1 These are the wordes that Moses spake vnto all Israel on the other syde Iordane in the wildernesse, in the playne felde towarde the reed see, betwene Paran, Thophel, Laban, Hazeroth, and Disahab,
2 eleuen daies iourney from Horeb, by the waye of mount Seir vnto Cades Bernea.
3 And it fortuned the first daye of the eleuenth moneth in the fortieth yeare, that Moses spake vnto ye children of Israel acordinge vnto all as ye LORDE commaunded him,
4 after he had smytten Sihon ye kynge of the Amorites which dwelt at Hesbon: and Og the kynge of Basan, that dwelt at Astaroth, and at Edrei.
5 On the other syde Iordane in ye lande of the Moabites, beganne Moses to declare this lawe, and sayde:
6 The LORDE or God spake vnto vs vpon mount Horeb, & sayde: Ye haue bene loge ynough vpon this mountayne,
7 turne you, & departe hence, that ye maye come to the mountaynes of the Amorites, and to all their neghbours in ye feldes, vpon mountaynes, and in the valleys towarde the South and towarde the see syde, of the lande of Canaan: and to mount Libanus, euen vnto the greate water Euphrates.
8 Beholde, I haue delyuered you the londe, go in, and take it in possession, which the LORDE sware vnto yor fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, that he wolde geue it vnto the, and their sede after them.
9 Then saide I vnto you at the same tyme: I am not able to beare you my self alone,
10 for the LORDE youre God hath increased you, so that this daye ye are as ye starres of heauen in multitude.
11 (The LORDE God of yor fathers make you yet many thousande tymes mo, & blesse you, as he hath promysed you.)
12 How can I alone beare soche cobraunce, & charge, & stryfe amoge you?
13 Prouyde here men of wysdome & vnderstondinge, soch as are knowne amonge youre trybes, the wil I set to be heades vnto you.
14 Then answered ye me, and sayde: It is a good thinge, that thou sayest thou wilt do.
15 Then toke I ye heades of youre trybes, wyse and famous me, and set them ouer you to be heades, ouer thousandes, ouer hundreds, ouer fiftye and ouer ten: and officers amonge youre trybes.
16 And I charged your iudges at ye same tyme, & sayde: Heare youre brethre, & iudge righteously betwene euery man and his brother, and the straunger.
17 Ye shall knowe no personne in iudgment, but shall heare the small as well as the greate, and be afrayed of no man: for the Iudgment is Gods. But yf eny cause be to harde for you, let it be broughte vnto me, yt I maye heare it.
18 Thus commaunded I you at the same tyme, all yt ye shulde doo.
19 Then departed we from Horeb, and walked thorow the whole wyldernesse (which is greate and terryble as ye haue sene) by the waye to ye mountaynes of the Amorites, as the LORDE oure God commauded vs, and came vnto Cades Bernea.
20 Then sayde I vnto you: Ye are come to ye mountaynes of ye Amorites, which the LORDE or God shal geue vs.
21 Beholde, there the londe before the, which the LORDE thy God hath geue vnto the: Go vp, & conquere it, as ye LORDE God of thy fathers hath sayde vnto the: feare not, and be not discoraged.
22 Then came ye all vnto me, and sayde: Let vs sende men before vs, to spye vs out the londe, and to brynge vs worde agayne, by what waye we shal go vp, and to what cities we shal come.
23 That pleased me well, and I toke twolue men from amonge you, of euery trybe one.
24 Which whan they were departed, and wente vp to hye countre, and came to the ryuer Escol, they spyed it out,
25 and toke of the frute of ye londe with the, and broughte it downe vnto vs, and broughte vs worde agayne, and sayde: It is a good londe, that the LORDE oure God hath geuen vs.
26 But ye wolde not go vp, and were dishobedient vnto the mouth of the LORDE youre God,
27 and murmured in youre tentes, and sayde: Because the LORDE hateth vs, therfore hath be broughte vs out of the londe of Egipte, to delyuer vs in to the handes of the Amorites, to destroye vs.
28 Whither shal we go vp? Oure brethren haue discoraged oure hertes, & saide: The people is greater & of hyer stature the we, ye cities are greate, & walled euen vp to heauen. Morouer we haue sene there the children of Enakim.
29 But I sayde vnto you: Feare not, and be not afrayed of them:
30 for the LORDE youre God goeth before you, and shall fighte for you, like as he dealte with you in Egipte before youre eyes,
31 and in the wyldernesse: where thou sawest, that the LORDE thy God bare the (euen as a man beareth his sonne) thorow out all the waye that ye haue walked, tyll ye came to this place.
32 And yet for all this ye haue not beleued on the LORDE youre God,
33 which wente before you, to searche you out a place, where ye shulde pitch youre tentes: by night in the fyre (to shewe you the waye, wherin ye shulde go) & on the daye tyme in the cloude.
34 Whan the LORDE herde ye voyce of yor wordes, he was wroth, and swore, and saide:
35 There shall none of this euell generacion se that good londe, which I sware to geue vnto youre fathers,
36 excepte Caleb the sonne of Iephune, he shal se it. And vnto him wyl I geue the londe that he hath trodde vpon, & to his children, because he hath perfectly folowed the LORDE.
37 The LORDE was angrye wt me also for youre sakes, and sayde: Thou also shalt not go in thither.
38 But Iosua ye sonne of Nun, which stondeth before the, he shal go in thither: Corage him, for he shal deuyde the enheritaunce out vnto Israel.
39 And youre childre, of who ye sayde they shulde be a praye, and youre sonnes which this daie vnderstonde nether good ner bad, they shal go in thither, vnto them wil I geue it, and they shall enioye it.
40 But as for you, turne you, and take youre iourney to the wyldernesse, euen the waye to the reed see.
41 Then answered ye, & sayde vnto me: We haue synned agaynst ye LORDE, we wil go vp, and fighte, acordinge to all that the LORDE hath commaunded vs. Now whan ye had prepared yor selues, euery one in his harnesse, & were at the poynte to go vp to the mountaynes,
42 ye LORDE sayde vnto me: Speake vnto them, yt they go not vp, & that they fighte not (for I am not amoge you) that ye be not smytten before youre enemies.
43 Whan I tolde you this, ye wolde not heare, & were dishobedient vnto the worde of the LORDE, and were presumptuous, and wente vp to ye mountaines.
44 Then the Amorites that dwelt vpon the moutaynes, came out against you, and chaced you, as Bees do, and smote you at Seir, euen vnto Horma.
45 Now whan ye came againe, and wepte before the LORDE, he wolde not heare youre voyce, and enclyned not his eares vnto you.
46 So ye abode in Cades a longe season.
Deuteronomy Cross References - Coverdale
Genesis 12:7
7 Then the LORDE appeared vnto Abra, & sayde: This londe wil I geue vnto yi sede. And there he buylded an aulter vnto ye LORDE, which appeared vnto him.
Genesis 13:14-15
Genesis 15:5
5 And he bad him go forth, and sayde: Loke vp vnto heauen, and tell ye starres: Canst thou nombre them? And he sayde vnto him: Euen so shal thy sede be.
Genesis 15:16-21
16 And after the fourth generacion they shall come hither agayne, for the wickednes of ye Amorites is not yet full.
Genesis 15:16
16 And after the fourth generacion they shall come hither agayne, for the wickednes of ye Amorites is not yet full.
17 So whan the Sonne was downe, and it was waxed darcke: Beholde, there smoked a fornace, and a fyre brande wente betwene ye partes.
18 The same daye made the LORDE a couenaut with Abram, and sayde: Vnto thy sede wil I geue this lode, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates:
Genesis 15:18
18 The same daye made the LORDE a couenaut with Abram, and sayde: Vnto thy sede wil I geue this lode, from the water of Egipte, vnto the greate water Euphrates:
19 the Kenytes, the Kenizites, the Kydmonites,
20 the Hethites, the Pherezites, the Giauntes,
21 the Amorites, the Cananites, the Gergesites, and the Iebusites.
Genesis 17:7-8
7 Morouer I wil make my couenaut betwene me and the, and thy sede after the thorow out their posterities, that it maye be an euerlastinge couenaunt, so that I wyll be the God of the, and of thy sede after the.
