, if you folks should (or: can) send away (let flow off; forgive; dismiss) for (or: from) people (or: mankind) the effects of their falling to the side [of the Way; of the Path pointed out] (or: their trespasses; their false steps and offenses; their goof-ups and blunders), your heavenly Father (or: your Father Who inhabits, and can be compared to, the atmosphere) will continue sending away, dismissing, forgiving and letting [things; some MSS add: the effects of your falling to the side] flow off for (or: in) you, as well. 15 "Yet if you folks should not send away for (or: from) people the effects of their falling to the side, neither will your Father continue sending away (dismissing; forgiving; letting flow away) the effects of your falling to the side, offending or goofing.

Matthew 6:28-29

28 "And so why are you folks constantly worrying or fretting about clothing? Fully learn about, and from, the lilies of the field – how they are progressively growing (or: Learn thoroughly and consider well how the wild anemones continue growing and increasing). They are not constantly working hard or becoming weary from struggle, nor are they habitually spinning to make thread for cloth, 29 "yet I am now saying to you that not even Solomon, in all his splendor and glory clothed or arrayed himself as one of these [flowers]!

Matthew 11:8

8 "But further, what did you folks go out to see and perceive? A person having been clothed in soft, delicate garments? Think about it! Those normally wearing soft and delicate garments are in the houses that belong to kings.

Matthew 20:28

28 "Just as the Son of the Man (= Adam's son; the eschatological human) did not come to be taken care of by attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service – even to give His soul-life (= Himself): a ransom, a price paid (or: a loosener) in the place of many to effect their release."

Matthew 21:21

21 So Jesus, giving a decided reply, said to them, "Truly (It is so; Depend on it; Amen), I am now saying and laying it out for you, if you can continuously hold trust (or: if you folks should constantly have faith) and would not be affected by some separating factor passing through your act of discerning or judging, leading you to hesitate, doubt, or completely question your decision, [then] not only will you men do [what I did] to the fig tree, but further, you can also say to this mountain range (or: hill country; mountain), 'Be uplifted, and then be flung (cast) into the midst of the lake (or: sea)!' It will progressively come to pass (It will proceed in birthing itself and happening). [comment: in prophetic language a mountain was a figure for a kingdom, and the sea represented the masses of humanity]

Matthew 28:19

19 "Therefore, while going on your way, instruct and make disciples (at some point enlist students and apprentices) of all the ethnic multitudes (the pagans; the Gentiles; the nations; the non-Israelites), habitually immersing them [i.e., the people (masculine pronoun)] (or: one-after-another [B & D read: at some point] baptizing them to the point of infusion and saturation) into the Name which has reference to, belongs to, has its origin and character in, and which represents, the Father and the Son, as well as the Set-apart Breath-effect (or: the Name from the Father, as well as from the Son, and even which is the Holy Spirit; or: the Name of the Father and of the Son – even of the Holy Spirit; or: the Father's Name, even the Son's, and which pertains to the Sacred Breath; or: the Name belonging to the Father and the Son, and which is the Sacred Attitude; or: the Name of the Father, and then of the Son, and which comes from the se-apart Spirit; or: the Name which represents the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; or: the Name which comes from the Father, belongs to the Son, and corresponds to the Holy result of the Breath), [note: Eusebius gives this as "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name." – Eusebius: The History of the Church from Christ to Constantine, translated by G. A. Williamson, Barnes & Noble Books, 1995, p 111. Williamson footnotes: "Matt. 28:19, in a simpler, perhaps a more primitive form." comment: this may have been a paraphrase; it may come from a lost MS tradition; it may represent an interpretation of this verse in the early AD 300's; cf Acts 2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5]

Mark 10:45

45 "You see, even the Son of the Man (or: And so, the Son of humanity, as well,) did not come to be given attending service, but to the contrary, to give attending service, and further, to give His soul (or: soul life) [as] a ransom payment – for unbinding and release – for, as, in the place of, and thus on behalf of and which corresponds to, many people."

Mark 11:23-25

23 "Indeed, I am now saying (or: I am truly saying now) that whoever may say to this mountain (or: in this mountain), 'Be picked up, and be cast (thrown) into the midst of the sea,' and may not be undecided or be divided in his discernment or judgment within his heart, but to the contrary, can (or: may; would) continuously trust and believe with confidence that what he is speaking is progressively occurring (or: birthing itself; coming into existence), it will proceed being [thus] for him (or: by him; to him; in him; with him). 24 "Because of this (or: Through this) I now say to you folks, All things (Everything) – as much or many as you are habitually praying and repeatedly requesting – be constantly trusting and believing that you received or obtained [them], and it will continue existing for you folks (proceed being in you people, with you folks as well as to or by you). 25 "And whenever you are normally standing (or: repeatedly take a stand), being folks constantly thinking, speaking or acting with a view toward goodness and well-being (or: being ones in the habit of praying), continue habitually letting flow away whatever you folks are continuing to hold down on someone (or: be repeatedly forgiving {abandoning [it]; sending [it] away} if you still have anything against anyone), to the end that your Father, also – the One within the midst of the heavens (or: in union with the atmospheres) – should let flow away (may at once forgive and send away) the effects of your trespasses (offenses) in you (for you)." [note: vs. 26 omitted by Nestle-Aland, Westcott & Hort, Panin, Tasker – following Aleph, B, L, W, D & Y]

Mark 12:29-33

29 So Jesus gave a decided reply to him, "Foremost (= Most important) is, 'Be habitually listening and hearing [and, thus, obeying], O Israel, [the] Lord [= Yahweh] [is] our God. [The] Lord [Yahweh] is (continually exists being) one. [note: the Sh’ma] 30 'And so, you folks will be loving [the] Lord [= Yahweh] your God from out of the midst of your whole heart, and from out of the midst of your whole soul, and from out of the midst of your whole intellect (throughout the midst of your entire comprehension and full mental ability), and from out of the midst of your whole strength.' [Deut. 6:4-5] 31 " [The] second one [is] the same [or, with other MSS: And {the} second one [is] like this one], 'You folks will continue loving your near-one (or: neighbor; associate) as he were (or: like) yourself.' [Lev. 19:18] There is no other investment with authorization (implanted goal; impartation of the finished product within; inward directive) greater than these!" 32 The scribe (scholar) said to Him, "Teacher, in truth you spoke beautifully (= you gave a fine answer), that He is one and there is no other more than (or: besides) Him. 33 "And this 'to be constantly loving Him' from a whole heart and from the whole understanding, even out of the whole strength, and then to be habitually loving the near-one (neighbor; associate) as he were (or: like) oneself – it is excessively more than the effect of all of the whole burnt-offerings and sacrifices."

Mark 16:15

15 Then He said to them, "As you are journeying on your way (or: As you are traveling) into all the ordered system (the world of religion, culture and government; secular society), you men make a public proclamation of the good news (or: herald the good message of ease and wellness) to the entire creation (or: in all the founded and civilized area that has been reclaimed from the wild).

Luke 1:6

6 Now both continued being (or: were) fair and equitable folks [who followed] the way pointed out in right and just relationships before (in front of and in the sight of) God, habitually going their way within all the implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives) and effects of equity (or: results of just and rightwised dealings springing from right relationships) whose source and origin is the Lord [= Yahweh] (or: in union with all the Lord's [= Yahweh's] commandments as well as the results of being in the way pointed out) [being] blameless (or: un-blamable) ones.

Luke 1:47

47 "and the effect and result of my breath expresses extreme joy (or: my spirit and attitude transports supreme happiness and exultation) upon the God [who is] my Savior (or: upon God, my Savior; upon God, the One [being] my Savior),

Luke 1:77

77 "to give intimate, experiential knowledge of deliverance (salvation; safety; rescue; health and wholeness; return to the original state and condition) to and for His people, in conjunction with a sending away (a divorcing; an abandoning; a flowing away; forgiveness) of their mistakes, failures, shortcomings, deviations and sins,

Luke 2:7

7 And she gave birth to her Son, the firstborn, and then she wrapped Him in long strips of swathing cloth and made Him lie back in a manger (feeding trough), because there was not a place for them in the public lodging place (a shelter for travelers to be loosing-down; a caravansary; an inn).

Luke 2:10-11

10 And so the agent (messenger) says to them, "Stop being afraid (or: Do not continue fearing)! Look, and consider this – for you see, I, myself, am now bringing and announcing good news (a message of ease and wellness) to and for you folks: great joy which will progressively be for all the people (or: will continue existing in the entire general public), 11 "that a Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness, and to your original state, condition and position) was birthed and brought forth to, for and among you folks today, within the town of David, Who is (exists being) Christ [the] Lord (or: [the] Lord Christ; or: an Anointed Lord, Master and Owner; an Anointed One, a Lord; = Messiah, [the] Lord)!

Luke 2:25

25 And now, look and consider this! There was a man within Jerusalem whose name [was] Simeon, and this man [was] just (fair; equitable; in right relationships; in accord with the way pointed out) as well as grasping things well (or: well-received; taking it with ease and wellness), habitually receptive to (or: continuously welcoming and granting access to) Israel's call to the side for relief, aid, comfort and encouragement (or: the work and function of a Paraclete from Israel) – and a set-apart spirit (a holy wind; a separated Breath-effect; a sacred attitude) was continuously being upon him.

Luke 14:23

23 "So the owner (lord; master) said to the slave, "At once go out into the roads and fenced areas (or: hedgerows; boundary walls), and at once compel (force) [them] to come in, so that my house may be filled to capacity!

Luke 23:34

34 Now Jesus kept on saying, "O Father, let it flow away in them (or: send it away for them; forgive them), for they have not seen, so they do not know or perceive, what they are now doing." "Now they cast a 'lot' (equivalent to: threw dice) in dividing and distributing His garments." [Ps. 22:18]

Luke 23:42-43

42 And then (D adds: turning to the Lord) he went on to say, "Jesus... remember me (other MSS add: O Lord,) whenever you may come into Your kingdom (other MSS: within Your reign; [D reads: in the day of Your coming])." 43 And so Jesus said to him, "Truly it is so (or: Count on it!)... I am now saying to you (D adds: Be of good cheer and take courage)... Today (This very day) you will proceed being (continue existing) with Me within the midst of Paradise (= in the Garden [note: used in the LXX for the Garden of Eden])!"

Luke 24:47

47 "and then, upon the [authority and basis of] His Name, a change of mind and thinking – [proceeding, or, leading] into a flowing away of failures (a sending away of mistakes; a forgiveness of sins; a divorcing of the situations of missing the target; an abandonment of guilt; a release from error) – is to be proclaimed by heralds unto all the ethnic multitudes and nations (or: the Gentiles; the non-Israelites), beginning (or: with folks starting) from Jerusalem.

Luke 24:50

50 Now He led them out [on the Mount Olives] as far as facing toward Bethany (or: to where [the road turns off] toward Bethany), and then, after lifting up His hands on [them], He spoke words of ease and well-being, and blessed them.

John 1:14

14 And so The Word (the Idea; the Thought; the Reason; the Discourse; the Message; The Collected Expression of Rational Logic; The Logos; = the meaning, plan and rational purpose of the ordered universe) births Itself flesh (or: became flesh; came to be [in] flesh; came into existence being flesh; = God's thought, the ground of all real existence, became projected into creation as an immanent power within the world of mankind, inhabiting flesh), and lives in a tent, within us (or: set up a tent and tabernacled among us), and we view (attentively gaze at; looked at so as to contemplate) Its (or: His) glory (Its manifestation which calls forth praise; Its appearance which creates and effects opinions in regard to the whole of human experience; = His manifest presence): a glory (= prestige and importance; reputation and opinion-forming appearance) as of an only-begotten one at a father’s side (or: [the] glory from [the presence of the] Father, as a uniquely-born One), full of grace and truth (filled with favor as well as reality and genuineness).

