Numbers 28 Cross References - Coverdale

1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde: 2 Comaunde ye childre of Israel, & saye vnto the: The offerynge of my bred which is my offerynge of the swete sauoure, shal ye kepe in his due season, that ye maie offre vnto me. 3 And saye vnto the: These are the offerynges that ye shal offre vnto the LORDE: Lambes of a yeare olde which are without blemysh, euerydaye two for a daylie burntofferynge: 4 the one lambe in the mornynge, the other at euen. 5 And therto a tenth deale of an Epha of fyne floure for a meatofferynge, myngled with beate oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 6 this is a daylie burntofferynge, which ye offred vpon mout Sinai, for a swete sauoure of a sacrifice unto the LORDE: 7 And the drynkofferinge of the same, ye fourth parte of an Hin to a lambe, and this shalbe poured in the Sanctuary for a gifte vnto the LORDE. 8 The other lambe shalt thou prepare at eue (like as the meatofferynge in the mornynge) & the drynkofferinge therof, for a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 9 On the Sabbath daye, two lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, & two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, & the drynk offerynge therof. 10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath, besyde the daylie burntofferynge, wt his drynkofferinge. 11 And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 12 and all waye thre tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery bullocke: two tenth deales of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto the ramme: 13 and a tenth deale of fyne floure for a meatofferynge myngled with oyle vnto euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of a swete sauoure, a sacrifice unto ye LORDE. 14 And their drynkofferynges shalbe, half an Hin of wyne vnto euery bullocke, the thirde parte of an Hin to the ramme, ye fourth parte of an Hin to euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth in the yeare. 15 There shalbe offered an he goate also for a synofferynge vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge with his drynkofferynge. 16 And on the fourtene daye of the first moneth is the Easter vnto the LORDE, 17 and on the fyftene daye of the same moneth is the feast. Seue dayes shal vnleuended bred be eaten. 18 The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin, 19 and ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, one ramme, seuen labes of a yeare olde without blemysh, 20 with their meatofferynge: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oile to either bullocke, and two tenth deales to the ramme, 21 and one tenth deale to euery lambe amonge the seuen lambes. 22 And an he goate for a synofferinge, to make an attonement for you. 23 And these shal ye offre in the mornynge, besydes the burntofferynge, which is a daylie burntofferynge. 24 After this maner shal ye offre ye bred euery daye seuen dayes longe for an offeringe of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge, and drynkofferynge also. 25 And the seuenth daye shal be called an holy conuocacion with you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. 26 And the daye of the fyrst frutes (wha ye offre the meatofferynge of the moneth vnto ye LORDE in youre wekes) shal be an holy couocacion also: 27 No worke of bondage shal ye do therin. And ye shal offre a burntofferynge for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde, 28 with their meatofferynges: thre tenth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle to euery bullocke, two tenth deales to the ramme, 29 and one tent deale to euery lambe of the seuen lambes. 30 And an he goate to make an attonement for you. 31 This shal ye do, besydes ye daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferinge. Without blemysh shal they be all.

Genesis 8:21

21 And ye LORDE smelled the swete sauor, & sayde in his hert: I wyl hence forth curse the earth nomore for mas sake, for the ymaginacion of mans hert is euell, euen from the very youth of him. Therfore from hece forth I wil nomore smyte all that lyueth, as I haue done.

Exodus 12:2-11

2 This moneth shal be with you ye first moneth & at it ye shall begynne the monethes of the yeare. 3 Speake ye vnto all the congregacion of Israel, & saye: Vpon ye tenth daye of this moneth let euery one take a labe (or a kydd) where a housholder is, to euery house a labe. 4 But yf the housholde be to few for a lambe, the let him & his neghbor yt is next vnto his house, take it acordinge to the nombre of ye soules, and counte to the lambe, what euery man maye eate. 5 But it shal be a lambe without blemish, a male, & of a yeare olde. From amonge the lambes & goates shal ye take it. 6 And ye shal kepe it vnto ye fourtene daye of the moneth. And euery man of the congregacion of Israel shal slaye it aboute the eueninge.

Exodus 12:6-11

6 And ye shal kepe it vnto ye fourtene daye of the moneth. And euery man of the congregacion of Israel shal slaye it aboute the eueninge. 7 And they shal take of his bloude, and stryke it on both the syde postes of the dore, and on the vpperdore post of the house, that they eate it in. 8 And so shal they eate flesh ye same night, rosted at the fyre, & vnleuended bred, and shal eate it with sowre sawse. 9 Ye shal not eate it rawe, ner sodden with water, but onely rosted at the fyre, his heade wt his fete and pertenaunce. 10 And ye shal leaue nothynge of it ouer vntyll the mornynge: but yf eny thinge be left ouer vntyll the mornynge, ye shal burne it with fyre. 11 Of this maner shal ye eate it: Ye shal be gyrded aboute youre loynes, and haue youre shues vpon youre fete, and staues in yor handes, and ye shal eate it with haist: for it is ye LORDES Passeouer.

Exodus 12:15-17

15 Seuen dayes shall ye eate vnleuended bred: namely, vpon the first daie shal ye leaue of with leuended bred in youre houses. Who so euer eateth leuended bred from the first daye vnto ye seuenth that soule shall be roted out from Israel. 16 The first daye shall be called holy amonge you, and the seuenth also. No maner of worke shall ye do therin, saue what belongeth to the meate for all maner of soules, that onely maye ye do for you.