8 And vnto the and to thy sede after the, will I geue the lande, wherin thou art a straunger: euen all the lande of Canaan for an euerlastinge possession, and will be their God.
Genesis 21:21
21 and dwelt in ye wildernes of Pharan, and his mother toke him a wyfe out of the londe of Egipte.
Genesis 22:16-18
16 and sayde: I haue sworen by myne owne self (sayeth the LORDE) that for so moch as thou hast done this, and hast not spared thine onely sonne,
17 I wyll prospere and multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and as the sonde vpon the see shore. And thy sede shall possesse the gates of his enemies:
Genesis 22:17
Genesis 26:3-4
3 Be thou a strauger in this lande, and I wil be with the and blesse the. For vnto the and thy sede wyll I geue all this londe, and wyll perfourme myne ooth that I sware to thy father Abraham.
4 And I wyll multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and vnto thy sede wyll I geue all this londe, and thorow thy sede shall all nacions be blessed,
Genesis 26:4
4 And I wyll multiplye thy sede as the starres of heauen, and vnto thy sede wyll I geue all this londe, and thorow thy sede shall all nacions be blessed,
Genesis 28:13-14
13 and the LORDE stode vpon it, and sayde: I am the LORDE God of thy father Abraham, and the God of Isaac: The londe yt thou lyest vpon, wyl I geue vnto the, and to thy sede:
14 and thy sede shal be as ye dust of ye earth. And thou shalt sprede forth towarde the west, east, north, and south: and thorow the and thy sede shall all the kynreds vpon earth be blessed.
Genesis 28:14
14 and thy sede shal be as ye dust of ye earth. And thou shalt sprede forth towarde the west, east, north, and south: and thorow the and thy sede shall all the kynreds vpon earth be blessed.
Genesis 49:25
25 Of yi fathers God art thou helped, & of the Allmightie art thou blessed, wt blessynges of heauen from aboue, with blessinges of ye depe yt lyeth vnder, with blessynges of brestes & wombes.
Exodus 3:1
1 Moses kepte the shepe of Iethro his father in lawe prest of Madian, & droue the shepe on the backsyde of the wyldernes, and came to the mountayne of God, Horeb.
Exodus 7:1-25
1 The LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, I haue made the a God ouer Pharao, & Aaro yi brother shal be yi prophet.
2 Thou shalt speake all yt I comaude ye: but Aaron yi brother shal speake vnto Pharao, yt he maye let the childre of Israel go out of his lande.
3 Neuertheles I wil harden Pharaos hert, yt I maye multiplye my tokens & wonders in the londe of Egipte.
4 And Pharao shal not heare you, yt I maye shewe my hande in Egipte, & brynge myne armyes, euen my people the childre of Israel out of ye lande of Egipte, by greate iudgmetes.
5 And ye Egipcians shal knowe, yt I am the LORDE, whan I shal stretch out my hande vpon Egipte, and brynge the children of of Israel out from amonge the.
6 Moses and Aaron dyd as the LORDE comauded them.
7 And Moses was foure score yeare olde, & Aaron thre & foure score yeare olde, whan they spake vnto Pharao.
8 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses & Aaron:
9 Whan Pharao sayeth vnto you: Shew youre wonders, then shalt thou saye vnto Aaron: Take thy staff, and cast it before Pharao, & it shal turne to a serpent.
10 Then wete Moses & Aaron in vnto Pharao, & dyd as the LORDE comaunded them. And Aaron cast his staff before Pharao & before his seruauntes, & it turned to a serpet.
11 Then Pharao called for ye wyse men & Sorcerers. And the Sorcerers of Egipte also dyd like wyse with their Sorceries,
12 and euery one cast his staff before him, & they turned vnto serpentes. But Aarons staff deuoured their staues.
13 So Pharaos hert was hardened, and he herkened not vnto them, euen as the LORDE had sayde.
14 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: The hert of Pharao is hardened, he refuseth to let ye people go.
15 Get ye vnto Pharao in the mornynge, beholde, he shal come vnto ye water, mete thou him vpo the waters brynke, & take ye staff which turned to a serpet, in thine hande,
16 & saye vnto him: The LORDE God of the Hebrues hath sent me vnto the, & sendeth ye worde: Let my people go, that they maye serue me in the wyldernesse: but hither to thou woldest not heare.
17 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Hereby shalt thou knowe, yt I am ye LORDE. Beholde, wt the staff yt I haue in my hande, wil I smyte the water which is in ye ryuer, & it shalbe turned in to bloude:
18 so that the fishes in the ryuer shall dye, & the ryuer shall stynke: & it shall greue the Egipcians to drynke of ye water of the ryuer.
19 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses: Saye vnto Aaron: Take yi staff, & stretch out thine hade ouer ye waters of Egipte, ouer their ryuers & brokes & pondes, & ouer all water poles, yt they maye be turned to bloude, & that there maye be bloude in all ye lande of Egipte, both in vessels of wodd and stone.
20 Moses & Aaron dyd as ye LORDE comaunded them, & lift vp the staff, & smote the water yt was in the ryuer, before Pharao & his seruauntes, & all the water in the ryuer was turned into bloude,
21 & the fysh in the ryuer dyed, & the ryuer stanke, so yt the Egipcians coulde not drynke of the water of ye ryuer, & there was bloude in all the lande of Egipte.
22 And the Sorcerers also of Egipte, dyd likewyse with their Sorceries. But Pharaos hert was hardened, & he herkened not vnto the, like as the LORDE had sayde.
23 And Pharao turned himself, & wente home, & set not his hert there on.
24 All the Egipcias dygged roude aboute ye ryuer, for water to drinke: for they coude not drynke of ye water out of the ryuer.
25 And this endured seuen dayes longe, that the LORDE smote the ryuer.
Exodus 12:37
37 Thus ye children of Israel toke their iourney from Raemses to Suchoth, sixe hundreth thousande men of fote, besyde childre.
Exodus 13:21-22
21 And ye LORDE wete before the by daye in a piler of a cloude, to lede the ye right waye: and by night in a piler of fyre, that he might shewe the light to walke both by daie and night.
22 The piler of the cloude departed neuer from the people by daye, and the pyler of fyre departed not from the by night.
Exodus 14:14
14 the LORDE shal fight for you, onely quyete youre selues.
Exodus 14:19-20
19 Then the angell of God yt wente before the armies of Israel, remoued, and gat him behynde them: and the cloudy piler remoued also from before them, and stode behinde the
20 and came betwixte the armies of the Egipcians and the armies of Israel. It was a darcke cloude, and gaue light that night, so that all the night longe these and they coude not come together.
Exodus 14:24
24 Now whan the mornynge watch came, the LORDE loked vpo the armies of the Egipcians out the piler of fire and ye cloude, & troubled their armies,
25 and smote the wheles from their charettes, & ouerthrew them wt a storme. Then sayde the Egipcians: Let vs flye from Israel, the LORDE fighteth for the agaynst the Egipcians.
Exodus 15:1-27
1 Then sange Moses and the childre of Israel this songe vnto the LORDE, and sayde: I will synge vnto ye LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, horse & charet hath he ouerthrowne in the see.
2 The LORDE is my strength, and my songe, and is become my saluacion. This is my God, I wil magnifie him: He is my fathers God, I wil exalte him.
3 The LORDE is the right man of warre, LORDE is his name.
4 The charettes of Pharao & his power, hath he cast in to the see. His chosen captaynes are drowned in the reed see,
5 ye depe hath couered them: they fell to the grounde as a stone.
6 Thy right hande (O LORDE) is glorious in power: thy right hade (O LORDE) hath smytten the enemies.
7 And with thy greate glory thou hast destroyed thine aduersaries: thou sentest out yi wrath, & it cosumed them, euen as stobble.
8 In the breth of thy wrath the waters fell together, the floudes wente vpon a heape: The depes plomped together in ye myddest of the see.
9 The enemie thought: I will folowe vpon them, and ouertake them, and deuyde ye spoyle, and coole my mynde vpon them. I wil drawe out my swerde, and my hande shal destroye them.
10 Thou blewest with thy wynde, the see couered them, and they sancke downe as leed in the mightie waters.
11 LORDE, who is like vnto the amonge ye goddes? Who is so glorious in holynes, fearfull, laudable, and doinge wonders?
12 When thou stretchedest out yi right hande, the earth swalowed them vp.
13 Thou of yi very mercy hast led this people, whom thou hast delyuered, and with yi strength thou hast brought them vnto the dwellynge of thy Sanctuary.