John 3:15-17

15 "to the end that everyone – the one habitually believing and trusting – would continuously have eonian life (life having the state of being, qualities and characteristics of the sphere pertaining to the Age [of the Messiah]; age-quality and eon-lasting life): within (or: in union with) Him! [with other MSS: so that all, while continuously trusting into Him {others: on Him}, may not lose or destroy themselves, but rather may habitually hold age-abiding life (eonian life; life that continues on through the ages).] 16 "For thus God loves the world (the universe; the ordered arrangement; the organized system [of life and society]; or: = all mankind), so that He gives His uniquely-born [with other MSS: the only-begotten] Son, (or, reading wste as an adverb: You see, in this manner God loves the sum total of created beings as being the Son: He gives the Only-begotten One; or: reading wV te: For you see, [it is] in this way [that] God loves the aggregate of humanity – even as it were His Son: He gives the uniquely-born One), to the end that all (or: everyone) – the one habitually believing, putting confidence and trusting into Him – would not lose or destroy himself, or cause himself to fall into ruin, but rather can continuously have (or: would habitually possess and hold) eonian life (age-durative life with qualities derived from the Age [of the Messiah]; living existence of and for the ages). [note 1): I have here given the “fact” sense of the aorist tense of the verbs “love” and “give” rather than the simple past tense. The statement by Jesus is a “timeless” fact of God; it signifies that the object of His love and His gift (that object being the cosmos, the universe, the world of men and created beings) is in view as a whole, and both the love and the gift are presented as fact, as one complete whole (punctiliar) which exists apart from any sense of time (i.e., coming from the realm or sphere of the “eternal,” or, “the Being of God;” note 2): Paul Tillich defines "love" (agape): the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; an ecstatic manifestation of the Spiritual Presence; acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object; – Systematic Theology III, pp 134-138] 17 "For God does not send forth His [other MSS: the] Son as an Emissary, or Representative, into the world (or: System; aggregate of humanity) to the end that He should continuously separate and make decisions about the world (or: would at some point sift and judge the System, or the aggregate of humanity), but to the contrary, to the end that the world would be delivered (or: that the System could be healed and made whole; that the ordered arrangement should be restored to health; that the aggregate of mankind may be saved – rescued and re-established in its original state): through Him!

John 4:21

21 Jesus then says to her, "Be constantly trusting in Me (or: by and with Me; or: Continue believing Me), O woman (= dear lady), because an hour is progressively coming when neither within this mountain nor within Jerusalem will you folks continue giving worship to the Father.

John 4:23-24

23 "Nevertheless an hour is progressively coming – and now exists (or: is; is being) – when the true (real; genuine) worshipers will proceed to worship (or: will habitually give worship to) the Father within spirit and Truth (or: in breath and reality; within the midst of [the] Spirit and a Fact; in union with attitude and genuineness, or actuality), for the Father is also constantly seeking after such folks (habitually searching out such ones as this; continuously looking for and trying to find lost ones to be this kind) – ones presently by habit worshiping Him! 24 "God [is] spirit (or: Breath; Wind; a Breath-effect and Attitude), and it is binding (or: necessary) for the ones continuously worshiping Him to be constantly worshiping in union with spirit and Truth (in Breath-effect and Reality; within the midst of [the] Spirit and [the] Fact; in the midst of [life]-attitude and genuineness/actuality)."

John 6:37

37 "All that (or: Everything which) the Father continues giving to Me will move toward Me to finally arrive here, and the person progressively coming toward Me I may under no circumstances (or: would by no means) throw forth from out of the midst (eject; cast out) [so that he will be] outside,

John 6:51

51 "I Myself am (or: continuously exist being) the continuously living Bread – the One stepping down (or: descending) from out of the midst of the atmosphere (or: heaven). If anyone should eat from out of this Bread, he will continue living on into the Age. Now the Bread, also, which I Myself will continue giving over (or: for the sake of) the life of the world (the ordered system; or: = ‘the totality of human social existence’ – Walter Wink; the aggregate of humanity) is (or: continuously exists being) My flesh!"

John 7:35

35 Therefore, the Jews (= religious authorities) said to themselves (= toward each other), "Where is this fellow about to proceed journeying, that we will not be finding him? He is not about to be traveling into the Dispersion, among the Greeks (= either: the Greek-speaking Jews; or: = all those having been absorbed into the Greek culture and civilization), and to be teaching the Greeks, is he?

John 10:15

15 "just as the Father has continuous, intimate knowledge of Me, and I have continuous, intimate knowledge of the Father, and I am constantly placing My soul over the sheep.

John 14:6

6 Jesus then says to him, "I Myself am (exist being) the Way (or: Path), the Truth (the Reality) and the Life (or: = I am the way to really live). No one is presently going to, or progressively coming toward, the Father, except through Me (through means of Me, or, through the midst of Me).

John 17:3

3 "Now THIS is (or: exists being) eonian life (living existence of and for the ages; life pertaining to the Age [of Messiah]): namely, that they may progressively come to intimately and experientially know You, the only true and real (genuine) God – and Jesus Christ, Whom You send forth as an Emissary (or: as well as Jesus [as the] Anointed One, whom You sent off as a Representative).

John 17:17

17 "Set them apart (or: Make them different from the norm) within the midst of the Truth (or: in union with, and centered in, reality). Your Word (Logos) exists being Truth (or: Your thought, idea and expressed message of divine rational meaning and purpose is Reality).

Acts 7:60

60 Now kneeling, he cried out with a great (or: loud) voice, "O Lord [= Christ or Yahweh], You should not place (or: set; cause to stand) this mistake (failure; error; sin) to (or: on) them (= do not charge this sin against them)!" Then, after saying this, he fell asleep (euphemism: he died). Now Saul was endorsing (approving in; thinking well together [with them] about) his assassination (at his lifting up; in his murder).

Acts 9:15

15 Yet the Lord [= Christ] said to him, "Be presently going (or: Go, and continue on your way), because this one is (or: exists being) a vessel of choice to Me (or: a picked our and chosen instrument for Me) to lift up and carry My Name before (in the sight and presence of) the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; Gentiles; non-Israelites) – as well as [before] kings and [the] sons (= people) of Israel.

Acts 9:36

36 Now in Joppa there was a certain female disciple named Tabitha – which, being translated, is normally called Dorcas (= Gazelle). She was full of good works and noble, virtuous acts – as well as deeds of mercy and gifts of compassion – which she was habitually doing.

Acts 9:39

39 So after arising, Peter went with them, whom – upon [his] arriving – they led up into the upper room (or: the upstairs chamber). Then all the widows presented [themselves] to him and stood by, weeping and exhibiting tunics and outer garments (= dresses and coats) [and] whatever Dorcas used to make [while] still being with them.

Acts 10:2

2 a person of well-directed reverence (or: devout and virtuous conduct; one who properly stands in awe of God) and by habit fearing God, along with all his household, constantly performing many acts of mercy and making lots of gifts that express [his] compassion to the people, as well as repeatedly making requests of God (or: from God) throughout all times and situations.

Acts 10:4

4 So he, gazing intently at him and then coming to be in reverent fear, said, "What is it, sir (or: [my] lord)?" Now [the agent] replied, "Your prayers along with your gifts and acts of mercy ascended into a situation that has caused you not to be forgotten (or: unto a memorial or a remembrance) in a place facing (or: before; in front of) God.

Acts 10:22

22 So they said, "Cornelius – a centurion (army officer), a just, fair and equitable man who lives in accord with the way pointed out, as well as being habitually God-fearing, besides being a person constantly attested (reported by witnesses; = highly regarded) by the whole nation of the Judeans – was given useful and practical instructions on this matter, by a set-apart agent (or: sacred messenger): to send you over unto his house, and then to listen face-to-face to gush-effects of your spoken words and declarations (or: to [the] effects of the flow, at your side; or: = to hear in person what you have to say)."

Acts 10:31

31 "and proceeds to utter, 'Cornelius, your thoughts, speech and deeds toward goodness and well-being (or: prayer) came into hearing (or: [entering] into the midst were heard; or: were listened into) and (or: even) your gifts, as well as acts, of mercy were remembered in God's sight and presence.

Acts 14:27

27 Now coming to be alongside (= present) and after gathering the called-out community together, they began recounting [to them] whatever God did (performed) with them [D reads: with their souls], and that He opened up a (or: [the]) door of trust with the ethnic multitudes (or: from faith among the nations; of confidence for the non-Jews; to the Gentiles, from faith).

Acts 17:30

30 "Indeed then, upon looking over, seeing above and perceiving on behalf of [D reads: taking no notice of] the times of this ignorance, in regard to the present conditions and situations, God is presently and progressively passing along [other MSS: bringing back] this announcement to mankind (or: for humanity): all people (or: every human) everywhere are (or: is) to be progressively changing [their] thinking and continue with a changed mindset!

Acts 21:5

5 So when there came to be the days to furnish us (fit us out [with provisions] and put us in appropriate condition), after going out, we continued on our journey – all of them, together with women and children, progressively sending us forward and accompanying us till outside of the city. Then, kneeling upon the beach (or: seashore), after speaking toward having things go well for us (or: praying)

Acts 22:21

21 "Then He said to me, 'Get on your way, because I Myself will be sending you off with a mission, out into the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) afar off.'"

Acts 24:16

16 "Within this I myself also habitually exercise, exert myself, train and make endeavors: to be constantly having (or: habitually holding) a conscience free from striking toward [others], being inoffensive to God as well as [to] humanity – through all [situations] and at all [times].

Acts 26:17-18

17 "'now Myself choosing you from out of the midst of the People (or: repeatedly taking you from out of the midst of, i.e., rescuing you from, the People), as well as from out of the midst of the ethnic multitudes (or: nations; non-Jews) unto whom I Myself am progressively sending you off with a mission: 18 "'to open back up their eyes again; to turn [their eyes; or: them] back: away from darkness (a realm of the shadow; dimness and obscurity) into Light, even from the authority and privilege of the adversary (or: that is, from the right which comes from out being the opponent), and upon God; to receive a flowing away of deviations and a release from failures, mistakes and occasions of missing the goal (or: a forgiveness of sins) and an allotted inheritance among and in union with the folks having been – and now remaining – set apart in, with and for faith which [leads] into Me (or: centered within the people now made holy by trust [which is] by the One [having come] into the midst of Me; or: within those having been consecrated for loyalty, sanctified with faith and now set apart to trusting conviction [that has brought them] unto Me).'

Acts 26:20

20 "but to the contrary, both to the folks in Damascus, first, and then in Jerusalem – besides all the country of Judea – and later to the ethnic multitudes (the nations; the non-Jews) I kept on reporting the message to be progressively changing one's way of thinking and perspective, as well as to be turning back upon (= oriented to) God, while habitually performing works (or: constantly committing deeds and practicing acts) worthy of that change of mind and that embody the value equal to [a return to Yahweh].

Romans 1:8

8 First, indeed, I am constantly giving thanks to my God (or: expressing the well-being and goodness in the grace and favor by my God) – through Jesus Christ – about (with reference to; concerning) all of you folks, because (or: that) your faith and trust are being repeatedly proclaimed (or: announced) down within (= throughout the midst of) the whole ordered System (world of culture, economy, government and religion; or: = the Roman Empire). 9 For you see, God is my Witness (or: continuously exists being my Evidence) – to and in Whom I continuously render service (or: for Whom I am hired to constantly work), within my spirit (or: in union with my Breath-effect; in my attitude), within His Son’s good news (or: in union with the message of goodness, ease and well-being pertaining to, coming from, having the character of, and which is, His Son) – how unintermittingly (without intervals in between; unceasingly) I am habitually constructing a memory (or: producing a recollection) pertaining to you (or: making mention of you folks),

Romans 3:29-30

29 Or [is He] the God of [the] Jews only? [Is He] not also of the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; non-Jews)? Yes, of the ethnic multitudes (nations) also, 30 since indeed (or: if after all; [other MSS: seeing that God [is] One (or: [there is] one God; [it is the] one God; = God [is; tends toward] Union; [Deut. 6:4,Shema]) Who from out of faithfulness (or: forth from [His] faith, trust and loyalty) will, by rightwising [them], progressively make Circumcision right, just and free from guilt, placing them in the Way pointed out and setting them in solidarity within right relationships – and (or: as well as) Uncircumcision through means of the [same] faithfulness (by means of this trust, faith and loyalty).

Romans 5:6

6 For during our yet existing [as] weak folks and continuing in being without strength (or: [B reads: Since in fact] when we were infirm, and thus helpless), Christ, still corresponding to and in accord with [the] appointed season (or: down from a kairos; in the sphere of and down into the level of a fitting situation; in line with a fertile moment), died for the sake of the ungodly and irreverent (or: died over [the situation of] and on behalf of those without awe of God).

Romans 6:17

17 But Grace by God (or: Now [this is] happiness granted as favor in God): that you folks were existing, continuing to be slaves of the Sin (slaves of failure; slaves belonging to the missing the target), yet now you submissively hear and pay attention, so as to obey – from out of heart! – [the] type of instruction (or: chiseled and imprinted pattern of teaching) into which you are (or: at one point were) given over (handed over and entrusted; given alongside).