Exodus 12:16

16 The first daye shall be called holy amonge you, and the seuenth also. No maner of worke shall ye do therin, saue what belongeth to the meate for all maner of soules, that onely maye ye do for you. 17 And kepe you to leuended bred. For euen vpon that same daye wil I brynge youre armies out of the londe of Egipte, therfore shall ye and all youre posterities kepe this daye for a perpetuall custome. 18 Vpon the fourtene daye of the first moneth, at euen, shall ye eate vnleuended bred, vnto the one and twentye daye of the moneth, at euen:

Exodus 12:43-49

43 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses and Aaron: This is the maner of the kepynge of Passeouer. There shal no strauger eate of it. 44 But who so is a bought seruaunt let him be circumcysed, & then eate therof. 45 A straunger and an hyred seruaut shal not eate of it. 46 In one house shal it be eate. Ye shal cary none of his flesh out of the house, and ye shal not breake a bone of him. 47 The whole congregacion of Israel shal do it. 48 But yf there dwel a straunger with the, & wil holde passeouer vnto the LORDE, let him cicumcyse euery one that is male, and then let him first come, and do it, and be as one that is borne in the londe: for there shal no vncircumcysed eate therof. 49 One maner of lawe be vnto him yt is borne in the londe, & vnto the strauger yt dwelleth amoge you.

Exodus 13:6

6 Seue dayes shall thou eate vnleuended bred, & vpon the seuenth daye is the LORDES feast:

Exodus 16:36

36 A Gomor is the tenth parte of an Epha.

Exodus 20:8-11

8 Remembre the Sabbath daie, that thou sanctifie it. 9 Sixe dayes shalt thou laboure and do all thy worke: 10 But vpon the seuenth daye is the Sabbath of the LORDE thy God: thou shalt do no maner worke in it, nether thou, ner thy sonne, ner thy doughter, ner thy seruaunt, ner thy mayde, ner thy catell, ner thy straunger that is within thy gates. 11 For in sixe dayes the LORDE made heauen and earth, and the see, and all that therin is, and rested vpon the seuenth daye: therfore the LORDE blessed the seuenth daye, & halowed it.

Exodus 23:15

15 shalt thou kepe feast vnto me: namely the feast of vnleuended bred shalt thou kepe, that thou eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes ( like as I commaunded ye) in the tyme of ye moneth Abib, for in the same wentest thou out of Egipte. (But appeare not emptye before me.) 16 And ye feast whan thou first reapest thy labours, yt thou hast sowen vpon the felde. And the feast of ingatherynge in the ende of ye yeare, whan thou hast gathered in thy laboures out of the felde.

Exodus 24:18

18 And Moses wente in to the myddest of the cloude, and asceded vp in to the mount, and abode vpon the mount fourtye dayes & fourtye nightes.

Exodus 29:18

18 and burne the whole ramme vpon the altare: for it is a burntofferynge, and a swete sauoure of the sacrifice vnto the LORDE.

Exodus 29:38-42

38 And this shalt thou do with the altare: Two lambes of one yeare olde shalt thou offer euery daye vpon it: 39 the one lambe in the mornynge, and the other at euen. 40 And to one lambe a tenth deale of wheate floure, megled with ye fourth parte of an Hin of beaten oyle, and ye fourth parte of an Hin of wine for a drynk offerynge

Exodus 29:40

40 And to one lambe a tenth deale of wheate floure, megled with ye fourth parte of an Hin of beaten oyle, and ye fourth parte of an Hin of wine for a drynk offerynge 41 With the other lambe at euen shalt thou do like as with ye meateofferynge and drynkofferynge in the mornynge, for a swete sauoure of sacrifice vnto ye LORDE. 42 This is the daylie burntofferynge amonge youre posterities, at the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE, where I will proteste vnto you, and talke with the.

Exodus 29:42

42 This is the daylie burntofferynge amonge youre posterities, at the dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse before the LORDE, where I will proteste vnto you, and talke with the.

Exodus 30:9

9 Ye shall put no straunge incense therin, & offer no burntofferynge, ner meatofferynge, nether drynkofferynge theron.

Exodus 31:18

18 And whan the LORDE had made an ende of talkinge with Moses vpon the mount Sinai, he gaue him two tables of witnesse, which were of stone, and wrytten with the fynger of God.

Exodus 34:18

18 The feast of swete bred shalt thou kepe. Seuen daies shalt thou eate vnleueded bred, like as I comaunded the in the tyme of the moneth Abib: for in the moneth Abib thou wentest out of Egipte.

Exodus 34:22

22 The feast of wekes shalt thou kepe with the firstlinges of the wheate haruest: and the feast of yngaderynge at ye yeares ende.

Leviticus 1:3

3 Yf he wyl brynge a burntofferynge of ye oxen (or greate catell) the let him offre a male without blemysh, before ye dore of the Tabernacle of wytnesse, to reconcyle himself before the LORDE,

Leviticus 1:9

9 But ye bowels & legges shal be wasshen with water, and the prest shal burne alltogether vpon the altare for a burntsacrifice: this is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 1:13

13 But the bowels and ye legges shal be wasshen with water. And ye prest shal offre it alltogether, and burne it vpon ye altare for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 1:17

17 and he shall deuyde the wynges of it, but not breake the cleane of. And thus shall the prest burne it vpon the altare, euen vpon the wodd that lyeth vpo the fyre, for a burntsacrifice. This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 2:1

1 Whan a soule wyll offre a meatofferynge vnto the LORDE, then shal it be of fyne floure, and he shal poure oyle vpon it, and put frankencense theron,

Leviticus 3:11

11 And the prest shal burne it vpon the altare, for ye meate of the offerynge vnto ye LORDE.

Leviticus 4:23

23 of his synne yt he hath done, he shal bringe for his offeringe an he goate without blemysh,

Leviticus 6:9

9 Commaunde Aaron and his sonnes, and saye: This is the lawe of the burntofferynge. The burntofferynge shall burne vpon the altare all night vntyll the mornynge. But the fyre of the altare onely shal burne theron.