14 Whan ye nacions herde this, they raged, sorowe came vpon the Philistynes.
15 Then were ye prynces of Edom afrayed, tremblynge came vpo ye mightie of Moab, all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted.
Exodus 15:15-27
15 Then were ye prynces of Edom afrayed, tremblynge came vpo ye mightie of Moab, all the indwellers of Canaan waxed faynte harted.
16 Let feare and drede fall vpon them thorow thy greate arme, that they maye be as styll as a stone, tyll thy people (O LORDE) be gone thorow, tyll yi people whom thou hast gotten, be gone thorow.
17 Brynge them in, and plante them vpon the mountayne of thy enheritaunce, vnto ye place that thou hast made for thyne owne dwellynge: euen to yi teple (O LORDE) which thy handes haue prepared.
18 The LORDE shal be kynge for euer & euer.
19 For Pharao wente in to the see with horses, and charettes, and horsmen, and the LORDE made the see fall agayne vpon them. But the children of Israel wete drye thorow the myddest of the see.
20 And Miriam the prophetisse, Aarons sister, toke a tymbrell in hir hande, and all the women folowed out after her with timbrels in a daunse.
21 And Miriam sange before the: O let vs synge vnto the LORDE, for he hath done gloriously, man and horse hath he ouerthrowne in the see.
22 Moses caused the children of Israel to departe out from the reed see, vnto the wyldernes of Sur, & they wente thre dayes in ye wildernes, yt they founde no water.
23 Then came they to Marath, but they coude not drinke ye water for bytternes, for it was very bytter. Therfore was it called Marah, (yt is bytternes.)
24 Then ye people murmured against Moses, & sayde: What shal we drynke?
25 And Moses cried vnto ye LORDE, which shewed him a tre: this he put in ye water, the was it swete. There he made the a statute, and a lawe, and tempted them,
26 and sayde: Yf thou wylt herken vnto the voyce of ye LORDE yi God, & do that which is right in his sighte, and geue eare vnto his commaundementes, & kepe all his statutes, then wyl I laye vpon ye none of the sicknesses, that I layed vpon Egipte, for I am the LORDE thy surgione.
27 And they came vnto Elim, where there were twolue welles of water, and seuentie palme trees, and there they pitched by ye water syde.
Exodus 16:1-17
1 From Elim they toke their iourney, and the whole congregacion of the children of Israel came in to the wyldernesse of Sin (which lyeth betwene Elim and Sinai) vpon the fyftene daye of the seconde moneth, after that they were departed out of the londe of Egipte.
2 And ye whole multitude of the children of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron in ye wildernes,
3 and saide vnto them: Wolde God we had dyed in the londe of Egipte by the hande of the LORDE, whan we sat by ye flesh pottes, and had bred ynough to eate: for ye haue brought vs out in to this wyldernes, to cause this whole multitude dye of honger.
Exodus 16:3-17
3 and saide vnto them: Wolde God we had dyed in the londe of Egipte by the hande of the LORDE, whan we sat by ye flesh pottes, and had bred ynough to eate: for ye haue brought vs out in to this wyldernes, to cause this whole multitude dye of honger.
4 The sayde ye LORDE vnto Moses: beholde I wyl rayne you bred from heauen, and let the people go out, and gather daylie, what they nede, that I maye proue whether they walke in my lawe or not.
5 But vpon the sixte daye they shal prepare the selues, that they maye brynge in twyse as moch as they gather daylie.
6 Moses and Aaron saide vnto all the children of Israel: At euen ye shall knowe, that the LORDE hath brought you out of the lode of Egipte,
7 and in the mornynge shall ye se the glory of the LORDE: for he hath herde youre grudginges agaynst the LORDE. For what are we, that ye grudge agaynst vs?
8 Moses sayde morouer: At euen shall the LORDE geue you flesh to eate, and in the mornynge bred ynough: because ye LORDE hath herde youre grudginges, that ye haue grudged agaynst him. For what are we? Youre murmuringe is not agaynst vs, but against the LORDE.
Exodus 16:8-17
8 Moses sayde morouer: At euen shall the LORDE geue you flesh to eate, and in the mornynge bred ynough: because ye LORDE hath herde youre grudginges, that ye haue grudged agaynst him. For what are we? Youre murmuringe is not agaynst vs, but against the LORDE.
9 And Moses sayde vnto Aaron: Speake vnto the whole multitude of ye children of Israel: Come forth before the LORDE, for he hath herde youre murmuringes.
10 And whyle Aaron spake thus vnto the whole congegacion of the childre of Israel, they turned them towarde the wyldernes: and beholde, the glory of the LORDE appeared in a cloude,
11 and the LORDE sayde vnto Moses:
12 I haue herde the murmuringe of ye children of Israel. Tell them: At euen shall ye haue flesh to eate, and in the mornynge shal ye be fylled with bred, & ye shall knowe, that I am the LORDE youre God.
13 And at euen the quayles came vp, and couered the tentes: and in the mornynge the dewe laye rounde aboute the tentes.
14 And whan the dew was falle, beholde, there laye a thinge in the wildernes, thynne and small, as the horefrost vpon the grounde.
15 And whan the children of Israel sawe it, they saide one to another: This is Ma. For they wyst not what it was. But Moses sayde vnto them: It is the bred that ye LORDE hath geue you to eate.
16 This is it that ye LORDE hath commauded: Euery one gather for himself as moch as he eateth, and take a Gomor for euery heade, acordinge to the nombre of the soules in his tente.
17 And the children of Israel dyd so, and gathered some more, some lesse.
Exodus 17:6
6 Beholde, I wyl stonde there before the vpon a rock in Horeb, there shalt thou smyte the rocke, so shall there water runne out, that the people maye drynke. Moses dyd so before the elders of Israel.
Exodus 17:9-14
9 And Moses sayde vnto Iosua: Chose vs out men, go out, & fight against Amaleck, tomorow wil I stode vpo the toppe of the hyll, & haue ye staff of God in my hande.
10 And Iosua dyd as Moses bade him, & fought agaynst Amalek. Moses & Aaron & Hur wente vp to ye toppe of the hyll.
11 And wha Moses helde vp his hade, Israel had the victory: but whan he let downe his hande, Amalek had the victory.
12 But Moses hades were heuy, therfore toke they a stone, & layed it vnder him, that he might syt vpon it. And Aaron & Hur stayed vp his hades, the one vpon the one syde, and the other vpon ye other syde. So his handes were stedfast vnto ye Sonne wente downe.
13 And Iosua discomfited Amalek, & his people thorow the edge of the swerde.
14 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Wryte this for a remebraunce in a boke, & comytte it vnto ye eares of Iosua: for I wyll rote out Amalek from vnder heauen, so that he shall nomore be remembred.
Exodus 18:13-16
13 On the next morow sat Moses to iudge the people, and the people stode roude aboute Moses from the mornynge vntyll ye euen.
14 But whan his father in lawe sawe all that he dyd with the people, he sayde: What is this, that thou doest with the people? Wherfore syttest thou alone, and all ye people stonde rounde aboute from the morninge vntyll the euen?
15 Moses answered him: The people come to me, & axe councell at God:
16 for whan they haue eny thinge to do, they come vnto me, that I maye iudge betwixte euery one & his neghboure, and shewe them the statutes of God, and his lawes.
Exodus 18:18
18 Thou weeriest thy self, and the people that is with the. This busynesse is to sore for the, thou canst not perfourme it alone.
Exodus 18:21
21 But loke out amonge all the people, for honest men, that feare God, soch as are true, & hate couetousnes: make these rulers ouer them, some ouer thousandes, ouer hundredes, ouer fiftie, and ouer ten,
22 that they maye allwaye iudge the people. But where there is eny greate matter, that they brynge the same vnto the, and iudge the small causes them selues: so shall it be lighter for the, yf they beare the burthen with the.
Exodus 18:25-26
Exodus 18:26
26 that they might allwaye iudge the people. As for soch causes as were herde, they brought them vnto Moses, and iudged the small matters them selues.