Romans 9:1

1 Truth I presently speak within Christ (or: I am constantly speaking reality in union with [the] Anointed One; centered in [the] Anointing), I am not now lying (or: I do not habitually lie), my conscience (my joint-knowing from having seen together) habitually giving joint-witness (testifying together; giving corroborating evidence) to me (in me; for me; with me) within [the] Holy Spirit (or: in a set-apart spirit and attitude; in union with a Sacred Breath),

Romans 10:12-15

12 You see, there is no distinction or separation made by putting asunder in order to define or distinguish between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord (Owner; Master) of everyone (or: for the same One [being] Lord of all) is continuously being rich unto (or: is constantly abundantly furnishing [Himself] into) all the folks habitually calling upon Him.

Romans 10:12

12 You see, there is no distinction or separation made by putting asunder in order to define or distinguish between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord (Owner; Master) of everyone (or: for the same One [being] Lord of all) is continuously being rich unto (or: is constantly abundantly furnishing [Himself] into) all the folks habitually calling upon Him. 13 For thus it follows, "Everyone – whoever may at some point call upon the Name of the Lord [= Yahweh] – will proceed being delivered (kept safe; rescued; saved, healed and made whole)!" [Joel 2:32] 14 How, then, can (may; should; would) they at some point call unto (= invoke) One Whom (or: that which) they do not trust or believe (or: did not have faith in)? And how can (may; should; would) they believe where they do not hear (or: trust in Whom they did not hear)? And how can they at any point hear apart from a person continually making public proclamation (habitually publishing and extensively heralding)?

Romans 10:14

14 How, then, can (may; should; would) they at some point call unto (= invoke) One Whom (or: that which) they do not trust or believe (or: did not have faith in)? And how can (may; should; would) they believe where they do not hear (or: trust in Whom they did not hear)? And how can they at any point hear apart from a person continually making public proclamation (habitually publishing and extensively heralding)? 15 Yet how can they publicly proclaim unless they may be sent forth as representative with a mission (or: as emissaries)? Just as it has been and stands written, "How timely and seasonable [are] the feet of the folks continually bringing and announcing goodness (or: the good news of ease and well-being): the good and excellent things!" [Isa. 52:7]

Romans 11:13

13 So I am presently speaking for and to you, the nations (the ethnic multitudes; the non-Jews; the Gentiles; the pagans). In as much as (or: For as long as), indeed then, I myself am an emissary (envoy; missionary; one sent on a mission with a commission) pertaining to and belonging to [the] ethnic multitudes (nations; non-Jewish groups; Gentiles; pagans), I am continually building the reputation, appearance and notions of my service and dispensing (or: I am glorifying the function and execution of my attending in waiting upon [you folks]),

Romans 12:1-2

1 Consequently, brothers, I am repeatedly calling you folks alongside to exhort, implore and encourage you, through God's compassions to stand your bodies alongside (or: to set or place your bodies beside) [the] Well-pleasing, Set-apart (Holy; Different-from-the-usual), Living Sacrifice by God (or: in God; for God; to God; with God), [this being] your sacred service which pertains to thought, reason and communication (or: your reasoned and rational service; the logical and Word-based service from you folks). 2 And stop constantly conforming yourselves to (or, as passive: So then, quit being repeatedly molded by, fashioned for or patterned together with) this age [with other MSS: and not to be continuously configured to this age, or not to constantly remodel yourself for this age], but on the contrary, be progressively transformed (transfigured; changed in form and semblance) by the renewing (or: in the renewal; for the making-back-up-new again) of your mind [with other MSS: from The Mind; of the intellect; pertaining to the faculties of perceiving and understanding; of the mindset, disposition, inner orientation and world view] into the [situation and condition for] you folks to be habitually examining in order to be testing and, after scrutiny, distinguishing and approving what [is] God's will (design; purpose; resolve; intent): the good and well-pleasing, even perfect (finished, complete and destined)! (or: = the thing [that is] virtuous, satisfying and able to succeed in its purpose.)

Romans 12:18

18 since [you are] full of power (or: if capable; if or since able) regarding that which has its source in you folks (or: as to that which proceeds from yourselves corporately), [live] being folks continuously at peace with all mankind (in the midst of all people),

Romans 13:1-7

1 Every soul (or: = Everyone) is to be continuously placed and arranged, or aligned, in a supportive position by superior (or: excelling) authorities (or: must be subjected to rulers holding dominion and jurisdiction above [him]; [p46, D*, F, G read: To every superior authority you folks must subject yourselves]). For an authority does not exist except under God (or: For there is no authority, except by God), and the existing ones are those which have been arranged and set in order, under God (placed in their relative positions by God). 2 So that, the one constantly placing himself in opposition to the authority (or: the man resisting and posting an array as to battle against or to stand instead of the authority) has taken a stand against God's precise and complete arrangement (or: institution), and the ones having taken an opposing stand, and remaining in determined resistance, will progressively take to themselves (or: will continue receiving in themselves) a result of a decision (the effect that which [God] decides to do or to bring to pass; a judgment-effect; a result of separating for evaluation). 3 For the chief ones (those in first position; the headships; the princes; the rulers) are not a fear to (or: for) the good work (the virtuous and profitable action), but rather, for the worthless (the ugly; the base; the evil; the one of poor quality). Now are you not wanting to constantly fear and be wary of (or: So are you normally desiring to be unafraid of) the authority? Keep doing the good (the virtuous; the profitable), and you will have praise (applause; commendation) forth from it [i.e., the authority], 4 for it is God's servant (attendant who renders service or does a duty; an aid in dispensing; one who arranges for provision) for you (or: to you), [directing you] into the good (the profitable; the virtuous). Yet if you should be constantly doing the worthless (the evil; the base; the thing of poor quality; the ugly), be fearing with a healthy respect, for it is not purposelessly (aimlessly; vainly) continuing to bear the sword! For it is God's servant, a maintainer of what is right (an obtainer and executor of justice; an avenger) into a fruitful fervor (to a strong personal emotion; unto an angry result; unto [its] personal bent) for (or: in; to) the person constantly practicing or performing the worthless (the ugly; the poor of quality; the evil). 5 On which account (or: Wherefore) [there is] compelling necessity (or: compression) to constantly be subjected and humbly aligned in support (or, as a middle: to be subjecting and aligning oneself; to place oneself under; to humbly subordinate oneself), not only (or: solely) because of strong personal emotion (intrinsic fervor; natural disposition; swelling desire and teeming passion; or: indignation, anger or wrath), but further, also, because of the conscience. 6 For you see, because of this you folks continually fulfill the obligation by paying tribute-taxes brought on by a foreign ruler – for they are God's public servants (officials; officers), men constantly attending to (staying by and persisting at) this very thing [i.e., duties]. 7 Render (give away in answer to a claim; pay) the debts (the duties; what is owed) to everyone: to the tax [collector], the tax; to the [one collecting] civil support tax, the civil government tax; to [whom] fear [is due], fear; to the one [due] honor and value, honor and value.

Romans 14:18

18 You see the one continuously slaving for and in the Christ in this [realm, sphere or regard] [is; continues being] well-pleasing (well-satisfying; fully acceptable) to (or: in; by; with) God, and approved (after examination and testing) by people (or: among mankind).

Romans 15:16

16 into the [arranged ability for] me to be Christ Jesus' public servant into the nations (a public worker of Jesus Christ unto the ethnic multitudes and pagans), constantly doing the work of a priest for God's good news (or: habitually functioning as the Temple for the message of the goodness, which is God), to the end that the offering composed of the ethnic multitudes (or: the act of bearing forward gifts from the pagans; the approaching of the nations as an offering) can become well-received and pleasingly acceptable, it being [an offering; a carrying toward] having been set-apart and remaining sacred within the midst of holy spirit and a sacred attitude (or: in union with a set-apart Breath-effect; within [the] Holy Spirit).

Romans 16:26

26 but now is being brought to light and manifested, and through prophetic Scriptures, down from (in accord with, on the level of and in line with) a command of the eonian God (from the God Who exists through and comprises the ages; of God in relation to the ages; or: = from the God who created, inhabits, owns and rules the ages), [which leads] into hearing obedience from faith as well as a humble listening and paying attention belonging to trust, pertaining to confidence and which comprises loyalty – suddenly being made known unto all the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; pagans; non-Israelites),

1 Corinthians 1:6

6 correspondingly and in proportion as Christ's witness (or: the testimony pertaining to and whose origin is the Anointed One; or: the evidence of the Anointing) was made certain, stable and established on good footing (or: validated, warranted and confirmed) within you folks,

1 Corinthians 7:7

7 You see [other MSS: Now], I normally want (keep on wishing; repeatedly set my will for) all people (all mankind; all humans) to habitually exist being even as myself! But of course each one continues having and holding his own effect and result of grace and favor (or: gracious gift) from out of God: on the one hand, one person in this way, and on the other hand, another in that way.

1 Corinthians 8:4

4 Therefore, concerning the eating of the [foods] that were offered in sacrifice to idols, we have seen and know that an idol is nothing (or: = meaningless) within [the] System (in the world of [our] culture or religion, or within the midst of the created universe), and that [there is] no other God, except One.

1 Corinthians 8:6

6 to the contrary, to us (or: for us; with us) [there is] one God, the Father, from out of the midst of Whom [is] the whole (or: [are] all things) – and we [directed and proceeding] into Him – even one Lord (or: as well as one Owner and Master), Jesus Christ: through Whom [is] the whole (or: [are] all things) – and we through means of and through the midst of Him!

1 Corinthians 11:3

3 Now I continue intending (willing; wanting; purposing) you folks to be aware, from having seen and thus knowing, that the Christ is (or: exists being) the Source (or: Head) of every adult male (or: the Anointing is the head of every husband); in turn the adult male [was] a source of woman (or: the husband [is] a head of a wife); and yet God [is the] Source of the Christ (or: [is] Head of the Anointed One)!

1 Corinthians 11:8-9

8 You see, [the] adult male is not (or: a husband does not exist being) forth from out of the midst of a woman (or: [the] wife), for to the contrary, [the] woman ([the] Wife) [is] forth from out of the midst of [the] adult male ([the] Husband)! [Gen. 2:21,22] [note: it can be argued that thus she is crowning glory of creation] 9 For also, [the] adult Male (or: Husband) was not created through (or: because of) the Woman (or: Wife), but to the contrary, [the] Woman (or: Wife) through (or: because of) the adult Male (or: the Husband).

1 Corinthians 14:34-35

34 "let the wives (or: women) habitually hush and continue silent [when] within the midst of the local assemblies of the called-out, for it continues not being allowed or permitted for them to be constantly babbling or habitually holding conversations, but rather, let them be habitually humbly aligned (or: be supportively attached and subordinate themselves) – correspondingly as also the Law (or: the custom; or: = [the Torah]) continues saying.