Leviticus 16:15

15 shall be sprenkle of the bloude thus with his fynger before the Mercyseate. The shal he kyll the goate which is the peoples synofferynge, & brynge in of his bloude within the vayle, & shall do with his bloude, as he dyd with the bloude of the bullocke, and sprenkle therwith also on the foresyde towarde the Mercyseate,

Leviticus 21:6

6 They shalbe holy vnto their God, and not vnhalowe ye name of their God: for they offre the sacrifice of the LORDE, the bred of their God, therfore shal they be holy.

Leviticus 21:8

8 therfore shal he sanctifie him self, for he offreth the bred of thy God. He shal be holy vnto the, for I am holy, even the LORDE that sanctifieth you.

Leviticus 22:20

20 What so euer hath eny blemish, shal they not offre, for they shal fynde no fauoure therwith.

Leviticus 23:3

3 Sixe dayes shalt thou worke, but the seuenth daie is the rest of the Sabbath, and shalbe called holy. Ye shal do no worke therin, for it is the Sabbath of the LORDE, where so euer ye dwell.

Leviticus 23:5-8

5 Upon ye fourtene daye of ye first moneth at euen, is the LORDES Easter. 6 And vpon ye fiftene daye of the same moneth is the feast of vnleueded bred of the LORDE. Then shall ye eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes.

Leviticus 23:6

6 And vpon ye fiftene daye of the same moneth is the feast of vnleueded bred of the LORDE. Then shall ye eate vnleuended bred seuen dayes. 7 The first daie shalbe called holy amonge you, ye shal do no worke of bodage therin, 8 seue daies shal ye offre vnto ye LORDE. The seueth daie shalbe called holy likewise, wherin ye shal do no worke of bondage also.

Leviticus 23:8

8 seue daies shal ye offre vnto ye LORDE. The seueth daie shalbe called holy likewise, wherin ye shal do no worke of bondage also.

Leviticus 23:10

10 Speake to the childre of Israel, & saye vnto them: Whan ye come into the lande yt I shall geue you, and reape downe youre haruest, ye shal brynge a shefe of the first frutes of youre haruest vnto the prest,

Leviticus 23:13

13 wt the meatofferynge, two tenth deales of fyne floure mengled with oyle, for an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE: & the drynk offerynge also, eue the fourth parte of an Hin of wyne.

Leviticus 23:15-21

15 Then shal ye nombre (from the nexte daye after the Sabbath, whan ye brought ye Waueshefe) seuen whole wekes, 16 vntyll the nexte daie after ye seueth weke, namely, fiftie daies, shal ye nombre, and offre new meatofferynges vnto the LORDE. 17 And out of all youre dwellinges shal ye offre, namely, two Waue loaues of two tenth deales of fyne floure leueded, and baken for the first frutes vnto ye LORDE. 18 And with youre bred ye shal brynge seuen lambes of one yeare olde without blemysh, and a yonge bullocke, and two rammes: this shalbe the LORDES burntofferynge, meatofferynge, and drynkoffrynge. This is a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 23:18-19

18 And with youre bred ye shal brynge seuen lambes of one yeare olde without blemysh, and a yonge bullocke, and two rammes: this shalbe the LORDES burntofferynge, meatofferynge, and drynkoffrynge. This is a sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 19 Morouer ye shal offre an he goate for a synofferynge, and two lambes of a yeare olde for an healthofferynge.

Leviticus 23:19-19

19 Morouer ye shal offre an he goate for a synofferynge, and two lambes of a yeare olde for an healthofferynge. 20 And ye prest shal waue it vpon the bred of the first frutes before the LORDE with the two lambes: And they shalbe holy vnto the LORDE, and shalbe the prestes. 21 And this daye shal ye proclame, for it shalbe called holy amonge you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. A perpetuall lawe shall it be amonge yor posterities, where so euer ye dwell.

Leviticus 23:21-21

21 And this daye shal ye proclame, for it shalbe called holy amonge you: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. A perpetuall lawe shall it be amonge yor posterities, where so euer ye dwell.

Leviticus 23:25

25 wherin ye shal do no seruyle worke, and ye shal offre sacrifice vnto the LORDE.

Leviticus 23:35-36

35 The first daye shalbe an holy couocacion: no seruyle worke shal ye do therin. 36 Seuen dayes shal ye offre vnto the LORDE. The eight daye shalbe an holy conuocacion vnto you also, and ye shal offre vnto the LORDE: for it is the daye of gatheringe together: No seruyle worke shall ye do therin.

Numbers 9:2-3

2 Let the children of Israel kepe Easter in his season, 3 euen vpon the fourtene daye of this moueth at euen, in his season shall they kepe it, acordynge to all the statutes & lawes therof.

Numbers 9:3

3 euen vpon the fourtene daye of this moueth at euen, in his season shall they kepe it, acordynge to all the statutes & lawes therof.

Numbers 9:3-5

3 euen vpon the fourtene daye of this moueth at euen, in his season shall they kepe it, acordynge to all the statutes & lawes therof. 4 And Moses spake to ye childre of Israel, yt they shulde kepe Easter. 5 And they kep Easter vpo the fourtene daye of the first moneth at euen in the wildernes of Sinai. Acordinge to all that the LORDE comaunded Moses, euen so dyd the children of Israel.