Exodus 19:1-2
Exodus 19:4
4 Ye haue sene what I haue done vnto the Egipcians, and how I haue borne you vpon Aegles wynges, & brought you vnto my self.
Exodus 22:21
21 Thou shalt not vexe ner oppresse a straunger, for ye youre selues were straungers also in the londe of Egipte.
Exodus 23:2-3
Exodus 23:6-7
Exodus 23:7-7
7 Kepe the farre from false matters. The innocent and righteous shalt thou not sley, for I iustifie not ye vngodly.
8 Thou shalt not take giftes: for giftes blinde euen them yt are sharpe of sight, & wraist the righteous causes.
9 Ye shall not oppresse a straunger, for ye knowe the hert of straungers, for so moch as ye youre selues also haue bene straungers in the londe of Egipte.
Exodus 23:31
31 And I wil set the borders of thy londe, euen from the reed see vnto ye see of the Philistynes, & from the wyldernes vnto the water. For I wil delyuer the indwellers of the londe in to thine hande, yt thou shalt dryue them out before the.
Exodus 24:13
13 Then Moses gat him vp & his mynister Iosua, & wente vp into the mount of God,
Exodus 32:13
13 Remembre thy seruautes Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, vnto who thou swarest by thyne owne self, and saydest: I wil multiplye youre sede as the starres of heauen, and all the londe that I haue promysed you, wil I geue vnto youre sede, & they shall inheret it for euer.
Exodus 33:11
11 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh vnto his frende. And whan he turned agayne to the hoost, ye yonge ma Iosua ye sonne of Nun his minister, departed not out of ye Tabernacle.
Exodus 40:34-38
34 Then a cloude couered ye Tabernacle of wytnesse, and the glory of the LORDE fylled the Habitacion.
35 And Moses coulde not go in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse, whyle the cloude abode theron, and the glory of ye LORDE fylled the Habitacion.
36 And whan the cloude remoued from the Habitacion, then wente the children of Israel forth, as oft as they toke their iourney.
37 But yf the cloude remoued not, then toke not they their iourney, tyll the daie that it remoued:
38 for in the daye tyme was the cloude of the LORDE vpon the Habitacion, & in the night season was fyre therin, in ye sight of all ye house of Israel, in all their iourneis.
Leviticus 2:14
14 But yf thou wilt offre a meatofferynge of the first frutes vnto ye LORDE, then shalt thou drye that which is grene, by the fyre, & beate it small, and so offre the meatofferynge of thy first frutes.
Leviticus 9:23
23 And Moses and Aaron wente in to the Tabernacle of wytnesse. And whan they came out agayne, they blessed the people. Then appeared the glory of the LORDE vnto all the people.
Leviticus 19:15
15 Ye shall not deale wrongeously in iudgment, nether shal ye accepte the personne of the poore, ner honoure the parsonne of the greate, but thou shalt iudge thy neghboure righteously.
Leviticus 24:22
22 There shal be one maner of lawe amonge you, to ye straunger as to one of youre selues: for I am the LORDE youre God.
Leviticus 26:17
17 And I wyl set my face agaynst you, and ye shal be slayne before youre enemies. And they that hate you, shal haue dominion ouer And ye shall flye, wha no man chaseth you.
Numbers 1:46
46 was sixe C. thousande, thre thousande, fyue C. & fiftie.
Numbers 6:27
27 For they shal put my name vpo the children of Israel, that I maye blesse them.
Numbers 9:15-22
15 And ye same daye yt the Habitacion was set vp, a cloude couered it vpo the Tabernacle of witnesse, & at euen there was a symilitude of fyre vpon the Habitacion vntill the mornynge.
16 So came it to passe allwaye, yt the cloude couered it by daye, & the symilitude of fyre by night.
17 And whan the cloude was take vp from the Habitacion, then the children of Israel wente on their iourney. And loke in what place the cloude abode, there the childre of Israel pitched their tentes.
18 Acordinge to the worde of the LORDE toke the children of Israel their iourney, and acordinge to his worde pitched they their tentes. So longe as the cloude abode vpon the Habitacion, they laye styll.
19 And whan the cloude taried many dayes vpon the Habitacion, the childre of Israel wayted vpon the LORDE, & wente not on their iourney.
20 And whan it chaunced that the cloude abode vpo ye Habitacion eny space of dayes, then pitched they acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, & after the worde of the LORDE wente they on their iourney.
21 Whan the cloude was there from the euenynge vntyll the mornynge, and so was taken vp, then wete they on their iourney: and whether it was take vp by daye or by night, they iourneyed.
22 But whan it taried vpon the habitacion two dayes, or a moneth, or a longe season, then laye the children of Israel, and iourneyed not: and so whan it was taken vp, they wente on their iourney.
Numbers 10:11-13
11 Vpon the twentye daye in the seconde moneth of the seconde yeare, arose the cloude from the habitacion of witnesse.
Numbers 10:11-12
Numbers 10:12-13
12 And the childre of Israel wente on their iourney out of the wyldernesse of Sinai, and the cloude abode in the wyldernesse of Paran,
Numbers 10:12-12
Numbers 10:33
33 So they departed from the mount of the LORDE thre dayes iourney, & the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt wente before them those thre dayes iourney, to shewe the where they shulde rest.
Numbers 11:11-14
11 And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Why vexest thou thy seruaunte? And why fynde not I fauoure in yi sight, yt thou layest ye burthen of all this people vpo me?
Numbers 11:11-15
11 And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Why vexest thou thy seruaunte? And why fynde not I fauoure in yi sight, yt thou layest ye burthen of all this people vpo me?
Numbers 11:11-12
11 And Moses sayde vnto the LORDE: Why vexest thou thy seruaunte? And why fynde not I fauoure in yi sight, yt thou layest ye burthen of all this people vpo me?
12 Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers?
Numbers 11:12-15
12 Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers?
Numbers 11:12-12
12 Haue I the coceaued all this people, or begotten them, that thou shuldest saye vnto me: Cary them in thine armes (as a nurse beareth a childe) vnto the londe, that thou hast sworne vnto their fathers?
13 Where shal I get flesh, to geue all this people? They wepe before me, and saye: Geue vs flesh, that we maye eate.
Numbers 11:13-15
Numbers 11:14-15
14 I am not able to beare all this people alone, for it is to heuy for me.
Numbers 11:14
14 I am not able to beare all this people alone, for it is to heuy for me.
15 And yf thou wylt deale thus wt me: O kyll me then, yf I haue founde fauoure in thy sight, that I se not my wrechednesse.
16 And the LORDE saide vnto Moses: Gather vnto me seuentye men amonge the Elders of Israel, whom thou knowest yt they are the Elders in ye people and officers ouer them, and brynge them before the Tabernacle of witnesse, and set them there with the:
17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone.
Numbers 11:17-17
17 then wil I come downe, and talke with the euen there, & take of thy sprete that is vpon the, and putt it vpon them, that they maye beare the burthen of the people with the, yt thou beare not all alone.
Numbers 11:35
35 From the lustgraues toke the people their iourney vnto Hazeroth, and abode at Hazeroth.
Numbers 12:16
16 Afterwarde departed the people from Hazeroth, and pitched in ye wildernesse of Paran.
Numbers 13:1-20
1 And the LORDE spake vnto Moses, & sayde:
2 Sende forth men to spye out ye lande of Canaan (which I wil geue vnto ye children of Israel) of euery trybe of their fathers a man, and let them all be soch as are captaynes amonge them.
3 Moses sent the out of the wildernes of Paran, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, soch as were all heades amonge the children of Israel, and these are their names:
Numbers 13:3-20
3 Moses sent the out of the wildernes of Paran, acordinge to the worde of the LORDE, soch as were all heades amonge the children of Israel, and these are their names:
Numbers 13:3-33
Numbers 13:4-33
Numbers 13:5-33
Numbers 13:6-33
6 Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, of the trybe of Iuda.
Numbers 13:6
Numbers 13:7-33
Numbers 13:8-33
8 Hosea the sonne of Nun, of ye trybe of Ephraim.
Numbers 13:8
Numbers 13:9-33
Numbers 13:10-33
Numbers 13:11-33
Numbers 13:12-33
Numbers 13:13-33
Numbers 13:14-33
Numbers 13:15-33
Numbers 13:16-33
16 These are the names of the men, whom Moses sent forth to spye out the lande. As for Hosea the sonne of Nun, Moses called him Iosua.