1 Corinthians 14:34

34 "let the wives (or: women) habitually hush and continue silent [when] within the midst of the local assemblies of the called-out, for it continues not being allowed or permitted for them to be constantly babbling or habitually holding conversations, but rather, let them be habitually humbly aligned (or: be supportively attached and subordinate themselves) – correspondingly as also the Law (or: the custom; or: = [the Torah]) continues saying. 35 "Now if they are still desiring and intending to continue learning something, let them be habitually asking (inquiring of) their own husbands (or: adult males) at home (within [the] house), for it is, and continues being, bad form and shamefully offensive for a wife (or: woman) to be constantly babbling or habitually holding conversations within the midst of the local assembly of the called-out." [note: D, F, G and other MSS place vss. 34-35 after vs. 40. Some scholars consider this as evidence of an early introduction into the text. If the author is referencing the Torah, in vs. 34, then this would have been a Jewish custom; if merely citing custom, he could have referred to the local custom in Corinth, thinking that this group was not yet ready for the freedom of maturity in Christ which Paul brings out in later epistles]

1 Corinthians 15:3

3 For I handed on (or: give over as tradition) to you, among [the] first (or: primary) things, that which I also accepted and embraced: that Christ died over [the situation and circumstances of] our failures (on behalf of our mistakes and sins) – corresponding to the Scriptures –

1 Corinthians 15:45-47

45 Thus also (or: In this way also), it has been written, "The first human (or: man), Adam, came for existence (or: was birthed) into [being] a living soul" [Gen. 2:7]; the Last Adam into [being] a continuously life-making (life-engendering; life-creating; life-giving) Spirit (or: Breath-effect; Attitude). 46 Nevertheless, the spiritual [is] not first, but rather the one having the qualities and characteristics of a soul (the soulish), then afterwards, the spiritual (that pertaining to and having the qualities of Breath-effect and Attitude). 47 The first human (person; man) [was/is] forth from out of the earth (land; ground; soil; dirt), made of moist soil and mud (or: having the quality and characteristics of moist dirt that can be poured; soilish), the Second Human (Person; Man; [p 46 reads: {is} spiritual; other MSS add: {is} the Lord]) [is made] of heaven (or: sky; atmosphere). [note: the phrases describing the material of the two humans are parallel in the Greek of the first textual reading]

2 Corinthians 5:14-15

14 for you see, Christ's love (urge for accepting reunion) continuously holds us together. [We are] deciding (discerning; judging) this: that [some MSS add: since] One Person (or: Man) died over [the situation of] all mankind (or: for the sake of all); consequently all people died (or: accordingly, then, all humanity died). 15 And further, He died over all humanity (over [the situation] of, and for the sake of all) to the end that those living may (or: could; would) no longer live for themselves (to themselves; in themselves; by themselves), but rather for (or: in; by; to; with) the One dying and then being awakened and raised up over them (over their [situation]; for their sakes),

2 Corinthians 5:17-19

17 Consequently, since someone [is] within Christ (or: So that if anyone [is] in union with [the] Anointed One; or: And as since a Certain One [was] in Christ), [there is] a new creation (or: [it is] a framing and founding of a different kind; [he or she is] an act of creation having a fresh character and a new quality): the original things (the beginning [situations]; the archaic and primitive [arrangements]) passed by (or: went to the side). Consider! New things have come into existence (have been birthed; or: It has become new things; or: He has been birthed and now exists being ones of a different kind, character and quality). [note: cf Rev. 21:5] 18 Yet further, all these things [are] (or: the Whole [is]) forth from out of the midst of God – the One transforming us to be completely other [than we were] (or: bringing us into another place or state of being; changing us to correspond with other [perceptions and conceptions]; altering us to be conformed to another [person]; changing us from enmity to friendship; reconciling us) in Himself (or: with Himself; by Himself; to Himself; for Himself), through Christ, and giving to us the attending service of, and the dispensing from, the transformation [for folks] to be other [than before] (or: the change into another [position]; the changing to correspond with other [situations; perceptions]; the alteration to be another [person]; the change from enmity to friendship; the reconciliation), 19 as that God was existing within Christ (God was and continued being in union with [the] Anointed One) progressively and completely transforming [the] aggregate of humanity (or: world) to be other [than it is] (or: progressively bringing [the] ordered System into another level or state; repeatedly changing [the] universe to correspond with other [conditions; perceptions]; progressively altering [the] ordered arrangement of culture, religions, economy and government to be in line with another one; habitually and progressively changing [the] secular realm [of humanity] from enmity to friendship; reconciling [the] world [of mankind]) in Himself, to Himself, for Himself and by Himself, not accounting to them (not putting to their account; not logically considering for them; not reasoning in them) the results and effects of their falls to the side (their trespasses and offences), even placing within us the Word (the Idea; the Reason; the message) of the corresponding transformation to otherness (or: the full alteration; the change from enmity to friendship; the conciliation).

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for you see, He made (or: formed; makes) the One not at any point knowing failure (sin; error; mistake) by intimate experience [to take the place of; to be] failure over us and our [situation] (or: He constructed [as] a sin [offering], for our sake, the Person who was not at that point having an experiential knowledge of missing the target or making a mistake), to the end that we may be birthed (come into existence being; come to be) God's rightwised qualities (God's right relationship with fair and equitable dealing which accords to the Way pointed out; God's justice; God's way it should be, with well-ordered living and right thinking; also: = participants in a covenant from God), within Him and in union with Him.

2 Corinthians 8:6

6 [leading] us to assist and encourage Titus, so that, just as he did before in the beginning, thus also he should fully finish and complete even this favor unto you folks (or: he should bring this grace to its goal: even into you people).

2 Corinthians 11:3

3 Yet I continue fearing lest somehow, as the serpent thoroughly deceived (or: seduces; fully deludes) Eve within its capability for every work (its cunning ability in all crafts and actions; its readiness to do anything), the results of directing your minds should be decayed (could be ruined; would be spoiled or corrupted) away from the singleness [of purpose] and simplicity [of being] – even the purity – which [focuses us] into the Christ (or: [leads] into the Anointing).

2 Corinthians 11:31

31 The God and Father of the Lord Jesus (or, in apposition: which is [the] Lord Jesus) – the One continuously being a blessed One (or: the One constantly existing being [in character and quality as] a Word of ease and a Message of wellness and goodness) on into the ages – has seen and thus knows that I am not lying.

Galatians 1:16

16 to unveil (reveal; uncover; disclose) His Son within the midst of me (or: in union with me), to the end that I in myself (or: for myself; by myself; of myself) would announce and proclaim the message of goodness, [which is] Him, within the ethnic multitudes (or: may bring and tell the message of ease and well-being: Him [now] among the nations), I did not immediately place myself back toward flesh and blood (= present my cause up for the approval of other people; consult anyone; seek communication or advice from my race, kin or religion),

Galatians 1:20

20 Now what I am presently writing to you folks (or: for you folks), consider! In God's sight, I am not lying!

Galatians 2:9

9 then Jacob (or: James), Cephas and John – those continuing to be disposed to thinking and imagination (or: those yet forming opinions) and seeming, by reputation, to be pillars (or: supportive columns [note: a figure of a living temple]) – recognizing (or: coming to know) by intimate experience the grace and favor being given by me (or: to me; in me; for me), gave to me and to Barnabas [the] right [hands] of common partnership, from common participation, in regard to common existence/situation and which signified equal belonging in fellowship, community and sharing, to the end that we [would continue] into the nations (multitudes; ethnic groups; Gentiles; non-Jews) – yet they, into the Circumcision –

Galatians 2:16

16 having seen and thus knowing that humanity (or: mankind; or: a person) is not normally being put in right relationship made fair and equitable; made free from guilt and set into the Way pointed out; rightwised and made to be a just one; = being presently brought into covenant) from out of works of Law (or: forth from a law's deeds or actions from custom), but instead through Jesus Christ's faith (or: faith that belongs to and originates in Christ Jesus), even we ourselves trusted and believed into Christ Jesus, to the end that we would be put in right relationship made to be just, fair and equitable; be released from guilt; be rightwised and placed into the Way pointed out; also = be made a member of the covenant) from out of the midst of Christ's faith, as a source and sphere (or: forth from trust and conviction, which are Christ),– NOT from out of the midst of works of Law, as a source and sphere, because from out of the midst of works of Law (or: forth from a law's deeds or actions corresponding to custom; or: out of works which comprise [the] Law) "no flesh (= person or human) at all will be put in right relationship made to be just, fair and equitable; be freed from guilt; be rightwised or turned in the right direction from being placed into the Way pointed out; = put in covenant)." [Ps. 143:2]

Galatians 3:9

9 So then, those from out of faith (or: = folks who are derived from trust and confidence and who come from a place of loyal allegiance) are being constantly blessed (repeatedly given the Word of wellness; continuously made to participate in the Good Word) together with the full-of-faith Abraham (or: the trusting, believing, convinced and loyal Abraham).

Galatians 3:20

20 Now there is no mediator of one (= when one person is concerned or is acting alone). Yet (or: Now) God is One. [note: to make a promise, one is sufficient – there is no need for a middleman]

Galatians 4:4

4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law,

Galatians 4:4-5

4 Yet when the effect of the filling of the time came (or: that which was filled up by time reached full term), forth from out of a mission (or: from out of the midst of [Himself]), God sent-off His Son, being Himself come to be born from out of a woman, being Himself come to be born under [the rules, authority and influence of] Law, 5 to the end that He could (or: would) buy out (ransom; redeem; reclaim [from slavery]) those under [the] Law – so that we could and would receive and take away into possession the placing in the condition of a son (or: the deposit of the Son; the setting in place which is the Son; the constituting as a son; the placing in the Son).

Ephesians 1:7

7 within and in union with Whom we continuously have (constantly hold; progressively possess) the redemption (the release into freedom procured by the payment of a ransom; the liberation from our predicament) through His blood the sending away (causing to flow off; forgiveness; dismissal) of the effects and results of the fallings-aside (the stumblings by the side; wrong steps; offences; transgressions), in accordance with (or: down from; corresponding to; in keeping with; to the level of) the wealth and riches of His grace and joyous favor,

Ephesians 1:9-10

9 [This occurred] while making known to us (acquainting us by intimate, experiential knowledge; suddenly making us to realize) the secret (mystery; hidden knowledge) of His will (determined purpose; resolve) in accord with (or: down from and following the pattern of; corresponding to; in line with) His good thought which He before placed within Himself (or: corresponding to the measure of His pleasing imagination and intent of well-being which He designed beforehand and determined by setting it forth within Himself), 10 [leading] into a planned administration of the effects of that which fills up the appointed seasons and fertile moments (or: unto a dispensing of the entire contents of the opportune situations; [leading] into a house-law of the result from the full measure of the fitting situations and a management of the household of the complement of the seasons; into an administration of the full effect from the eras), [designed] to itself bring back all things (or: the whole) up under one Head (or: to bring back to and gather round the main point and source of all things) within and in union with the Christ: those things upon [other MSS: within] the heavens (or: the atmospheres) and the things upon the land (earth) within and in union with Him!

Ephesians 1:17

17 to the end that the God of (or: pertaining to; or, reading the genitive as in apposition: Who is) our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the Glory, might give (suddenly impart) to you a spirit (or: breath-effect; attitude) of wisdom and revelation (unveiling; uncovering; disclosure) within the midst of a full, experiential and intimate knowledge of Himself (or: in a full realization of Him; or: within and in union with His full, personal knowledge; or: resident within an added insight from Him, and which is Him),

Ephesians 2:10

10 or the fact is, we are (continually exist being) the effect of what He did (or: His creation; the thing He has constructed; the result of His work; His achievement; His opus; the effect of His Deed): people being founded from a state of disorder and wildness (being framed, built, settled and created), within and in union with Christ Jesus, upon good works (virtuous actions; excellent deeds) which God made ready (prepared; or: prepares) beforehand, to the end that we may walk about (= live our lives) within and in union with them.

Ephesians 3:5

5 which to other generations (or: for births of a different kind; in different generations of another nature) was not made known to the sons of mankind (humanity; the humans) as it is now (at the present time) uncovered (unveiled; revealed) in spirit (or: within a Breath-effect; or: in union with [the] Spirit) by (or: to; among) His set-apart emissaries (or: consecrated folks that are sent forth from Him as spokesmen) and prophets (folks having light ahead of time),

Ephesians 3:7-8

7 of which I came to be (was birthed; became) an attendant (a server; one who renders service and dispenses) in accord with, down from, in the sphere of and commensurate with the gift of God's grace and favor that being given to me (or: by me) in accord with (or: down from; corresponding to; to the level of; in line with) the operative, effective, internal working energy of His power and ability! 8 To me, the one far inferior to (or: less than the least among) all of those set apart (or: the saints; the holy people), was given this grace and joyous favor: to myself address the nations (non-Jews; Gentiles; ethnic multitudes) with the good news of (or: whose source is) the untrackable (untraceable; or: not-searched-out and unexplored) riches of the Christ (or: to for myself declare and bring to the ethnic groups the message of goodness, ease and well-being of the unexploreable wealth which is the Anointed One),

Ephesians 3:13

13 Wherefore I myself continually ask (or: request) not to be constantly despondent (or: repeatedly fainthearted) within my pressures and squeezings on behalf of you folks (or: over your [situation]).Whatever, it is [for] your glory and reputation (or: something which is a manifestation which calls forth praise with regard to you).

Ephesians 4:6

6 one God and Father of all humans the One upon all people and moving through all people, and within the midst of all humanity and in union with all people and all things.

Ephesians 5:2

2 and keep on walking (walking around; = progressively living and maintaining your life) within, and in union with, Love, according as the Christ also loves (or: to the same level and commensurately as the Anointed One loved) you, and gives (or: gave) Himself over (or: up; alongside) in our behalf (over us and our [situation]; [other MSS: you]): a bearing toward and a bringingto be face to face, and then an offering (or: sacrifice) by (or: in; with; to; for) God (or: an approach [present], even a sacrifice by God) [turning] into a fragrant odor (sweet smell).