Numbers 9:7

7 and sayde vnto him: We are defiled of a deed ma: wherfore shulde we be despysed, that we must not bringe oure giftes in his season amonge the children of Israel?

Numbers 9:13

13 But he that is cleane, and not gone in a iourney, and is negligent to kepe the Easter, the same soule shal be roted out from amoge his people: because he brought not his gifte to the LORDE in his season, he shal beare his synne.

Numbers 10:10

10 Like wyse whan ye are mery, and in youre feast dayes, & in youre new Monethes, ye shal blowe with the trompettes ouer youre burntsacrifices & healthofferinges, yt it maie be a remembraunce vnto you before youre God. I am the LORDE youre God.

Numbers 15:3

3 and wil do sacrifice vnto the LORDE, whether it be a burntofferynge, or an offrynge for a speciall vowe, or a frewyll offerynge, or youre feast offerynges, that ye maye make a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, of oxen or of shepe.

Numbers 15:3-11

3 and wil do sacrifice vnto the LORDE, whether it be a burntofferynge, or an offrynge for a speciall vowe, or a frewyll offerynge, or youre feast offerynges, that ye maye make a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, of oxen or of shepe. 4 He yt wil offre now his gifte vnto ye LORDE, shal brynge for the meatofferinge a teth deale of fyne floure myngled with oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin,

Numbers 15:4-11

4 He yt wil offre now his gifte vnto ye LORDE, shal brynge for the meatofferinge a teth deale of fyne floure myngled with oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin,

Numbers 15:4-12

4 He yt wil offre now his gifte vnto ye LORDE, shal brynge for the meatofferinge a teth deale of fyne floure myngled with oyle of the fourth parte of an Hin, 5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred.

Numbers 15:5

5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred.

Numbers 15:5-11

5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred.

Numbers 15:5-12

5 and wyne for ye drynkofferynge the fourth parte of an Hin also: to the burntofferinge, or eny other offeringe, whan a lambe is offred. 6 But wha there is a ramme offred, thou shalt make the meatofferynge two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, of the thirde parte of an Hin,

Numbers 15:6-12

6 But wha there is a ramme offred, thou shalt make the meatofferynge two teth deales of fyne floure myngled with oyle, of the thirde parte of an Hin, 7 and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:7-11

7 and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:7-12

7 and ye thirde parte of an Hin of wyne also for a drynkofferinge: this shalt thou offre for a swete sauor vnto the LORDE. 8 But yf thou wilt offre an oxe for a burntofferynge, or for a speciall vowe offerynge, or for an healthofferinge vnto the LORDE,

Numbers 15:8-12

8 But yf thou wilt offre an oxe for a burntofferynge, or for a speciall vowe offerynge, or for an healthofferinge vnto the LORDE, 9 thou shalt brynge to the oxe, the meatoffrynge, euen thre tenth deales of fyne floure mingled with half an Hin of oyle, & half an Hin of wyne for a drynkoffrynge.

Numbers 15:9-12

9 thou shalt brynge to the oxe, the meatoffrynge, euen thre tenth deales of fyne floure mingled with half an Hin of oyle, & half an Hin of wyne for a drynkoffrynge. 10 This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:10-11

10 This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 15:10-12

10 This is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE. 11 Thus shalt thou do with an oxe, with a ramme, with a lambe, and with a goate.

Numbers 15:11-12

11 Thus shalt thou do with an oxe, with a ramme, with a lambe, and with a goate. 12 Acordinge as the nombre of the offerynges is, therafter shall the nombre of the meatofferynges and drynkofferynges be also.

Numbers 15:24

24 and the cogregacion do ought ignorauntly, the shal the whole congregacion offre a yonge bullocke from amonge the greate catell to a burntofferynge, for a swete sauoure vnto the LORDE, with his meatofferynge and drynkofferynge as the maner is, and an he goate for a synofferynge.

Numbers 28:3

3 And saye vnto the: These are the offerynges that ye shal offre vnto the LORDE: Lambes of a yeare olde which are without blemysh, euerydaye two for a daylie burntofferynge:

Numbers 28:10-11

10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath, besyde the daylie burntofferynge, wt his drynkofferinge.

Numbers 28:10

10 This is the burntofferynge of euery Sabbath, besyde the daylie burntofferynge, wt his drynkofferinge. 11 And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh,

Numbers 28:11

11 And on the first daye of youre monethes ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto ye LORDE: two yonge bullockes, a ramme, seue lambes of a yeare olde without blemysh,

Numbers 28:14

14 And their drynkofferynges shalbe, half an Hin of wyne vnto euery bullocke, the thirde parte of an Hin to the ramme, ye fourth parte of an Hin to euery lambe. This is the burntofferynge of euery moneth in the yeare. 15 There shalbe offered an he goate also for a synofferynge vnto the LORDE, to the daylie burntofferynge with his drynkofferynge.

Numbers 28:18

18 The first daye shalbe an holy conuocacion: No seruile worke shal ye do therin, 19 and ye shal offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE: two yonge bullockes, one ramme, seuen labes of a yeare olde without blemysh,

Numbers 28:22

22 And an he goate for a synofferinge, to make an attonement for you. 23 And these shal ye offre in the mornynge, besydes the burntofferynge, which is a daylie burntofferynge.

Numbers 28:26

26 And the daye of the fyrst frutes (wha ye offre the meatofferynge of the moneth vnto ye LORDE in youre wekes) shal be an holy couocacion also:

Numbers 28:31

31 This shal ye do, besydes ye daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferinge. Without blemysh shal they be all.