Numbers 13:16
Numbers 13:17-33
Numbers 13:18-33
Numbers 13:19-33
19 and what maner of lande it is that they dwell in, whether it be good or bad: & what maner of cities they be that they dwell in, whether they be fenced with walles, or not:
20 and what maner of lande it is, whether it be fatt or leane, and whether there be trees therin, or not. Be of a good corage, and bringe of the frutes of the londe. It was euen aboute the tyme, that grapes are first rype.
Numbers 13:20-33
20 and what maner of lande it is, whether it be fatt or leane, and whether there be trees therin, or not. Be of a good corage, and bringe of the frutes of the londe. It was euen aboute the tyme, that grapes are first rype.
21 They wente vp, & spyed the lande, from ye wildernes of Zin; vntyll Rehob, as me go vnto Hemath.
Numbers 13:21-27
Numbers 13:22-27
22 They wente vp also towarde the south, and came vnto Hebron, where Ahiman was, and Sesai and Thalmai, the children of Enack (Hebron was buylded seuen yeare before Zoan in Egipte.)
23 And they came to the ryuer of Escol, and there they cut downe a cluster of grapes, and caused two to beare it vpon a staffe, pomgranates also and fygges.
Numbers 13:23-27
Numbers 13:24-27
Numbers 13:25-27
25 And whan they had spyed out the lande, they turned bake againe after fourtye daies,
26 and wente, and came to Moses and Aaron, & to the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel in to ye wyldernesse of Paran, eue vnto Cades, and brought them worde agayne, and to the whole congregacion, how it stode, and let them se the frute of the lande,
Numbers 13:26-33
26 and wente, and came to Moses and Aaron, & to the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel in to ye wyldernesse of Paran, eue vnto Cades, and brought them worde agayne, and to the whole congregacion, how it stode, and let them se the frute of the lande,
Numbers 13:26-27
26 and wente, and came to Moses and Aaron, & to the whole congregacion of ye children of Israel in to ye wyldernesse of Paran, eue vnto Cades, and brought them worde agayne, and to the whole congregacion, how it stode, and let them se the frute of the lande,
27 and tolde them, and sayde: We came in to ye lande, whither ye sent vs, where it floweth with mylke and hony, and this is the frute therof:
Numbers 13:27-27
27 and tolde them, and sayde: We came in to ye lande, whither ye sent vs, where it floweth with mylke and hony, and this is the frute therof:
28 sauynge that stronge people dwell therin, and the cities are exceadinge stronge and greate. And we sawe the children of Enack there also.
29 The Amalechites dwell in the south countre, the Hethites, and Iebusites and Amorites dwell vpon the mountaynes, but the Cananites dwell by the see, and aboute Iordane.
30 Howbeit Caleb stylled ye people that was agaynst Moses, and sayde vnto them: Let vs go vp, and conquere the lande, for we are able to ouercome it.
Numbers 13:30-33
30 Howbeit Caleb stylled ye people that was agaynst Moses, and sayde vnto them: Let vs go vp, and conquere the lande, for we are able to ouercome it.
31 But the men that wente vp with him, sayde: We are not able to go vp agaynst that people, for they are to stronge for vs.
32 And of the lande that they had searched, they brought vp an euell reporte amonge the childre of Israel, and saide: The lade that we haue gone thorow to spye out, eateth vp the indwellers therof: and all the people that we sawe therin, are men of greate stature.
33 We sawe giauntes there also, yee giauntes as the children of Enack: and we semed in oure sighte as ye greshoppers, and so dyd we in their sighte.
Numbers 14:1-4
1 Then the whole cogregacion toke on, and cryed, and the people wepte yt night.
2 And all the childre of Israel murmured agaynst Moses and Aaron, and the whole congregacion sayde vnto them: Oh that we had dyed in the lande of Egipte, or that we might dye yet in this wyldernesse.
3 Wherfore bryngeth the LORDE vs in to this lande, that oure wyues shulde fall thorow the swerde, and ouer children be a praye? Is it not better, that we go agayne in to Egipte?
Numbers 14:3
Numbers 14:8-9
8 Yf the LORDE haue lust vnto vs, he shal brynge vs in to the same londe, & geue it vs, which is a lade that floweth with mylke & hony.
9 But in anye wyse rebell not ye agaynst the LORDE, & feare not ye people of this lande, for we wil eate the vp as bred. Their defence is departed fro them, but the LORDE is wt vs, be not ye afrayed of them.
Numbers 14:14
14 so shal it be tolde the inhabiters of this lande also, which haue herde, yt thou O LORDE art amonge this people, yt thou art sene from face to face, & that thy cloude stondeth ouer them, and that thou goest before them in the cloudy piler on the daye tyme, and in the fyrie piler on the night season.
Numbers 14:22-30
22 For of all ye men that haue sene my glory & my tokens, which I dyd in Egipte and in the wildernesse, and tempted me new ten tymes, & haue not herkened vnto my voyce,
23 there shall not one se the londe that I sware vnto their fathers: nether shal eny of them that haue blasphemed me, se it.
24 But my seruaut Caleb, because there is another maner sprete with him, & because he hath folowed me, him wil I brynge in to the lande, which he hath gone thorow, & his sede shal conquere it,
Numbers 14:24
24 But my seruaut Caleb, because there is another maner sprete with him, & because he hath folowed me, him wil I brynge in to the lande, which he hath gone thorow, & his sede shal conquere it,
25 and ye Amalechites also and the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countrees. Tomorow turne you, and get you to the wyldernesse, in the waye towarde the reed see.
Numbers 14:25
25 and ye Amalechites also and the Cananites, that dwell in the lowe countrees. Tomorow turne you, and get you to the wyldernesse, in the waye towarde the reed see.
26 And ye LORDE spake vnto Moses & Aaron, & sayde:
27 How loge shal this euell multitude murmur agaynst me?
28 For I haue herde the murmuringe of the childre of Israel, yt they haue murmured agaynst me. Tell them therfore: As trulye as I lyue (sayeth ye LORDE) I wil do vnto you, euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares:
29 Youre carcases shal lye in this wildernesse. And all ye that were nombred from twentye yeare and aboue, which haue murmured agaynst me,
30 shall not come in to the lande (cocernynge the which I lift vp my hade, yt I wolde let you dwell therin) saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.
Numbers 14:30
30 shall not come in to the lande (cocernynge the which I lift vp my hade, yt I wolde let you dwell therin) saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune, and Iosua the sonne of Nun.
31 Youre children, of whom ye sayde: They shalbe a spoyle, them wyll I brynge in, so yt they shal knowe the lande, which ye haue refused.
Numbers 14:34
34 acordinge to the nombre of ye fourtye dayes, wherin ye spyed out the londe. A daye for a yeare, so yt fourtye yeares ye shall beare youre my?dede, that ye maye knowe what it is, whan I withdrawe my hande.
Numbers 14:38
38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun, and Caleb ye sonne of Iephune were left alyue, of the men that wente to spye out the lande.
39 And Moses spake these wordes vnto all the children of Israel. The toke the people greate sorowe.
40 And they arose early in ye mornynge, and wente vp to the toppe of ye mountayne, and sayde: Lo, here are we, and will go vp to the place, wherof the LORDE hath sayde: for we haue synned.
41 But Moses sayde: wherfore go ye on this maner beyonde ye worde of the LORDE? It shall not prospere with you:
Numbers 14:41-43
Numbers 14:42-43
Numbers 14:43-43
43 For the Amalechites and Cananites are there before you, & ye shal fall thorow ye swerde, because ye haue turned yor selues from the LORDE, and the LORDE shal not be with you.
44 But they were blynded to go vp to the toppe of the mountaine: neuertheles the Arke of the LORDES couenaunt & Moses came not out of the hooste.
Numbers 14:44
Numbers 14:45
45 Then came downe ye Amalechites & Cananites which dwelt vpon that mountayne, and smote them and hewed them, euen vnto Horma.
Numbers 20:1
1 And the childre of Israel came wt the whole cogregacion into the wildernesse of Zin in the first moneth, & the people abode at Cades. And there dyed Miriam, & was buried there.