Ephesians 5:9-10

9 Be constantly walking about (= Habitually conduct yourselves) as children of Light (born ones from light) for the fruit of the Light [other MSS: Spirit] [is] in union with (or: [exists] within the midst of) all Goodness (virtue; beneficence), Justice (fair and equitable dealing in rightwised relationships which accord with the Way pointed out; also = covenant participation) and Truth (or: Reality) 10 repeatedly testing so as to prove (or: approve) what is (or: continually exists being) fully pleasing and compatible (happily acceptable; well pleasing; good pleasure) to (or: for; in; with) the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh].

Ephesians 5:20

20 constantly giving thanks (expressing gratitude; or: speaking of the well-being that is in grace and favor) to God, even [the] Father [p46 & others: to the Father, even God] at all times (or: always; = on all occasions) concerning all things (or: for everything; or: over all mankind), within the midst of and in union with the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ [= the Messiah],

Ephesians 5:22-24

22 Wives (or: Women) [are] to (or: with) their own husbands (or: adult males), as to (or: with) the Lord (or: the Owner; or: = Christ, or, Yahweh) [note: this reading follows p46, B, Clement, Origen, other church fathers & other MSS, and is the reading in Westcott and Hort, Panin, Nestle-Aland, Tasker, and is bracketed by Griesbach; however, the following reading is also in Clement, Origen, other church fathers and MSS, as well as in Aleph and A: Wives, be by habit humbly aligned and placed subordinate so as to be supportive to your own husbands, as to (or: in; by; for) the Lord], 23 because a husband exists being a head of (or: is a source with reference to) the wife as also (or: even as) the Christ [is] Head (or: Source) of the called-out community (the ecclesia; the summoned-out assembly); He Himself is (continually exists being) [the] Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness) of the Body. 24 But, just as the called-out community (summoned-forth assembly) continuously humbly aligns and places itself under for (or, as a passive: is normally subjected in support to) the Christ, thus also the wives to (or: for; with) the husbands, in everything (or: within all; among all mankind).

Philippians 1:3

3 I constantly give thanks (or: habitually speak of the goodness of grace) to my God upon every memory (or: recollection; or: mention) of you folks,

Philippians 1:11

11 being people having been filled full with [the] Fruit of fair and equitable dealings which bring right relationship within the Way pointed out (or: = from covenant inclusion): the one [that is] through Jesus Christ [that is] leading into God's glory (good reputation and manifestation of that which calls forth admiration) and praise (approval and commendation) (or: being those filled full of fruit of a rightwised nature through Jesus Christ, which proceeds into glory and praise that belongs to and pertains to God; or: ... through Jesus Christ, with a view to inhabiting the qualities and characteristics of God's reputation and praise).

Philippians 2:6-8

6 Who, starting and continuing as inherently existing (or: beginning under; subsisting) within God's form (or: in an outward mold which is God), He does not consider the [situation] to be equals in and by God a plunder (or: a pillaging; a robbery; a snatching; or: a thing or situation seized and held), (or: Who, [although] constantly humbly and supportively ruling in union with an external shape and an outward appearance from God, did not give consideration to a seizure: the [situation] to continuously exist being the same things with God, even on the same levels in God, or equal [things; aspects] to God,) 7 but to the contrary, He empties Himself (or: removed the contents of Himself; made Himself empty), receiving (or: taking; accepting) a slave's form (external shape; outward mold), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) within an effect of humanity's (mankind's; people's) likeness. 8 And so, being found in an outward fashion, mode of circumstance, condition, form-appearance (or: character, role, phase, configuration, manner) as a human (a person; a man), He lowers Himself (or: humbled Himself; made Himself low; degrades Himself; levels Himself off), coming to be (or: birthing Himself) a submissive, obedient One (one who gives the ear and listens) as far as (or: to the point of; until) death – but death of a cross (torture stake)!

Philippians 4:8

8 In conclusion (or: Finally; or: What [is] left), brothers (= fellow believers; [my] family), as much as is true (or: as many things as are genuine and real), as many as [are] awe-inspiring (serious; respectable; noble; dignified by holiness), as much as [is] rightwised (put right; fair, equitable; just; in right relationship within the Way pointed out), as many as [are] pure and innocent, as much as [is] affection-inducing (friendly; directed toward what is liked; lovable or lovely; agreeable; well-regarded; winsome; engendering fondness; attractive; kindly disposed; loveable), as many as [are] well-spoken-of (commendable; reputable; of good report; the effect of fair speaking; renowned), if [there is] any excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) [in them] and if [there is] any praise applied (expression of high evaluation; honor paid; approval or applause) [to them], be habitually thinking about these things in a logical way (repeatedly make these things the focus of careful consideration and analysis; continuously take these things into account)!

Philippians 4:18

18 But now I am continually holding possessions from (collecting; or: = receiving payment for what is due me from) all things and from all folks; I am even constantly superabounding (being surrounded by more than enough). I have been filled full, receiving from beside Epaphroditus the things from your side: an odor of a sweet fragrance (a fragrant aroma), an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God (or: with God; for God; in God).

Colossians 1:10

10 [Thus we pray for you] to walk about worthily (i.e., to live your life with corresponding value) with regard to the Lord (the Owner; [= Yahweh or Christ]) [progressing] into all pleasing (or: into every desire to please; into the midst of entire pleasure) within every good work or virtuous action, while habitually bearing fruit and constantly being folks [that] are being progressively caused to grow and increase in the full, accurate, experiential and intimate knowledge of God (or: with God's full experience of intimate knowledge and insight; or: by the added insight and experiential knowledge which is God),

Colossians 3:18

18 Wives, be habitually aligned to humbly support (or, as a middle: place and arrange yourselves in order, under) [your] husbands (or: Women, continue subjecting yourselves to the adult males [note: this was culturally appropriate at that time]), in the same way as there has progressively come again to be a connection in [the] Lord (or: since there has been an arrival back in union with [our] Master and Owner).

1 Thessalonians 2:15-16

15 even from those killing-off the Lord Jesus, as well as the prophets; even from those driving us out and continuously displeasing God, and from folks contrary to (or: in opposition against) all humans (or: people), 16 while continuously forbidding us (cutting us off; preventing us) to speak to the nations (the ethnic groups; the non-Israelite multitudes; the Gentiles) – to the end that they may be delivered (saved; rescued; healed and made whole) – always [proceeding] unto that which fills up their own failures (errors; deviations; sins)! But inherent fervor (or: swelling passion; teeming desire; or: anger; wrath; agitation of soul) advances upon them unto a purpose (or: on into [the] final act; or: in the end; on into the midst of a destined goal).

1 Thessalonians 3:12

12 Now the Lord [=Yahweh or Christ] might at some point make you increase (or: be more than enough; be augmented; [note: in quality and/or quantity]), even to be abundantly surrounded and furnished (to super-abound) by love (or: to love; for love; in love; with love) unto each other and into everyone (or: all mankind), even as we also into you,

1 Thessalonians 4:1

1 The remainder (What is left; or: Finally), then, brothers (= fellow believers), we are continuously asking and calling you alongside to encourage, exhort and comfort you folks in the Lord Jesus, according as you took to your side (or: received and accepted) from us how (or: in what manner) it is binding [for; upon] you to normally walk about (= live your lives) and to be continuously pleasing to God – just as you are even now continuously walking about – to the end that you would progressively superabound to a greater extent (or: can rather habitually excel and surround [yourselves] by more than enough).

1 Thessalonians 4:11

11 and then to habitually be fond of honor and value [and] to be repeatedly quiet (or: to be progressively ambitious to live in settled peace), and by habit to be engaged (or: involved) in your own affairs (or: matters), and then to constantly work with your own hands (idiom: = work at it actively), according as we commanded to you,

2 Thessalonians 1:3

3 We continue being indebted to be constantly expressing gratitude to God (or: We are continually owing [it] to be habitually acknowledging the goodness of grace and the well-being from the favor in God) – always – concerning you, brothers (= fellow believers; = Family members), according as it is continually valuable (pushes the scales down; is worthy), because your faith (or: trust; conviction; loyalty) is constantly flourishing (growing above; over-growing; exceedingly increasing) and the love of each one of you all continuously abounds (exists in abundance) unto and into the midst of each other,

2 Thessalonians 1:10

10 whenever He may come and go, to be made glorious within (to be glorified in union with; to have a reputation within) His set-apart folks (holy and sacred people), and to be wondered at (marveled at; admired) within all the folks believing in that day, seeing that our testimony (or: evidence), [being placed] on you, was believed (received with faith) and is trusted.

1 Timothy 1:1

1 Paul, one sent away with a commission pertaining to [the] Anointed Jesus (or: Jesus Christ's representative and envoy), down from (or: in line and accord with) an imposed arrangement from (an injunction of; a decree and charge set upon [me] pertaining to) God our Savior, even (or: and) from Christ Jesus, our Expectation (or: expectant Hope),

1 Timothy 1:5

5 Yet the purpose and goal of the notification (the message and announcement which is brought alongside and passed on) continues being love (the whole being's drive and movement toward reunion with another, to overcome existential separation; acceptance of the object of love without restriction, in spite of the estranged, profanized and demonized state of the object – Paul Tillich) forth from out of the midst of a clean heart and a good conscience (virtuous knowing-together; profitable impression of reality) and of unhypocritical faith (or: unfeigned trust; or: loyalty that is not overly critical; or: belief that lacks the qualities of being overly concerned with small details or hyper-evaluations),

1 Timothy 1:11-12

11 [which is] in accord with (or: down from; in line with and on the level of) the good news of (or: the message of goodness and ease pertaining to) the glory and reputation of The Happy God, which I, myself, was persuaded to believe (or: upon Whom I am made to trust). 12 I continue holding (or: having) grace and favor by and in the One enabling me (putting ability within me; empowering me): Christ Jesus, our Lord, because He considers me full of faith (or: deems me loyal and faithful), Himself placing [me] into a position of giving attending service,

1 Timothy 1:14

14 Yet our Lord's grace and favor overwhelms (is above more than enough; is overabounding) with faith and trust, as well as love, which are resident within Christ Jesus.

1 Timothy 2:4

4 Who is constantly willing (continuously intending and purposing) all mankind (all humanity) to be saved (delivered; rescued; made healthy and whole), and (or: even) to come into a full, accurate, experiential and intimate knowledge and insight of Truth (or: into a realization of reality),

1 Timothy 2:9

9 Likewise, women to habitually adorn and arrange themselves in an ordered and arranged system of proper behavior and descent clothing: with modesty, so as to be unseen (or: as having downcast eyes), and soundness of mind (sanity and sensibility), not in braids (or: inter-weavings) and in golden ornaments, or in pearls or expensive garments,

1 Timothy 4:10

10 for into this [end] are we constantly working hard unto weariness, and are continuously struggling in the contest (contending for the prize; other MSS: being reproached), because we have placed our expectation (or: set our hope) and thus rely upon a living God (or: upon [the] living God), Who is (exists being) [the] Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health and wholeness) of all human beings (all mankind) – especially of believers (of folks full of faith and trust; of faithful ones)!

1 Timothy 5:4

4 But if any widow currently has children or grandchildren (descendants), let these keep on learning to first show reverence with ease and virtuous devotion to goodness with pious care, for and in their own household, and to keep paying a due compensation to their parents and grandparents (progenitors), for this is welcomely received in God's sight. 5 Now the one actually being a widow, and having been left alone (= without a dowry and destitute), has placed expectation upon, and now relies on God, and constantly remains focused in requests regarding needs, and in prayers (thoughts, words and deeds aimed toward having goodness and well-being) during night and during day, 6 yet the woman continuously indulging herself in riotous luxury (excessive comfort; sensual gratification), continuing being alive (or: [though] living), she is dead (or: she has died). 7 So keep on announcing these things along the way (telling them to the one at your side), to the end that they may be folks not to be laid hold of for being reprehensible (thus: people in whom is no just cause for blame). 8 Now if anyone is not habitually having forethought or perceiving beforehand in order to provide for those who are his or her own (= relatives), and especially ones of the household (family or domestics) she or he has disowned (turned her or his back on; denied; renounced; refused) the Faith-loyalty and is worse than an unbeliever (or: has disregarded and declined their trust and exists being worse than one without faith). 9 Let a widow be put on the list, and continue enrolled, who has become no younger than sixty years old, a wife of one man (= not married a second time?), 10 having a continuing reputation founded in beautiful acts (ideal works; fine deeds): if she nourishes children (or: reared a family), if she is (or: was) hospitable to strangers and foreigners, if she washes (or: bathed) the feet of the set-apart folks (the holy ones; the saints), if she successfully wards off distress for those being constantly pressured (or: relieves those consistently being in tribulation and affliction), if she follows up on every good work (attends to every virtuous deed).