Numbers 29:1

1 And the fyrst daye of the seuenth moneth shal be with you an holy couocacion. No seruyle worke shal ye do therin, for it is the daye of youre trompet blowinge.

Numbers 29:6

6 beside ye burntofferinge of ye moneth & his meatofferinge, & besyde ye daylie burntofferynge wt his meatofferynge & with their drink offeringes, acordinge to the maner of the for a swete sauor. This is a sacrifice vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 29:8

8 but offre a burntofferynge vnto the LORDE for a swete sauoure: a yonge bullocke, a ramme, seuen lambes of a yeare olde without blemish,

Numbers 29:10

10 & one tenth deale to euery one of the seuen lambes. 11 And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the synofferinge of the attonemet, and ye daylie burntofferige wt his meatofferinge, and wt his drynkofferinge. 12 The fiftenth daye of the seuenth moneth shal be an holy couocacion wt you, no seruyle worke shal ye do therin, and seue dayes shal ye kepe a feast vnto the LORDE.

Numbers 29:16

16 & an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde ye daylye burntofferynge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

Numbers 29:19

19 And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferinge, and with his drynkofferynge.

Numbers 29:22

22 And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylye burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

Numbers 29:25

25 And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge wt his meatofferinge, & his drynk offeringe.

Numbers 29:31

31 And an he goate for a synofferinge, beside the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge.

Numbers 29:34

34 And an he goate for a synofferynge, besyde the daylie burntofferinge with his meatofferynge and his drynkofferynge. 35 On the eight daye shal ye gather the people together, No seruyle worke shall ye do therin.

Numbers 29:38-39

38 And an he goate for a synofferinge, besyde the daylie burntofferynge with his meatofferynge & his drinkofferynge. 39 These thinges shal ye do vnto ye LORDE in youre feastes, besyde that ye vowe and geue of a frewyll for burntofferinges, meatofferynges, drynkofferynges and healthofferinges.

Deuteronomy 15:21

21 But yf it haue a deformyte, so that it is lame or blynde, or hath eny other euell blemysh, thou shalt not offre it vnto ye LORDE thy God,

Deuteronomy 16:1-8

1 Obserue the moneth Abib, yt thou offre Easter vnto the LORDE yi God: for in the moneth Abib the LORDE thy God broughte ye out of Egipte by nighte. 2 And for the Easter vnto ye LORDE thy God, thou shalt offre oxen & shepe, in ye place which ye LORDE shal chose, yt his name maye dwell there. 3 Thou shalt eate no leuended bred in yt feast. Seuen dayes shalt thou eate the vnleuended bred of thy tribulacion: For with soroufull haist camest thou out of the londe of Egipte, that thou mayest remebre the daye of thy departinge out of ye londe of Egipte, all yi life longe. 4 In seue dayes shal there no leueded bred be sene within all thy coastes: & of the flesh that is offred ye first daye at euen, there shal nothinge be lefte ouer night vntyll the mornynge. 5 Thou mayest not offre Easter wt in eny of thy gates, which the LORDE thy God hath geuen the: 6 but in the place which the LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there, there shalt thou offre this Easter, at euen whan the Sonne is gone downe, euen in the same season that thou camest out of Egipte: 7 and thou shalt dighte it, and eate it in the place that the LORDE thy God hath chosen, and then turne the on the morowe, & go home in to thy tente. 8 Sixe dayes shalt thou eate vnleuended bred, and on the seuenth daye is the gatheringe together of the LORDE thy God. Thou shalt do no worke therin. 9 Seuen wekes shalt thou nombre vnto ye, and begynne to nombre whan the syccle begynneth in the corne, 10 and thou shalt kepe the Feast of wekes vnto the LORDE thy God, that thou geue a frewylofferynge of thine hande, acordinge as the LORDE thy God hath blessed the, 11 and shalt reioyse before the LORDE thy God, thou and thy sonne, thy doughter, thy seruaunt, thy mayde, and the Leuite that is within thy gates, ye straunger, the fatherlesse, and the wedowe, that are amonge you, in the place which ye LORDE thy God hath chosen, that his name maye dwell there.

1 Samuel 20:5

5 Dauid sayde vnto him: Beholde, tomorow is the new Mone, that I shulde syt at the table with the kynge. Let me hyde my selfe therfore in the felde vnto the thirde daye at euen.

1 Kings 18:29

29 But whan ye noone daye was past, they prophecied vntyll the tyme that the meatofferynge shulde be offered, & there was nether voyce ner answere, ner one to regarde them.

1 Kings 18:36

36 And whan the tyme was to offer ye meatofferynge, Elias stepte forth, and sayde: O LORDE God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Israel, let it be knowne this daye, that thou art God in Israel, and I thy seruaunt, and that I haue done all this acordinge vnto yi worde.

2 Kings 4:23

23 He sayde: Why wilt thou go vnto him? To daye is it nether new moone ner Sabbath. She sayde: Well.

1 Chronicles 23:31

31 And vpon all Sabbathes, Newmones and feastes to offre all the burntofferynges vnto the LOROE, acordinge to the nombre and ordre, allwaye before the LORDE:

2 Chronicles 2:4

4 Beholde, I wyl buylde an house vnto the name of the LORDE my God, to sanctifie it, for to burne good incense before him, and allwaye to prepare ye shewbred, and burntofferynges in the mornynge and in the euenynge, on the Sabbathes & Newmones, and solempne feastes of ye LORDE oure God euermore for Israel.