Numbers 20:12
12 But the LORDE sayde vnto Moses & Aaron: Because ye beleued me not, to sanctifye me before ye childre of Israel, ye shal not bringe this congregacion in to the londe that I shal geue the.
Numbers 20:17-21
17 O let vs go thorow thy londe, we wyl not go thorow ye feldes ner vynyardes, ner drynke the water out of the foutaynes. We wyl go the hye strete, and turne nether to ye right hande ner to ye lefte, tyll we be come past ye borders of thy countre.
18 But the Edomite answered him: Thou shal not go by me, or I wyl come agaynst ye with ye swerde.
19 The children of Israel saide vnto him: We wil go ye como hye waye, & yf we or oure catell drynke of thy water, we wil paye for it: we wil do nothinge, but passe thorow on fote onely.
20 But he sayde: Thou shalt not go thorow, And the Edomites came out against them with a mightie people & a stroge hande.
21 Thus ye Edomites denied to graute Israel passage thorow the borders of the lande. And Israel turned awaye from them.
22 And the children of Israel brake vp fro Cades, and came with the whole congregacion vnto mount Hor.
Numbers 21:3
3 And the LORDE herde ye voyce of Israel, and delyuered them the Cananites, and they vtterly destroyed them wt their cities also. And he called the place Horma.
Numbers 21:5
5 and they spake agaynst God and agaynst Moses: Wherfore hast thou brought vs out of the lande of Egipte, to slaye vs in the wildernesse? For here is nether bred ner water, and oure soule lotheth this lighte meate.
Numbers 21:21-35
21 And Israel sent messaungers vnto Siho the kynge of the Amorrites, & caused to saye vnto him:
22 Let me go thorow ye lande, we wyl not turne in to ye feldes ner in to the vynyardes: nether will we drynke the water of the welles, ye hye strete wil we go, till we be past the borders of thy countre.
23 Howbeit Sihon wolde not geue the children of Israel licence to go thorow the coastes of his londe, but gathered all his people together, and wente out agaynst Israel in the wyldernesse. And whan he came to Iaheza, he fought agaynst Israel.
24 Neuerthelesse Israel smote him with the edge of the swerde, and conquered his lande from Arnon vnto Iabock, and vnto the children of Ammon. For the borders of the children of Ammon were stroge.
25 So Israel toke all these cities, and dwelt in all the cities of ye Amorites, namely at He?bon, and in the townes belonginge therto.
26 For He?bon the cite was Sihons the kynge of the Amorites, and he had foughten before with the kynge of the Moabites, and conquered all his londe from him vntyll Arnon.
27 Wherfore it is sayde in the prouerbe: Come vnto He?bon, let vs buylde and prepare ye cite of Sihon.
28 For there is a fyre gone out of He?bon, and a flamme from the cite of Sihon, which hath consumed Ar of ye Moabites, and the citisens of ye toppe of Arnon.
29 Wo vnto the Moab, thou people of Camos art vndone. His sonnes are put to flighte, & his doughters brought captyue vnto Sihon the kynge of the Amorites.
30 Their glory is come to naught from He?bon vnto Dibon: waisted are they vnto Nopha, which reacheth vnto Mediba.
31 Thus dwelt Israel in the lande of the Amorites.
32 And Moses sent out spyes vnto Iahesar, & they toke the townes belongynge therto, & coquered the Amorites yt were therin.
33 And they turned, & wente vp the waye towarde Basan. Then Og the kynge of Basan wete out agaynst them wt all his people, to fight in Edrei.
34 And ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Feare him not, for I haue geuen him wt his lande & people in to thy hande, & thou shalt do with him, as thou dyddest with Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at He?bon.
35 And they smote him, & his sonnes, & all his people (so yt there remayned none) & coquered the londe.
Numbers 22:12
12 But God sayde vnto Balaam: Go not with them, & curse not that people, for they are blessed.
Numbers 22:34
34 Then sayde Balaam vnto ye angell of ye LORDE: I haue synned, for I wyst not, that thou stodest in the waye agaynst me. And now yf it displease ye, I wil turne agayne.
Numbers 26:65
65 For ye LORDE sayde vnto the, yt they shulde dye in the wildernesse. And there was not one of them lefte, saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun.
Numbers 27:13-14
13 And whan thou hast sene it, thou shalt be gathered vnto yi people as Aaron yi brother was gathered:
14 for ye were dishobedient vnto my worde in the wyldernesse of Zin, in ye strife of the cogregacion, whan ye shulde haue sanctified me, thorow the water before them. This is the water of stryfe at Cades in the wyldernesse of Zin.
Numbers 27:18-23
Numbers 27:19-23
19 & set him before Eleasar the prest, and before the whole congregacion, and geue him a charge in their sighte,
20 & beutyfye him with thy bewty, that the whole congregacion of the children of Israel maye be obediet vnto him.
21 And he shal stonde before Eleasar the prest, which shall axe councell for him after the maner of the lighte, before the LORDE. At the mouth of him shall both he and all the children of Israel with him, and the whole congregacion go in and out.
22 Moses dyd as the LORDE comaunded him, & toke Iosua, and set him before Eleasar the prest, and before all the congregacion,
23 and layed his handes vpon him, and gaue him a charge, as the LORDE sayde vnto Moses.
Numbers 31:14
14 And Moses was angrie at the officers of the hoost, which were captaynes ouer thousandes and hudreds, yt came from the battayll,
Numbers 32:5
5 And they sayde morouer: Yf we haue founde fauoure before the, the geue thy seruauntes this londe in possession, and we wyl not go ouer Iordane.
Numbers 32:8
8 Thus dyd youre fathers also, whan I sent them out from Cades Bernea, to spye out ye londe.
Numbers 32:8-13
8 Thus dyd youre fathers also, whan I sent them out from Cades Bernea, to spye out ye londe.
9 And whan they were come vp to ye ryuer of Escol, and sawe ye londe, they turned the hertes of the children of Israel, so yt they wolde not into the londe which ye LORDE wolde haue geuen them.
10 And the LORDE was wroth at the same tyme, & sware, & sayde:
11 These men yt are come out of Egipte, from twetye yeare olde & aboue, shall not se the lande which I sware vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, because they haue not wholy folowed me:
12 saue Caleb ye sonne of Iephune ye Kenisite, & Iosua ye sonne of Nun: for they haue wholy folowed ye LORDE.
Numbers 32:12
Numbers 32:19
19 for we wyll not inheret with them beyonde Iordane: for or inheritaunce shal fall vnto vs vpon this syde Iordane Eastwarde.
Numbers 32:32
32 we wil go harnessed before the LORDE in to ye lade of Canaan, and possesse oure enheritaunce on this syde Iordane.
Numbers 33:17-18
Numbers 33:38
38 Then Aaron the prest wente vp vnto mount Hor (acordynge to the commaundement of the LORDE) and died there in the fourtyeth yeare, after yt the children of Israel departed out of the londe of Egipte, in the first daie of the fifte moneth,
Numbers 34:3-12
3 The South quarter shall begynne at the wyldernesse of Zin by Edom, so that youre South quarter be from the edge of the Salt see, which lyeth towarde the South:
4 and that ye same quarter fet a compasse from the South vp to Acrabim, & go thorow Zimma: & that his outgoinge be from the South vnto Cades Barnea, & reache vnto Hazor Adar, and go thorow Azmona,
5 and stretch out from Azmona vnto the ryuer of Egipte, and that the ende therof be at the greate see.
6 But the West quarter shal be this: namely the greate see, let yt be youre border towarde the West.
7 The North quarter shalbe this: Ye shall compasse from the greate see vnto mount Hor.
8 And fro mount Hor ye shall compasse tyll a man come vnto Hemath, that the outgoynge therof be the coast of Zedada,
9 and that the border of the same go out vnto Siphron, and that the goynge out of it be at Hazor Enan. Let this be youre North quarter.
10 And youre East quarter shall ye copasse from Hazor Enan vnto Sephan,
11 & let the coaste go downe from Sephan and Ribla on the East syde of Ain. The let it go downe, & reache vnto the syde of the see of Chinereth East warde,
12 and come downe by Iordane, so yt the goynge out of it be the Salt see. Let this be youre londe with the borders therof rounde aboute.