1 Timothy 5:14

14 I am wanting and intending, therefore, younger women to be marrying: to be bearing children; to continuously rule and manage a household; to be by habit giving not even one starting point (base of operation; opportunity; incentive; inducement) favoring verbal abuse (slander; reviling) to the person occupying an opposing position (or: in the one lying in opposition; for the opposer or the opposing counterpart),

1 Timothy 6:15

15 which, in its own fitting situations (appropriate seasons; appointed occasions; fertile moments), will proceed to exhibit and point out The Happy and Only Able One (only Powerful One; alone Potent One): The King of those reigning as kings, and Lord (Master; Owner) of those ruling as lords,

2 Timothy 1:8

8 Therefore, do not become ashamed of (or: You should not, then, be embarrassed by) the testimony of and from our Lord (or: the witness pertaining to our Master; the evidence which is our Owner), nor yet, [of; or: by] me, His bound-one (or: His prisoner). On the contrary, down from God's ability (or: in the sphere of power, which is God), experience things of bad quality (or: worthless encounters) together with [me] for the message of ease, goodness and well-being (or: But rather, corresponding to God's power, suffer evil and hardship with the evangel; But further, accept your share in bad treatment – in accord with the ability which comes from God – in [the Way of] the Good News), 9 pertaining to and from the One delivering and calling us (or: which is rescuing, healing restoring, saving and calling us) in a set-apart calling (or: to a holy invitation; for a separated and different sacred call); not corresponding to our works (or: down from our deeds; in accord with or on the level of our [ceremonial] activities), but on the contrary, corresponding to (down from; in accord with; on the level of) His own prior placing (or: previously setting-forth; thus: definite aim and purpose which He personally is bent on achieving), even grace: that [which is] being given to us within Christ Jesus (or: corresponding to His own predetermined purpose and the favor being given to us, [which is] belonging to and pertaining to Jesus, resident within Christ), before times having the qualities and characteristics of the ages (before [the] age-lasting time periods; prior to eonian times; = before [the] time segments of [the] ages [began]),

2 Timothy 1:11

11 into which (or: into Whom) I am placed (or: I was put): a herald (a public announcer; a proclaimer; a preacher) – even a person sent off with a mission (an envoy; a representative; or: = a messenger) – and a teacher [other MSS add: of the ethnic multitudes (nations; Gentiles; Goyim; non-Jews)].

2 Timothy 2:24

24 Now it is continually binding for (or: it is a constant necessity to) a slave of [the] Lord (= Yahweh's or Christ's slave) not to be habitually fighting (or: it is not necessary for the Lord's slave to be battling or contending), but to the contrary [he/she] is to be gentle (kind; mild) toward all, qualified, skillful and able in teaching, one holding up under poor conditions (or: having an upward focus in bad situations; holding an “up attitude” in regard to evil), 25 in accommodating meekness and with consideration constantly educating (training; disciplining; instructing; correcting) those habitually setting themselves in complete opposition or who offer resistance. May not God at some time give a change of thinking to them (or: Would not God grant in them and supply for them a change of mind), [directing and leading them] into a full and accurate experiential knowledge of Truth and reality?

2 Timothy 3:7

7 at all times (or: always) folks [note: again a neuter, or neutral, participle] that are constantly learning, and yet not at any time being able or having consistent power to come into a full, accurate experiential and intimate knowledge of Truth (or: reality).

Titus 1:1

1 Paul, God's slave (a slave of God; one bound to, subjected under and owned by God), yet one sent away with a commission (as an emissary, envoy or ambassador) from, pertaining to and belonging to Jesus Christ (or: a representative of Jesus [the] Anointed), with a view to and corresponding to [the] faith of God's chosen folks (or: in line with a trust and loyalty possessed by and characteristic of God's selected and picked-out ones) and the full, accurate and precise intimate knowledge and experiential insight of Truth and Reality – the [truth and reality] corresponding to and in accord with reverence (or: down from goodness which produces virtuous conduct with devoutness, and in line with ease from a true relation to God)

Titus 1:3

3 Now He manifests (or: brought into clear light) His Logos (His Word; the Thought from Him; the Reason, Idea, communication and expression from Him; the discourse pertaining to Him; and the message which is Him) in Its (or: His; or: their) own seasons, fitting situations and fertile moments within (or: in the midst of) a proclamation by a herald – which I, myself, was made to trust and believe – down from, in accord with and corresponding to a full arrangement (or: a setting-upon; a complete disposition; a precise placing in order; an injunction) of and from God, our Savior (Deliverer; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness and our original condition).

Titus 2:3-5

3 Old (or: Aged; Older) women, similarly (or: likewise), [are to be] women in a state and resultant condition proper and fitting for being engaged in the sacred (suitable in demeanor for serving the temple; or: = living a life appropriate [for] a person [being] a temple), not folks who thrust-through or hurl [a weapon, or something hurtful] through [someone] (or: not devils nor slanderous adversaries which bring division and hurt), nor women having been enslaved by (or: to) much wine. [They are to be] teachers of beauty and of what is fine, excellent and ideal, 4 to the end that they can (or: may; would) habitually bring the young women to their senses (or: cause new [wives] to be sound-minded and with a healthy attitude) to habitually be affectionate, friendly, loving and fond of passionately kissing their husbands [and] children, 5 ones sound of mind with a rational (or: sane; sensible; clear headed) and wholesome way of thinking and attitude, untouched so as to be undefiled and pure (chaste), workers at home (domestic; = mistress of the house), good (virtuous; with qualities of excellence), being women that are by habit supportively aligned to (or: continue being humbly arranged for) their own husbands, to the end that God's thought and idea (God's Logos; God's Word; God's message) can not be constantly blasphemed (abusively defamed; misrepresented).

Titus 2:5

5 ones sound of mind with a rational (or: sane; sensible; clear headed) and wholesome way of thinking and attitude, untouched so as to be undefiled and pure (chaste), workers at home (domestic; = mistress of the house), good (virtuous; with qualities of excellence), being women that are by habit supportively aligned to (or: continue being humbly arranged for) their own husbands, to the end that God's thought and idea (God's Logos; God's Word; God's message) can not be constantly blasphemed (abusively defamed; misrepresented).

Titus 2:10-14

10 but to the contrary, habitually displaying all good faith (every virtuous trust, faithfulness, confidence, loyalty and reliability), so that they can progressively set the teaching, which pertains to, and whose source and origin is, God, our Deliverer (Savior; Rescuer; Restorer to health, wholeness and our original state of being), into the System – in all things, within every area and among all people! 11 For God's saving grace (the salvation-imparting influence and boon of undeserved kindness, favor and goodwill whose source is God and which brings deliverance, rescue, restoration and health) has been fully set in clear Light for all mankind (or: was fully manifested to all humanity; has been made to completely appear in all people; or: has additionally shined within all humans) [other MSS: You see, the joyous favor of God: a Savior for (to; in) all mankind, has been fully displayed; or: So you see, the grace, which is God, was made to suddenly appear {as} a Savior for all humans],

Titus 2:11-14

11 For God's saving grace (the salvation-imparting influence and boon of undeserved kindness, favor and goodwill whose source is God and which brings deliverance, rescue, restoration and health) has been fully set in clear Light for all mankind (or: was fully manifested to all humanity; has been made to completely appear in all people; or: has additionally shined within all humans) [other MSS: You see, the joyous favor of God: a Savior for (to; in) all mankind, has been fully displayed; or: So you see, the grace, which is God, was made to suddenly appear {as} a Savior for all humans], 12 progressively educating and training us so that, being people refusing (renouncing; denying; disowning; turning our backs on) the irreverence (lack of awe or pious fear; disrespect of and absence of duty to God) and over-desires (full-rushing passions) pertaining to the System (or: whose source is the world), we can (may; would) live sensibly (with clear-headed soundness of mind and wholesomeness of disposition and attitude) and equitably (fairly; justly; rightwisedly; relationally in a way which reflects the Way pointed out) and reverently (in devout goodness, awe and virtuous conduct, and with ease and well-being from relationship with God) within the current age (or: the present indefinite period of time, or eon),

Titus 2:12

12 progressively educating and training us so that, being people refusing (renouncing; denying; disowning; turning our backs on) the irreverence (lack of awe or pious fear; disrespect of and absence of duty to God) and over-desires (full-rushing passions) pertaining to the System (or: whose source is the world), we can (may; would) live sensibly (with clear-headed soundness of mind and wholesomeness of disposition and attitude) and equitably (fairly; justly; rightwisedly; relationally in a way which reflects the Way pointed out) and reverently (in devout goodness, awe and virtuous conduct, and with ease and well-being from relationship with God) within the current age (or: the present indefinite period of time, or eon), 13 being folks continuously receiving with welcoming focus, and granting access and admittance to, the happy expectation – even the full manifestation (the complete display in clear light) of the glory of our great God and Deliverer (or: Savior): Jesus Christ, 14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).

Titus 2:14

14 Who gave (or: gives) Himself over us (= over our situation; on our behalf), to the end that He could loose and redeem us (= set us free) from all lawlessness – by payment of a ransom – and would cleanse and make pure in Himself (for Himself; by Himself; with Himself) a people being encircled around [Him], laid up as a super-abounding acquisition of property, zealous (bubbling up; or: boiling hot; = extremely enthusiastic) with regard to beautiful actions (or: for ideal works; from fine deeds).

Titus 3:2

2 to be in the habit of speaking injuriously of (blaspheming; slandering; defaming) no one; to be folks who are non-contentious (not disposed to fighting or quarreling), gentle, lenient, considerate and suitably reasonable, constantly displaying all kindness and gentle tenderness while behaving agreeably toward everyone (all mankind; all humanity).

Titus 3:8

8 The Idea (The Logos; The Word; The Message; The Thought) [is] full of faith (or: faithful; trustworthy), and I am continuing in intending (determining; designing; or: wishing; wanting) to progressively set you on thoroughly good footing (to make you continue thoroughly stabilized and confidently insistent) about (or: concerning) these things – to the end that those having put trust in God (or: the ones having believed God and now having faith in God) can habitually give careful thought and concern to constantly put themselves in the forefront (or: to continually promote, maintain and stand themselves for the interests) of beautiful deeds (ideal works; fine actions). These things continue being beautiful (fine; ideal), as well as augmenting a furtherance for humanity (profitable to mankind; beneficial in people).