2 Chronicles 31:3

3 And the kynge gaue his porcion of his substauce for the burntofferynges in the mornynge and euenynge, and for the burntofferynges of the Sabbath, and of the newmone and of the feastes, as it is wrytten in the lawe of the LORDE.

Ezra 3:4

4 And helde the feast of Tabernacles as it is wrytten, and offred burntsacrifices daylie after the nombre as acordinge was, euery daye his sacrifice. 5 Afterwarde the daylie burntofferynges also, and of the new Mones and of all the feast dayes of the LORDE that were halowed, and allmaner of fre wyllinge offeringes, which they did of their awne fre wyl vnto the LORDE.

Ezra 9:4-5

4 And there resorted vnto me all soch as feared the worde of the LORDE God of Israel because of the greate transgression. And I sat mournynge vntyll the euenynge sacrifyce. 5 And aboute the euenynge sacrifice I rose vp fro my heuynes, and rente my clothes and my raiment, and fell vpon my knees, and spred out my handes vnto the LORDE my God,

Nehemiah 10:33

33 namely to the shewbred, to the daylie meatofferynge, to the daylie burntofferynge of ye Sabbathes, of the new mones and feast dayes, and to the thinges that were sanctified, and to the synofferynges, to reconcyle Israel with all, and to all the busynes in ye house of oure God.

Psalms 40:6

6 I wolde declare them, and speake of the: but they are so many, that they can not be tolde.

Psalms 40:8

8 In the begynnynge of the boke it is written of me, that I shulde fulfill thy wil O my God, & that am I contet to do: yee thy lawe is within my hert.

Psalms 50:8

8 I reproue the not because of thy sacrifice, yi burntofferinges are allwaye before me.

Psalms 81:3

3 Blowe vp the tropettes in the new Moone, vpon or solepne feast daye.

Psalms 92:1-4

1 It is a good thinge to geue thankes vnto the LORDE, and to synge prayses vnto yi name, o most hyest. 2 To tell of thy louynge kyndnesse early in the mornynge, and of thy trueth in the night season. 3 Vpon an instrumet of ten strynges, vpon the lute and with a songe vpon the harpe. 4 For thou LORDE hast made me glad thorow thy workes, and I wil reioyse ouer the operacion of thy hondes.

Psalms 141:2

2 Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incese, and let the liftinge vp of my hades be an euenynge sacrifice.

Isaiah 1:13-14

13 Offre me no mo oblacions, for it is but lost laboure. I abhorre youre incense. I maye not awaye with youre newmoones, youre Sabbathes and solempne dayes. Youre fastinges are also in vayne. 14 I hate youre new holy dayes and fastinges, euen fro my very harte. They make me weery, I can not abyde them.

Isaiah 57:6

6 Thy parte shalbe with the stony rockes by the ryuer: Yee euen these shal be thy parte. For there thou hast poured meat and drynkoffringes vnto the. Shulde I ouersee that?

Isaiah 58:13

13 Yee yf thou turne thy fete from the Sabbath, so that thou do not the thinge which pleaseth thyself in my holy daye: then shalt thou be called vnto the pleasaunt, holy & glorious Sabbath of the LORDE, where thou shalt be in honor: so yt thou do not after thine owne ymaginacion, nether seke thine owne wil, ner speake thine owne wordes.

Isaiah 66:23

23 and there shalbe a new Moone for the other, and a new Sabbath for the other, & all flesh shal come to worshipe before me, (saieth ye LORDE.)

Ezekiel 16:19

19 My meate which I gaue the, as symnels, oyle & hony: (to fede the withall) that hast thou set before them, for a swete sauoure. And this came also to passe, saieth the LORDE God:

Ezekiel 20:12

12 I gaue them also my holy dayes, to be a token betwixte me and them, and therby to knowe, that I am the LORDE, which haloweth them.

Ezekiel 20:41

41 I wil accepte youre swete sauoure, when I bringe you from the nacions, and gather you together out of the londes, wherin ye be scatred: that I maye be halowed in you before the Heithen,

Ezekiel 45:17-18

17 Agayne, it shal be the prynces parte to offre burntoffrynges, meatoffrynges and drynkoffrynges vnto the LORDE, in the holy dayes, new Moones, Sabbathes, and in all the hye feastes of the house of Israel. The synoffrynge, meatofferynge, brentofferynge & healthoffringe shal he geue, to recocile the house of Israel. 18 Thus sayeth ye LORDE God: The first daye of the first moneth thou shalt take a yoge bullocke without blemysh, and clense the Sanctuary.

Ezekiel 45:21-24

21 Vpon ye xiiij. daye of the first moneth ye shal kepe Easter. Seue dayes shal the feast contynue, wherin there shal no sower ner leueded bred be eate.

Ezekiel 45:21-25

21 Vpon ye xiiij. daye of the first moneth ye shal kepe Easter. Seue dayes shal the feast contynue, wherin there shal no sower ner leueded bred be eate. 22 Vpon the same daye shal ye prynce geue for himself and all the people of the londe, a bullocke for a synoffringe.

Ezekiel 45:22-25

22 Vpon the same daye shal ye prynce geue for himself and all the people of the londe, a bullocke for a synoffringe. 23 And in the feast of the seuen dayes he shal offre euery daye a bullocke & a ram, that are with out blemysh, for a burntoffrynge vnto the LORDE: & an he gaote daylie for a synoffrynge.

Ezekiel 45:23-25

23 And in the feast of the seuen dayes he shal offre euery daye a bullocke & a ram, that are with out blemysh, for a burntoffrynge vnto the LORDE: & an he gaote daylie for a synoffrynge. 24 For the meatoffrynges he shall geue euer an Epha to a bullocke, an Epha to a ram, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha.