Numbers 34:15
15 hus the two trybes and the halfe trybe haue their enheritaunce allready, on this syde Iordane, ouer agaynst Iericho, Eastwarde.
Numbers 34:19
19 And these are the names of the men: Caleb the sonne of Iephune of the trybe of Iuda.
Numbers 35:14
14 Thre shal ye geue on this side Iordane, and thre in the londe of Canaan.
Deuteronomy 1:2
2 eleuen daies iourney from Horeb, by the waye of mount Seir vnto Cades Bernea.
Deuteronomy 1:7-8
7 turne you, & departe hence, that ye maye come to the mountaynes of the Amorites, and to all their neghbours in ye feldes, vpon mountaynes, and in the valleys towarde the South and towarde the see syde, of the lande of Canaan: and to mount Libanus, euen vnto the greate water Euphrates.
8 Beholde, I haue delyuered you the londe, go in, and take it in possession, which the LORDE sware vnto yor fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, that he wolde geue it vnto the, and their sede after them.
9 Then saide I vnto you at the same tyme: I am not able to beare you my self alone,
Deuteronomy 1:44
44 Then the Amorites that dwelt vpon the moutaynes, came out against you, and chaced you, as Bees do, and smote you at Seir, euen vnto Horma.
Deuteronomy 2:4
4 and commaude the people, and saye: Ye shal go thorow ye coastes of youre brethren the children of Esau, which dwell at Seir: & they shal be afrayed of you. But take diligente hede to youre selues,
Deuteronomy 2:8
8 Now whan we were departed from or brethren the children of Esau, that dwelt vpon mount Seir, by the waye of the felde from Elath & Ezeon gaber, we turned vs, & wente by the waye of the wyldernesse of ye Moabites.
Deuteronomy 2:14-15
14 The tyme that we were goinge fro Cades Barnea, tyll we came ouer the ryuer Sared, was eight & thirtye yeares: tyll all the men of warre were waysted out of the hoost, as the LORDE sware vnto them.
15 The hande of the LORDE also was agaynst them, to destroye the out of the hoost, tyll they were consumed.
Deuteronomy 2:26-3:11
26 Then sent I messaungers from ye wyldernesse of the East vnto Sihon the kynge at Hesbon wt peaceble wordes, and caused to saye vnto him:
Deuteronomy 3:22
22 Feare them not, for the LORDE youre God shal fighte for you.
23 And I besoughte the LORDE at the same tyme, & sayde:
24 O LORDE LORDE, thou hast begonne to shewe yi seruaunte thy greatnesse and thy mightie hade. For where is there a God in heauen & earth, that can do after yi workes and after thy power?
25 O let me go & se yt good londe beyonde Iordane, yt goodly hye countre, and Libanus.
26 But the LORDE was angrie with me for youre sakes, and wolde not heare me, but sayde vnto me: Be content, speake nomore to me of this matter.
Deuteronomy 3:28
28 And geue Iosua his charge, and corage him, and bolde him, for he shal go ouer Iordane before the people, and shal deuyde vnto them the londe, that thou shalt se.
Deuteronomy 4:1-2
1 And now herken Israel vnto the ordinauces and lawes, which I teach you that ye do them, yt ye maye lyue, and come in, & take possession of the londe, which the LORDE God of yor fathers geueth vnto you.
2 Ye shal put nothinge vnto the worde which I commaunde you, nether do oughte there from, that ye maye kepe the commaundementes of the LORDE youre God, which I commaunde you.
Deuteronomy 4:5
5 Beholde I haue taughte you ordinauces and lawes, soch as the LORDE my God commaunded me, that ye shulde do eue so in the londe, into ye which ye shal come, to possesse it.
Deuteronomy 4:8
8 And where is there so excellent a nacion, that hath so righteous ordinaunces and lawes, as all this lawe which I laye before you this daye.
Deuteronomy 4:21
21 And the LORDE was angrie with me for youre sakes, so that he sware, yt I shulde not go ouer Iordane, ner come in to that good londe, which the LORDE thy God shall geue the to enheritaunce.
Deuteronomy 4:40
40 Kepe his ornaunces therfore and commaundementes, which I commaunde the this daie, the shal it go well wt the and thy children after the, so that thy life shal longe endure in ye londe, which the LORDE the God geueth the thy life longe.
Deuteronomy 5:2
2 The LORDE oure God made a couenaunt with vs at Horeb:
Deuteronomy 8:15
15 and led ye thorow this greate & terrible wyldernes, where were serpentes that spouted fyre, and Scorpions, & drouth, and where there was no water, and brought the water out of the hard flynte,
Deuteronomy 9:1-2
1 Heare O Israel, This daie shalt thou go ouer Iordane, that thou maiest come in to conquere the nacions, which are greater and mightier then thou, greate cities, walled vp vnto heauen,
2 a greate people and of an hye stature, namely the childre of Enakim, whom thou hast knowne, and of whom thou hast herde saye: Who is able to stonde agaynst the children of Enakim?
Deuteronomy 9:23
23 and wha he sent you from Cades Barnea, and sayde: Go vp, and conquere the londe which I haue geuen you. And ye were disobedient vnto the mouth of the LORDE youre God, and beleued not on him, and herkened not vnto his voyce:
Deuteronomy 9:28
28 (that the londe wherout thou hast broughte vs, saye not: The LORDE was not able to bringe them in to the lande, that he promysed them, and because he hated them, therfore hath he broughte them out, to destroye the in the wyldernesse:)
Deuteronomy 10:17
17 For the LORDE yor God is God of all goddes, & LORDE ouer all lordes, a greate God, mightie & terryble, which regardeth no personne, & taketh no giftes
18 and doeth righte vnto the fatherlesse and wedowe, and loueth the straunger, to geue him fode & rayment.
19 Therfore shal ye loue a strauger, for ye youre selues also were straungers in the londe of Egipte.
Deuteronomy 10:22
22 Thy fathers wete downe into Egipte wt seuentye soules, but now hath ye LORDE thy God made the as ye starres of heauen in multitude.
Deuteronomy 11:11
11 but it hath hilles and valleys, which drynke water of the rayne of heauen,
Deuteronomy 11:24
24 All the places that the soles of youre fete treade vpon, shalbe yours, from the wyldernes, and fro mount Libanus, and from the water Euphrates vnto ye vttemost see shal youre coastes be.
Deuteronomy 12:28
28 Take hede, and heare all these wordes, which I commaunde the, yt it maye go well with the, and thy children after ye for euer, whan thou hast done yt which is righte and acceptable in the sighte of the LORDE thy God.
Deuteronomy 12:32
32 All that I commaunde you, shal ye kepe, that ye do therafter. Ye shal put nothinge therto, ner take ought there from.
Deuteronomy 16:18
18 Ivdges & officers shalt thou ordeyne within all yi gates, which ye LORDE thy God geueth the amoge thy trybes, yt they maye iudge the people with righteous iudgment.
Deuteronomy 16:18-19
18 Ivdges & officers shalt thou ordeyne within all yi gates, which ye LORDE thy God geueth the amoge thy trybes, yt they maye iudge the people with righteous iudgment.
19 Thou shalt not wrest the lawe. Thou shalt knowe no personne also, ner take giftes. For giftes blynde the eyes of ye wyse, & peruerte ye righteous causes.
Deuteronomy 16:19
19 Thou shalt not wrest the lawe. Thou shalt knowe no personne also, ner take giftes. For giftes blynde the eyes of ye wyse, & peruerte ye righteous causes.
Deuteronomy 17:8-10
8 Yf a matter be to harde for the in iudgmet betwixte bloude and bloude, betwixte plee and plee, betwixte stroke and stroke, and yf there be matters of stryfe within thy gates then shalt thou ryse, and go vp vnto ye place that ye LORDE thy God hath chosen:
9 and shalt come to the prestes the Leuites, & to the iudge which shalbe at that tyme, and shalt axe. They shal shewe the how to iudge,
10 and thou shalt do therafter, as they saye vnto the, in ye place which the LORDE hath chosen: and thou shalt take hede that thou do acordinge vnto all yt they teach the.
Deuteronomy 17:18-19
18 And whan he is set vpon the seate of his kingdome, he shal take of the prestes the Leuites this seconde lawe, and cause it be wrytten in a boke,
19 and that shall he haue by him, and he shall rede therin all the dayes of his life, that he maye lerne to feare ye LORDE his God, to kepe all the wordes of this lawe, all these ordinauces, so that he do therafter.