Hebrews 2:6-13

6 Now a certain person, somewhere, made a solemn testimony (or: gave proof through thorough evidence), saying, "What is a human, that You remember him? Or a son of man (= the human being), that You continually visit, inspect (look observantly at), help and look after him? 7 "You made him a brief time inferior, at the side of agents (or: alongside folks with a message); You crowned him with glory and honor (or: You put a celebration and victor's wreath on him in a manifestation which called forth praise with a good reputation, and for value), and then You set him down (or: made him to stand; or: = appointed him) upon the works (or: actions) of Your hands. 8 "You subjected all things (or: You humbly align and arrange all people) under his feet, in order to support him." [Ps. 8:5-7] For you see, in the [situation] to subject the whole (or: humbly align and arrange all), nothing is sent away not subjected (or: humbly aligned) to Him. Yet now we are not yet seeing the whole (or: all) having been subjected (or: humbly aligned, placed or arranged under [Him]). 9 But yet, we are continuously seeing Jesus – having been made inferior for a brief time beside agentshaving been encompassed with glory (or: crowned by a good reputation) and with honor (or: in value) on account of (or: through) the effect of the experience of death (or: Now in this certain short bit of time, we keep on observing Jesus – having been made less because of the result of the suffering from, and which was, death – now having been encircled with the Victor's wreath in a manifestation which calls forth praise and with esteemed respect, at the side of the folks with the message), so that by the grace of and from God (or: for God's grace; in the favor which is God; [note: MSS 0243 & 1739, plus a Vulgate MS and in the works of Origen, Ambrose and Jerome and quoted by various writers down to the 11th century, the reading is: apart from God]) He might taste of death over [the situation and condition of] all mankind (or: for and on behalf of everyone). 10 You see, it was fitting for Him – on account of Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) and through Whom [is] the collective whole ([are] all things that exist) – in, when and by leading many sons [note: a figure for all humanity] into glory (a good reputation), to finish and perfect the Leader who first walked the Path of their deliverance (to bring to a complete state the Originator and Chief Agent of their rescue; to script the final scene for the Chief Conveyor of their restoration; to bring the Pioneering Bringer of their salvation to the destined goal) through the effects of sufferings and results of experiences [note, pascho means: to be affected by something - either good or bad; to feel, have sense experiences; thus, also: to suffer or undergo passion]. 11 For both the One separating and setting-apart and the ones being separated and set-apart [are] all out of One (= spring forth from one Source). On account of which cause (or: motive) He is not ashamed to be calling them brothers, 12 saying, "I will continue reporting Your Name to My brothers; in the midst (within the middle) of called-out communities and gathered assemblies I will sing praise songs." [Ps. 22:23] 13 And again, "I will continue being one having been convinced on Him." [Isa. 8:17, LXX] And again [it continues], "Look and consider! [Here am] I, and the young children whom God [= Yahweh] gave (or: gives) to me!" [Isa. 8:18]

Hebrews 6:11

11 Now we are constantly setting our hearts and our full desires upon each of you to habitually display the same diligence (or: earnestness; eagerness) with a view to the bearing of the full measure of the expectation (or: face to face with the full carrying of the expectant hope) – until the closing act (the goal; the end; the finished product; the completion),

Hebrews 7:25

25 Consequently He is also continuously able and powerful to be constantly delivering (continuously setting-free, restoring to health and making whole) – unto the finishing of all (unto the completed goal of everything; into the midst of the all-perfection; unto the end of all; into the final act and destiny of all) – those folks habitually approaching God through Him [Who is] always living to be repeatedly effecting encounters over them and to hit the internal target.

Hebrews 8:6

6 But now He has hit the mark of a thoroughly carried-through public service, even by as much as He continues being a Medium (an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an umpire; a Mediator) of a superior (stronger and better) arrangement (covenant; settlement; disposition) which has been instituted (set by custom; legally [= by/as Torah] established) upon superior (stronger and better) promises!

Hebrews 9:12

12 entered in at once and once for all into the midst and core of the set-apart ones (or: the holy places), at once finding in Himself an unbinding (a loosening for release and liberation; redemption) proper to, belonging to and having its origin in the Age [of the Messiah] (or: eonian, or, age-lasting liberation).

Hebrews 9:15

15 And now because of this, He continues being a Medium (an Agency; an Intervening Substance; a middle state; One in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of and from a New Arrangement (a disposition and covenant that is new in kind and quality) so that, pertaining to a death occurring (or: from a death having happened) [which leads] into an unbinding-away of the steppings-to-the-side [that were] based upon the first arrangement, (or: in order that by birthing Himself from death into the midst of a redeeming [of people] from the deviations [that came] upon the first disposition; or: so that at one point coming into existence from death [and] on into the center of a ransom-paid release from transgressions [that were founded] upon the former covenant,) the people having been called and now remaining invited can at some point take hold of (or: may seize into possession; or: would suddenly receive) the Promise of the inheritance pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age [of Messiah] (or: the eonian possession and enjoyment of the allotment; or: the inheritance of, from and for the ages).

Hebrews 10:22

22 we can be continuously and progressively approaching with a true heart in fullness of faith (or: in faith's being brought to the full), the hearts having been sprinkled from a misery-gushed consciousness of what is evil or unserviceable (or: a joint-knowledge full of labor; a conscience in a bad condition), and then the body having been bathed in and by clean water.

Hebrews 10:26

26 For you see, [at] our deliberately (voluntarily; willfully from one's being) making mistakes (entering into error; failing; shooting off-target; sinning) as a habitual way of life, after taking hold of (or: receiving; obtaining) the full, experiential knowledge and insight of the Truth and Reality, there is no longer a sacrifice concerned with sins (failures; etc.) repeatedly (or: continuously) left behind [D* reads: left around; = available for us], [comment: the sacrificial system of the old covenant no longer exists for a believer]

Hebrews 12:14

14 You folks be continuously pursuing peace and harmony [= shalom] with all mankind (or: with everyone) – as well as the process and resultant state of being different and set-apart (or: sacredness; the sanctification; or: = the situation of being set aside for God's use), apart from which not even one person will proceed in seeing (or: continue perceiving) the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ] –

Hebrews 12:24

24 and in (or: to) Jesus, a Medium (or: an agency; an intervening substance; a middle state; one in a middle position; a go-between; an Umpire; a Mediator) of a new and fresh (young; recently-born) arrangement (covenant; settlement; a deposit which moves throughout in every direction; a placing through the midst; a will and testament), and to and in blood of sprinkling, and to One continuously speaking something superior to (or: stronger and better than) Abel.

Hebrews 13:16

16 Now be not forgetful of well-doing (performing well; producing or constructing goodness; doing good deeds of ease; creating well-being) and of partnership (common-being/existence; community; participation; having things in common; fellowship; sharing and contributing), for by (or: in) such sacrifices God is continuously well pleased.

James 1:6-8

6 Yet he must keep on asking in faith and conviction (or: continue making [his] request in union with trust), making not one hesitation from habitually distinguishing and constantly evaluating differences (undecidedly separating throughout; discerning between uncertain points; judging dividedly to produce doubt) within himself, for the person repeatedly making undecided distinctions (making a separation and judging dividedly unto doubt) within himself is like a surge of the sea, being constantly raised and tossed by the wind. 7 For that man must not habitually suppose (or: normally assume) that he will continue receiving (or: taking in hand; seizing; getting) anything from beside (= from being in the presence of) the Lord [= Yahweh, or, Christ]. 8 A two-souled (or: = divided-willed; or: = emotionally split) adult male [is] unstable (unfixed; inconstant; turbulent) in all his ways.

James 4:8

8 Draw near in God (or: Approach by God; Be close at hand for God; Be or stay near to God), and He will progressively draw near in you (or: continue being or staying near to you; habitually be close at hand for you)! You failing folks (ones missing the target; sinners), cleanse [your] hands (= your actions)! You two-souled folks (or: double-minded ones; people with split affections and loyalties), purify (make of one substance) [your] hearts!

James 5:16

16 Consequently, make it a habit to fully speak in accordance with and admit (or: openly speaking out similarly about) your failures (errors; misses of the target; sins) among another folks (or: to one another), and then be habitually speaking toward having well-being over [those failures] of other folks (or: continue praying and thinking goodness on behalf of one another), in such a manner that you folks would be cured (or, as an indicative: as you are instantly healed). A binding need (or: a petition and an entreaty out of need) of a person within the Way pointed out (of a fair and equitable person; of one in right relationship; of a rightwised and rightly aligned man; of a just one) – which progressively works inwardly and itself continuously creates energy from union – constantly exerts much strength.

1 Peter 1:18-19

18 having seen, and thus knowing, that you folks were not unbound and released by a ransom of corruptible things (things that are perishable and subject to spoiling) – by little coins of silver or gold – from out of your fruitless behavior (vain conduct; idle and foolish way of life) handed down by tradition from the fathers (= your ancestors), 19 but rather by Christ's precious blood (or: in valuable blood, which is [the] Anointed One; with honorable blood of anointing; by costly blood from [the Messiah]) – as of a flawless (unblemished) and spotless Lamb:

1 Peter 2:5

5 you yourselves are, as living stones, continuously being erected (or: progressively constructed and built up), [being] a spiritual house (a building with its source being the Spirit, with the characteristics of a Breath-effect), into a set-apart (or: holy; sacred; different-from-the-ordinary) priesthood to bear up spiritual sacrifices (or: offerings) well (or: most) acceptable in God (or: by God; to God; with God), through Jesus Christ,

1 Peter 2:9-13

9 Yet you folks [are] "a picked-out (selected; chosen) offspring (family; kin; lineage; race; species; breed) [Isa. 43:20; Deut. 7:6], a royal (kingly; palace) priesthood [Ex. 19:6; Isa. 61:6], a set-apart (holy; different) multitude (company; nation; body of people living together; swarm; association; ethnic group; caste; [Ex. 19:6; note: implies a sacred life]), a people constructed into an encirclement (made into a surrounding structure; set as a perimeter; made into a performance about [Him]; formed around as an acquisition; gathered into a surrounding [flock])" [Isa. 43:21; Ex. 19:5] – so that you may tell forth the message of (or: out-message; publish; declare abroad) the excellencies and qualities of nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability) of and from the One calling you out of darkness (gloomy dimness; the realm of shadows and obscurity) into the midst of His wonderful (marvelous; amazing) light [p72 reads: into the wonderful Light], 10 [you] who [were] once (or: formerly) "not a people, " but now [are] "God's people;" [formerly] being the ones having "not been given mercy, " yet now [are] "folks being mercied (being given mercy)." [Hos. 2:25] 11 Folks that are loved (Beloved ones): I am presently calling you alongside to encourage, aid, comfort and admonish you, as resident aliens (exiles; sojourners; one dwelling beside citizens in a foreign country) and temporary residents (expatriates; strangers) to continually hold yourselves away from the fleshly over-desires (passions; full-rushing upon things), which things are constantly warring (doing military service; battling) down against the soul (the inner self and being), 12 continuously holding your beautiful behavior (your fine and ideal turning yourselves back around) among the multitudes (the companies; the associations; the ethnic groups; the nations; the castes; the non-Jews, or, Gentiles), to the end that, within what thing they are continually speaking down pertaining to you folks (repeatedly speaking against you) as of ones constantly doing the worthless and things of bad quality (or: as of evildoers or criminals; as of those repeatedly creating bad situations or forming what not ought to be), repeatedly looking upon and observing as eyewitnesses the outcome from the beautiful actions (the fine deeds; the ideal and honorable works), they may glorify (or: give a good opinion of) God, within a day of inspection and overseeing care.

1 Peter 2:12

12 continuously holding your beautiful behavior (your fine and ideal turning yourselves back around) among the multitudes (the companies; the associations; the ethnic groups; the nations; the castes; the non-Jews, or, Gentiles), to the end that, within what thing they are continually speaking down pertaining to you folks (repeatedly speaking against you) as of ones constantly doing the worthless and things of bad quality (or: as of evildoers or criminals; as of those repeatedly creating bad situations or forming what not ought to be), repeatedly looking upon and observing as eyewitnesses the outcome from the beautiful actions (the fine deeds; the ideal and honorable works), they may glorify (or: give a good opinion of) God, within a day of inspection and overseeing care. 13 Because of, and by, the Lord [= Yahweh or Christ], you folks are to be humbly aligned in and to every human creation and with every societal invention (or: be subordinated to every human framing; let yourselves be arranged under for support of every founding or institution pertaining to mankind which brings order to a state of wildness): whether to (or: by; for) a king, as to (or: by; for) one being superior (or: constantly holding over [others]; = as a prominent cultural institution),

1 Peter 2:20

20 For what sort of credible report (honorable rumor; credit; fame; praiseworthy reputation) [is it] if, being ones habitually doing what is wrong (failing to hit the target; sinning) and being repeatedly beaten and struck with a fist [p72 & other MSS: repeatedly lopped-off and pruned], you folks will continue [p72 & other MSS read: you are constantly] remaining under and enduring [it]? But to the contrary, if while habitually practicing virtue (doing good; constructing excellence) and [at the same time] repeatedly experiencing such bad treatment (or: continually suffering) you will continue [p72 reads: you are constantly] humbly remaining under, enduring and supporting [it], this [is] grace at the side of (or: from beside; = in the presence of) God,

1 Peter 2:24

24 Who, Himself, bore back up again our failures (our mistakes; our times of falling short or to the side of the target; our sins and errors) [Isa. 53:4, 12] within His body upon the tree (the wood; the stake), to the end that, being folks suddenly coming to be parted away from the failures (mistakes; errors; sins; misses of the target), we can (or: would; may) live in (or: by; for; with) the fairness and equity, in rightwised relationships, in the Path of the Way pointed out (or: = in covenant participation), where "you folks are (or: were) healed (or: cured) in the wound (or: by the welt; in the bruise of the blow)." [Isa. 53:5]