Ezekiel 45:24-25

24 For the meatoffrynges he shall geue euer an Epha to a bullocke, an Epha to a ram, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha. 25 Vpon ye xv. daye of the seuenth moneth, he shal kepe the seuen dayes holy one after another, eue as the other vij. dayes: with the synoffrynge, burntoffringe, meatoffrynge, and with the oyle.

Ezekiel 46:1

1 Thus sayeth the LORDE God: ye dore of the ynnermer courte towarde the east, shall be shut the vj. worke dayes: but in the Sabbath and in the daye of the new Moone, it shalbe opened.

Ezekiel 46:4-5

4 This is now the burntoffrynge, that the prynce shall bringe vnto the LORDE vpon the Sabbath: sixe lambes without blemysh, & a ram without blemysh, 5 and an Epha for a meatoffringe, with ye ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meatoffrynges to them, as he wil, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha.

Ezekiel 46:5-7

5 and an Epha for a meatoffringe, with ye ram. As for the lambes, he maye geue as many meatoffrynges to them, as he wil, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha. 6 In the daye of the new moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemysh, sixe lambes & a ram also without blemysh.

Ezekiel 46:6-7

6 In the daye of the new moneth, it shalbe a yonge bullocke without blemysh, sixe lambes & a ram also without blemysh. 7 With the bullocke he shal geue an Epha, and with the ram an Epha also for a meatofferinge: but to ye lambes, what he maye come by: And euer an Hin of oyle to an Epha.

Ezekiel 46:13-15

13 He shal daylie brynge vnto the LORDE a lambe of a yeare olde without blemish for a burntofferynge: this shall he do euery mornynge. 14 And for a meatofferynge he shal geue the sixte parte of an Epha, & the thirde parte of an Hin of oyle (to myngle with the cakes) euery mornynge. Yee this shalbe a daylie meatofferinge vnto the LORDE, for an euerlastinge ordinaunce:

Ezekiel 46:14

14 And for a meatofferynge he shal geue the sixte parte of an Epha, & the thirde parte of an Hin of oyle (to myngle with the cakes) euery mornynge. Yee this shalbe a daylie meatofferinge vnto the LORDE, for an euerlastinge ordinaunce: 15 & thus shal the lambe, the meatofferynge and oyle be geuen euery mornynge, for a dailie burntofferinge.

Daniel 8:13

13 Vpon this I herde one off the sayntes speakynge, which saynte sayde vnto one that axed this question: How longe shall this vision off the daylie sacrifice and of the waistinge abhominacion endure: that the Sanctuary and the power shall so be troden vnder fote?

Daniel 9:21

21 yee whyle I was yet speakinge in my prayer, beholde, the ma Gabriel (whom I had sene afore in the vision) came flyenge to me, and touched me aboute ye offeringe tyme in the euenynge.

Daniel 11:31

31 He shal set mightie men to vnhalowe the sanctuary of stregth, to put downe the daylie offeringe, & to set vp the abhominable desolacion.

Daniel 12:11

11 And from ye tyme forth that the daylie offerynge shalbe put downe & the abhominable desolacion set vp, there shalbe a thousande two hudreth & xc.dayes.

Hosea 2:11

11 Morouer, I wil take awaye all hir myrth, hir holy dayes, hir newmoones, hir Sabbathes and all hir solempne feastes:

Joel 1:9

9 For the meate & drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of the LORDE: & the prestes ye LORDES ministers shal mourne.

Joel 1:13

13 Gyrde you, & make yor mone, o ye prestes: mourne ye ministres of the aulter: go youre waye in, & slepe in sack cloth, o ye officers of my God: for the meat & drynkofferynge shalbe taken awaye from the house of yor God.

Joel 2:14

14 Then (no doute) he also shal turne, & forgeue: & after his chastenynge, he shal let youre increase remayne, for meat & drynck offerynges vnto the LORDE youre God?

Amos 3:5

5 Doth a byrde fall in a snare vpo ye earth where no fouler is? Taketh a man his snare vp from the grounde, afore he catche somwhat?

Amos 5:25

25 O ye house of Israel, gaue ye me offeringes and sacrifices those xl. yeares longe in the wyldernesse?

Malachi 1:7

7 In this, that ye offre vnclene bred vpo myne aulter. And yf ye wil saye: wherin haue we offred eny vnclene thynge vnto the? In this that ye saye: the aulter of the LORDE is not to be regarded.

Malachi 1:12

12 But ye haue vnhalowed it, in that ye saye, the aulter of ye LORDE is not to be regarded, and the thinge that is set thervpon, not worthy to be eaten. 13 Now saye ye: It is but laboure and trauayle, and thus haue ye thought scorne at it, (sayeth the LORDE off hoostes) offerynge robbery, yee the lame and the sicke. Ye haue brought me in a meatofferynge, shulde I accepte it of youre honde, sayeth the LORDE? 14 Cursed be the dyssembler, which hath in his flocke one that is male, and when he maketh a vowe, offereth a spotted one vnto the LORDE. For I am a greate kynge (sayeth the LORDE of hoostes) and my name is fearfull amonge the Heithen.

Matthew 26:2

2 Ye knowe, that after two dayes shalbe Easter, and the sonne of man shalbe delyuered to be crucified.

Matthew 26:17

17 The first daye of swete bred came the disciples to Iesus, and sayde vnto him: Where wilt thou that we prepare for the, to eate the Easter lambe?

