22 Vpon the same daye shal ye prynce geue for himself and all the people of the londe, a bullocke for a synoffringe.
23 And in the feast of the seuen dayes he shal offre euery daye a bullocke & a ram, that are with out blemysh, for a burntoffrynge vnto the LORDE: & an he gaote daylie for a synoffrynge.
24 For the meatoffrynges he shall geue euer an Epha to a bullocke, an Epha to a ram, & an Hin of oyle to an Epha.
25 Vpon ye xv. daye of the seuenth moneth, he shal kepe the seuen dayes holy one after another, eue as the other vij. dayes: with the synoffrynge, burntoffringe, meatoffrynge, and with the oyle.