1 Peter 3:1

1 Likewise (In like manner), you wives: [Be] habitually with humility aligning yourselves to your own husbands (or: women: [Be] continually arranging yourselves for support, under your own adult males), to the end that if any (or: certain ones) are habitually unpersuaded by the Word (or: uncompliant or disobedient to the message; unconvinced with the thought, reason or idea), they will continue being profited (will progressively receive advantage; or: will proceed in being acquired as gain) without a word (or: message; reason), through the behavior (or: conduct; way of life) of the wives (or: women),

1 Peter 3:3-5

3 whose world must not consist of the external adornment – of braiding or interweaving or struggling with [the] hair and [the] placing-around of gold ornaments, or of dressing up (putting on garments) – 4 but to the contrary, [it should consist of] the hidden person (concealed humanity; cloaked personality) of the heart, within the incorruptible and imperishable quality of the gentle (tender; mild; calm; kind; meek) and still (at ease; restful; tranquil; quiet) spirit (or: attitude; disposition; or: Breath-effect), which is (or: continually exists being) of great value and very costly in God's sight (= view, or, perspective). 5 For thus, at one time, the set-apart wives (or: the holy women) – those being in the habit of placing their expectations and hopes into God – used to normally arrange their world and adorn themselves, constantly being put in humble alignment to their own husbands (or: continuously being arranged under their own adult males, to give support),

1 Peter 3:5-6

5 For thus, at one time, the set-apart wives (or: the holy women) – those being in the habit of placing their expectations and hopes into God – used to normally arrange their world and adorn themselves, constantly being put in humble alignment to their own husbands (or: continuously being arranged under their own adult males, to give support), 6 as Sarah used to humbly hear and submissively obey Abraham, habitually calling him "lord" ("master;" "my owner"), of which woman you were birthed children (or: you are become her born ones [= daughters]), women normally doing good (performing virtue; creating excellence), and not being repeatedly caused to fear even one dismay (alarm; intimidation). 7 Husbands (or: Adult males), likewise (or: in like manner): Continuously dwelling together (cohabiting; making a joint home) with [them] corresponding to intimate, experiential knowledge [of them] (= with a learned insight and an intelligent recognition of the nature and aspects of a married situation), [be] habitually assigning (portioning-off; awarding; allotting) honor (value; worth) to the female attributes (things pertaining to a woman; or: to a feminine one) as to a person having a disadvantaged position in her living (or: a weaker livelihood; or: a weaker vessel, utensil, instrument, container, gear, furniture, equipment), yet as to co-heirs of Life's grace and favor (or: of [the] grace which is life; or, with other MSS: as joint-participants in an inheritance of manifold {diverse; varied; multicolored} grace – of life [p72 adds: pertaining to and having the qualities of the Age {of eonian life}]), into the [situation where] your thoughts, words and actions projected toward goodness (or: prayers) continue not to be hindered or blocked, as if by a trench being cut in their path to impede their progress.

1 Peter 3:18

18 because even Christ (or: considering that Messiah also) died [other MSS: suffered], once for all, concerning and in relation to failures to hit the target (about errors and mistakes; around and encompassing sins [some MSS: our failures; other MSS: your failures]) – a Just One (a rightwised One; One in accord with the Way pointed out; a fair and equitable individual) over [the situation of] (or: for the sake of) unjust ones (capsized folks; those out of accord with the Way pointed out; unfair and inequitable people) – to the end that He at once may bring (or: can lead; would conduct) you folks [other MSS: us] to (or: toward) God. [He], on the one hand, being put to death in flesh (= a physical body), yet on the other hand, being made alive in spirit (or: indeed, being put to death by flesh {or: = the estranged human condition}, yet, being engendered a living one by Breath-effect {or: [the] Spirit}),

1 Peter 4:7

7 Now the Goal (or: the end; the final act; or: the finished Product; or: the completion of the plan) of all people (and: pertaining to and affecting all things) has approached and is now near at hand and [He] is close enough to touch (= has arrived)! Therefore, you folks keep a healthy and sound frame of mind (be sane and sensible) and be sober (be unintoxicated; i.e., be functional and with your wits about you) into [a state, condition or realm] with a view toward having goodness and well-being (or: into the midst of prayers).

2 Peter 1:3-7

3 just as all those things [leading] toward life and reverence (standing in awe of goodness, with adoration; the well-being of devotion and virtuous conduct from ease, in true relation to God) [are] being now available for us from having been freely given to us (or: presented as a gift in us) from His divine power and ability through the full (accurate; complete; added) intimate and experiential knowledge of the One calling us to His own (or: by His own; for His own; in His own; [other MSS read: through]) glory and excellence in nobleness (i.e., virtues of: braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor). 4 [It is] through means of which things – the precious (valuable; honorable) and greatest effects of the promises – [that] He has been freely given (or: has presented Himself as a gift) to us, to the end that through these [gifts], you folks would come to be (or: could come into existence being; should be born) people of common-being from a divine essence and nature (or: folks having a partnered share that is based upon a common existence from a divine born-instinct and native condition; or: fellow participants of a germination which is divine), while fleeing from the corruption (ruin; decay) within the dominant System (or: that is united with the secular realm; or: centered in the ordered world of society, religion, culture, economy and government; or: in the center of the aggregate of mankind), [which is] in the midst of passionate cravings (rushing emotions; lusts; violent over-desires; [or, with p72 & Aleph: fleeing the strong desire of corruption within the world]). 5 Yet, also, this same (or: And yet for this very cause): while bringing into and alongside (i.e., making full use of) all diligent haste, you folks at once fully lead the chorus of (or: completely choreograph) the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor) [being inherent] within your faith and trust; along with the intimate, experiential knowledge [being] within the excellence and nobleness (virtues of braveness, courage, good character, quality, self-restraint, magnificence, benevolence, reliability, moral valor); 6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance);

2 Peter 1:6-8

6 also the inner strength and self-restraint [which is inherent] within the intimate, experiential knowledge, as well as the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance) [being inherently] within the inner strength and self-restraint; and then the reverence (ease of virtuous conduct from true relation to God) [inherent] within the persistent remaining under in humble support (or: steadfast, patient endurance); 7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection.

2 Peter 1:7-8

7 and further, the brotherly affection (fondness for the fellow believers) [resident] within the reverence (awe with goodness; well-being of devout, virtuous conduct in the ease of true relation to God); and then finally, the love (uniting acceptance) within the brotherly affection. 8 You see, these things are constantly subsisting (or: supportively sub-governing; humbly ruling; beginning from below) as a possession in you folks [or, with A and others: are continually existing alongside being present for you] and are repeatedly being more than enough (abounding) – neither [being] inactive (or: ineffective) nor unfruitful (or: unproductive). He is continually setting [these] down and causing [them] to stand in accord [in you] unto the accurate, additional (or: full), experiential and intimate knowledge of our Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 2:5

5 And further, He did not spare [the] original ordered arrangement (a beginning or ruling world of society and culture; or: [the] secular realm), but rather spared Noah, an eighth (idiom: = with seven others), a proclaimer (herald) of justice (righteousness; fair and equitable dealings that accord with the Way pointed out; or: = covenant participation), when bringing a deluge (an inundation) upon a world (System and society; secular order) of folks devoid of awe (or: in bringing down a washing upon a system of irreverent and impious ones),

2 Peter 3:9

9 The Lord [= Yahweh] is not continually delaying the promise, as certain folks consider delay, but rather is constantly patient (long of emotion and slow in passion; long before rushing heatedly) unto you, constantly not intending any folks to be lost (or: to destroy themselves), but to the contrary, [for] all people to make room, allow space, give way and progress into a change of mind (or: = repentance and a return to God).

2 Peter 3:11

11 With all these people thus, then, being presently loosed, one after another (or: being in the process of being progressively unbound; or: with all these things being continuously dissolved in this way), in what sort of way is it continuously necessary and binding for you folks [other MSS: us; other MSS have no personal pronoun here] to constantly subsist (or: humbly rule or supportively possess)? Within set-apart (or: holy; sacred), upturned modes of behavior and [lives of] reverence (devout ease, virtuous conduct and goodness from relationship with God)!

1 John 2:1-2

1 My little children (born ones), I am writing these things to you (or: for you) to the end that you may not fail to hit the target (deviate from the goal; sin). And if anyone should at some point fail (or: suddenly commit sin, make a mistake or deviate), we constantly have One called alongside to help, give relief and guide us toward the Father (or: we continuously possess a Paraclete, face to face with the Father): Jesus Christ, [the] One in accord with the Way pointed out (or: a Just One; [the] Righteous One; [the] Fair One who is in right relationship with all; a Rightwised One; [the] right one; a Person that is turned in the right direction). 2 And He Himself exists continually being a cleansing, sheltering cover around our mistakes and errors, sheltering us from their effects so that we can be in peaceful and rightwised relationships (or: being the act by which our sins and failures are cleansed and made ineffective, effecting conciliation [to us]), yet not only around those pertaining to us (or: having their source in us), but further, even around the whole ordered System (secular realm and dominating world of culture, economy, religion and government; or: universe; or: aggregate of mankind)!

1 John 3:20-22

20 because, even if our heart may continually condemn (censure; know-down by experience), God is constantly greater than our heart, and He knows all mankind, (all people; or: everything; all things) by intimate experience. 21 Beloved ones [other MSS: Brothers], if our heart should not be constantly condemning or censuring (or: would not repeatedly experience negative insights or habitually have knowledge which leads [some MSS add: us] down), we constantly have confident freedom in speaking (boldness from our citizenship) toward and face to face with God, 22 and whatever we may continuously ask (or: habitually request), we keep on progressively receiving from Him, because we are regularly keeping (attentively watching over, guarding and observing) His implanted goals (impartations of the finished product within; inward directives of purpose and destiny) and are constantly doing (performing; constructing; producing) the things [that are] pleasing and acceptable in His sight (or: before Him).

1 John 4:10

10 Within this exists (or: is) the Love, not that we ourselves have loved [other MSS: not that we ourselves love or accept] God, but in contrast, that He Himself loves us and sends (or: urged toward reunion with us and sent) His Son as a Representative (Emissary): a cleansing, sheltering covering around our sins (failures to hit the target, errors, mistakes, deviations).

1 John 5:11-12

11 And so this is the evidence (or: exists being the testimony, witness and attested affirmation): that God gives (or: gave; grants) Life pertaining to, and having the quality of the Age (life whose source is the Age [of Messiah]; eonian life; Life of, for and on through the ages) to, for and in us, and this very Life continuously exists within His Son (or: is in union with the Son which is Him)! 12 The one continually holding (or: constantly having; progressively possessing) the Son continuously holds (constantly has; progressively possesses) the Life. The person not continuously holding (constantly having) God's Son does not now have (or: hold) the Life. [comment: it seems that the Son is the Life]

Revelation 1:5

5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness (or: reliable Evidence; loyal Martyr), the First-born of (or: pertaining to; from among; or: belonging to) the dead folks: even the Ruler (or: Prince; Leader, Beginner; Originator) of the kings of the earth – by (or: in) the One continuously loving us by loosing [other MSS: washing] us from [other MSS: out of] our failures and deviations (or: sins; errors; situations and results of where we missed the target or fell short of the goal) within His blood (or: in union with the blood which is Him),

Revelation 1:13

13 and within the midst of the lampstands, One like a Son of Man (or: a son of mankind; = [the] son of Adam; = like a human being; [or: an eschatological symbol referring to such as in Dan. 7:13 and 10:5-6]), being clothed (or: invested) [with a garment] reaching to the feet; being girded about at the breasts with a golden belt.

Revelation 2:19

19 I have seen, and thus know (am aware of) your [singular] acts (deeds; works), and love (urge toward reunion; participating acceptance), and faith (reliability), and service, as well as persistent remaining-under for support (relentless, humble endurance); and your last acts (works) [are] more than the first ones,

Revelation 5:9

9 And they repeatedly sing a new song (ode; hymn), constantly saying, "You are worthy to take (of equal value to receive) the scroll (or: codex; book) and to open its seals, because You were (or: are) slaughtered and bought us by God (for God; in God; with God), within Your blood (or: in union with the blood which is You), from out of the midst of every tribe and tongue (or: language) and people and ethnic multitude (or: nation).

Revelation 14:6

6 Next I saw an agent (or: messenger; [other MSS: another agent/messenger]) continuously flying within mid-heaven, having eonian good news (or: a message of goodness and well-being pertaining to the ages and having the character and quality of the Age), to proclaim the good news upon those situated (or: habitually sitting down) upon the Land (or: earth), and upon every multitude (nation; ethnic group), tribe, tongue, and people,

Cross Reference data is from OpenBible.info, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.