Luke 22:7-8

7 Then came ye daye of swete bred, wherin the Easter lambe must be offered. 8 And he sent Peter and Ihon, and sayde: Go youre waye, prepare vs the Easter lambe, that we maye eate.

John 1:29

29 The nexte daye after, Ihon sawe Iesus commynge vnto him, and sayde: Beholde the labe of God, which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.

Acts 2:1-13

1 And whan the Whit sondaye was fulfylled, they were all with one acorde together in one place. 2 And sodenly there came a sounde from heauen, as it had bene the comynge of a mightie wynde, and it fylled the whole house where they sat. 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen tunges, like as they had bene of fyre. And he sat vpon ech one of them, 4 and they were all fylled with the holy goost. And they beganne to preach with other tunges, euen as the sprete gaue them vtteraunce. 5 There were dwellinge at Ierusalem Iewes, men that feared God, out of euery nacion that is vnder heauen. 6 Now whan this voyce came to passe, the multitude came together, and were astonyed: For euery one herde, that they spake with his awne tunge. 7 They wondred all and marueyled, and sayde amonge them selues: Beholde, are not all these which speake, of Galile? 8 How heare we the euery one his awne tunge, wherin we were borne? 9 Parthians and Medes, and Elamites, and we that dwell in Mesopotamia, and in Iewry and Capadocia, Pontus, and Asia, 10 Phrigia and Pamphilia, Egipte, and in the partes of Lybia by Cyren, and straungers of Rome, Iewes and Proselytes, 11 Cretes and Arabians: we heare them speake with oure awne tunges the greate workes of God. 12 They were all amased, and wondred, and sayde one to another: What wil this be? 13 But other mocked them, and sayde: They are full of swete wyne.

Acts 12:3-4

3 And whan he sawe that it pleased the Iewes, he proceaded farther to take Peter also. But it was Easter. 4 Now whan he had taken him, he put him in preson, and delyuered him vnto foure quaternions of soudyers, to kepe him: and thought after Easter to bringe him forth to the people.

Romans 8:3

3 For what vnpossible was vnto ye lawe (in as moch as it was weake because of the flesh) yt perfourmed God, & sent his sonne in ye similitude of synfull flesh,

1 Corinthians 5:7-8

7 Pourge out therfore the olde leuen, that ye maye be new dowe, like as ye are swete bred. For we also haue an Easter lambe, which is Christ, that is offred for vs. 8 Wherfore let vs kepe Easter, not in ye olde leuen, ner in the leuen of maliciousnes, and wickednes, but in the swete bred of purenesse and of the trueth.

1 Corinthians 15:20

20 But now is Christ rysen from the deed, and is become ye first frutes of them that slepe.

2 Corinthians 2:15

15 For we are vnto God the good fauoure of Christ, both amonge the yt are saued, & amonge them yt perishe.

2 Corinthians 5:21

21 for he hath made him which knewe no synne, to be synne for vs, yt we by his meanes shulde be that righteousnes, which before God is alowed.

Galatians 3:13

13 But Christ hath delyuered vs from ye curse of the lawe, whan he became a curse for vs. (For it is wrytte: Cursed is euery man that hangeth on tre)

Galatians 4:10

10 Ye obserue dayes and monethes, and tymes and yeares.

Ephesians 5:2

2 and walke in loue, euen as Christ loued vs, and gaue him selfe for vs an offerynge and sacrifice of a swete sauoure vnto God.

Philippians 2:17

17 Yee and though I be offred vp vpo the offerynge & sacrifice of youre faith, I am glad, and reioyce with you all:

Philippians 4:18

18 For I haue all, and haue plentye. I was euen fylled wha I receaued of Epaphroditus, that which came from you, an odoure of swetenes, a sacrifice accepted & pleasaunt vnto God.

Colossians 2:6

6 As ye haue therfore receaued Christ Iesu the LORDE, euen so walke in him,

Colossians 2:16

16 Let no man therfore trouble youre consciences aboute meate or drynke, or for a pece of an holy daye, as the holy daye of ye newe Mone, or of the Sabbath dayes,

Hebrews 10:10-14

10 In the which wyll we are sanctified by the offerynge vp of the body of Iesus Christ once for all. 11 And euery prest is ready daylie mynistringe, and oftymes offereth one maner of offerynges, which can neuer take awaye synnes. 12 But this man whan he had offred for synnes, one sacrifice which is of value for euer, sat him downe on the righte hande of God, 13 and from hence forth tarieth, tyll his foes be made his fote stole. 14 For with one offerynge hath he made perfecte for euer, the that are sanctified.

James 1:18

18 Of his awne will begat he vs with the worde of life, that we shulde be the fyrst frutes of his creatures. 19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe,

1 Peter 1:19

19 but with the precious bloude of Christ, as of an innocet and vndefyled lambe, 20 which was ordeyned before the worlde was made, but is declared in these last tymes for youre sakes,

1 Peter 2:24

24 which his owne selfe bare oure synnes in his body vpon the tre, that we shulde be delyuered from synne, & shulde lyue vnto righteousnes: by whose strypes ye were healed.

1 Peter 3:18

18 For as moch as Christ hath once suffred for oure synnes, ye iust for the vniust, for to brynge vs to God: & was slayne after the flesh, but quyckened after the sprete.

Revelation 1:10

10 I was in the sprete on a sondaye, and herde behynde me, a gret voyce, as it had bene of a trompe,

Revelation 13:8

8 and all that dwell vpon the earth worshipt him: whose names are not wrytten in the boke of life of the lambe, which was kylled from the beginnynge of the worlde.

Cross Reference data is from, retrieved June 28, 2010, and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.