Deuteronomy 20:1
1 Whan thou goest out to battayll agaynst thine enemies, and seyst horses and charettes of the people more then thou, be not afrayed of them: for the LORDE thy God which brought ye out of the londe of Egipte, is with the.
Deuteronomy 20:1-4
1 Whan thou goest out to battayll agaynst thine enemies, and seyst horses and charettes of the people more then thou, be not afrayed of them: for the LORDE thy God which brought ye out of the londe of Egipte, is with the.
2 Now wha ye are come nye vnto the battayll, the prest shal steppe forth, & speake to the people,
3 and saye vnto the: Heare Israel: Ye go this daye in to the battayll agaynst youre enemies, let not yor hert faynte. Feare not, be not afrayed, ner a drede of them.
4 For the LORDE youre God goeth with you, to fyghte for you agaynst youre enemies, yt he maye saue you.
Deuteronomy 20:8
8 And the captaines shal speake further vnto the people, and saye: He that feareth and hath a faynte hert, lett him go, and byde at home, that he make not his brethrens hert fainte also, like as his hert is.
Deuteronomy 24:14
14 Thou shalt not withdrawe the hyre of ye nedye and poore amonge thy brethren, or straunger that is in thy londe,
Deuteronomy 24:17
17 Thou shalt not wrest the righte of the straunger and of the fatherlesse. And ye wedowes rayment shalt thou not take to pledge:
Deuteronomy 27:11
11 And Moses charged the people the same daye, and sayde:
Deuteronomy 28:25
25 The LORDE shall cause the be smytten before thine enemyes. Thou shalt come out one waye agaynst them, and seuen wayes shalt thou flye before them, and shalt be scatered amoge all the kyngdomes vpon earth.
Deuteronomy 28:62
62 And there shal be left but a fewe people of you, which afore were as the starres of heauen in multitude: because thou hast not herkened vnto the voyce of the LORDE thy God.
Deuteronomy 31:7-8
7 And Moses called Iosua, and sayde vnto him before all Israel: Be stronge and bolde, for thou shalt brynge this people in to the londe, which the LORDE hath sworne vnto their fathers to geue them, and thou shalt parte it amonge them by lott.
8 But the LORDE himselfe that goeth before you, euen HE shal be with the, and shal not fayle the, ner forsake the: Feare not, and be not afrayed.
9 And Moses wrote this lawe, and delyuered it vnto the prestes the children of Leui ( which bare the Arke of the couenaunt of the LORDE) and vnto all the Elders of Israel.
Deuteronomy 31:14
14 And the LORDE sayde vnto Moses: Beholde, thy tyme is come that thou must die, call Iosua, and stonde in the Tabernacle of witnesse, that I maye geue him a charge. Moses wente with Iosua, and stode in the Tabernacle of witnesse.
Deuteronomy 31:23
23 And the LORDE gaue Iosua the sonne of Nun a charge, and sayde: Be stronge and bolde, for thou shalt brynge the children of Israel in to the londe, which I sware vnto them, and I wil be with the.
Deuteronomy 32:10
10 He founde him in the wyldernesse, euen in the drye deserte where he roared. He led him aboute, and gaue him vnderstondinge: He kepte him as the aple of his eye.
Deuteronomy 32:10-12
10 He founde him in the wyldernesse, euen in the drye deserte where he roared. He led him aboute, and gaue him vnderstondinge: He kepte him as the aple of his eye.
11 As an Aegle stereth vp hir nest, and flotereth ouer hir yonge: Euen so stretched he out his fethers, and toke him and bare him on his wynges.
12 The LORDE onely was his gyde, & there was no straunge God with him.
Deuteronomy 32:30
30 How cometh it, yt one shall chace a thousande of them, and yt two shal put ten thousande to flyghte? Is it not so, euen because their rocke hath solde them, and because the LORDE hath geuen them ouer?
Deuteronomy 32:46
46 he sayde vnto the: Take to hert all ye wordes, which I testifye vnto you this daye, that ye commaunde youre children, to obserne and do all the wordes of this lawe.
Deuteronomy 33:2
2 and saide: The LORDE came from Sinai, and rose vp vnto the from Seir. He appeared fro mount Paran, and came wt many thousande sayntes. At his righte hande is there a lawe of fyre for them:
Deuteronomy 34:4
4 And the LORDE sayde vnto him: This is the londe that I sware vnto Abraham, Isaac and Iacob, and sayde: I wyll geue it vnto thy sede. Thou hast sene it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go ouer thither.
Joshua 1:1
1 After the death of Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE, spake the LORDE vnto Iosua ye sonne of Nun Moses mynister:
Joshua 1:4
4 From the wyldernesse and this Libanus vnto the greate water Euphrates: all the londe of the Hethites vnto the greate see towarde the west, shal be youre border.
Joshua 1:6
6 Be stronge and bolde: for vnto this people shalt thou deuyde ye londe, which I sware vnto their fathers, to geue it them.
Joshua 1:6-9
6 Be stronge and bolde: for vnto this people shalt thou deuyde ye londe, which I sware vnto their fathers, to geue it them.
7 Be stroge therfore and very bolde, that thou mayest kepe and do euery thynge acordinge to the lawe, that Moses my seruaunt commaunded the. Turne not asyde from it, nether to the righte hande ner to the lefte, yt thou mayest deale wysely whither so euer thou goest.
8 And let not the boke of this lawe departe out of thy mouth, but exercyse thy selfe therin daie and nighte, that thou mayest kepe and do euery thinge acordinge to it that is wrytte therin: Then shalt thou prospere in thy waies, and deale wysely.
9 Lo, I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde. Feare not, and be not afrayed: for the LORDE thy God is with ye, whither so euer thou goest.
Joshua 1:9-9
9 Lo, I haue commaunded the to be stronge and bolde. Feare not, and be not afrayed: for the LORDE thy God is with ye, whither so euer thou goest.
Joshua 2:1-2
1 Iosua the sonne of Nun sent out two spyes preuely from Setim, and sayde vnto them: Go youre waye, loke vpon the londe and Iericho. They wente forth, and came in to ye house of an harlot, called Rahab, and laye there.
2 Then was it tolde the kynge of Iericho: Lo, there are men come in this nighte from the childre of Israel, to spye the londe.
Joshua 2:9
9 and sayde vnto the: I knowe that the LORDE shal delyuer you the londe, for the feare of you is fallen vpon vs, and all the inhabiters of the londe are discoraged at youre commynge.
Joshua 2:11
11 And sence we herde therof, oure hert hath failed vs, nether is there a good stomacke more in eny man, by the reason of youre commynge. For the LORDE yor God is both the God aboue in heaue and beneth vpon earth.
Joshua 2:24
24 & they sayde vnto Iosua: The LORDE hath geue vs all the londe in to oure handes, and all they that dwell in the londe, are sore afrayed of vs.
Joshua 7:8-13
8 Oh my LORDE, what shal I saye, whyle Israel turneth his backe vpon his enemies?
9 Wha the Cananites heare of this, they shal compasse vs rounde aboute, yee and rote out oure names from of the earth. What wylt thou do then vnto thy greate name?
10 Then sayde the LORDE vnto Iosua: Stode vp, why lyest thou so vpon thy face?
11 Israel hath offended, and trasgressed ouer my couenaunt, which I commaunded the. They haue taken also of the thinge that was damned, and haue stollen, and dyssembled, and layed it amonge their ornamentes.
12 The children of Israel are not able to stonde before their aduersaries, but must turne their backes vpon their enemies: for they are a cursed. I wyll no more be with you from hece forth yf ye put not out the damned from amonge you.
13 Stonde vp, and sanctifie the people, and saye: Sanctifie yor selues agaynst tomorow for thus sayeth the LORDE God of Israel: There is a damned thinge in the O Israel, therfore canst thou not stonde before thine enemies, tyll ye put awaye the damned from amonge you.
Joshua 9:1
1 Now whan all the kynges that were beyonde Iordane vpon the mountaynes, and in the lowe countrees, & in all the hauens of the greate see, and besyde mount Libanus, herde this (namely, ye Hethites, Amorites, Cananites, Pheresites, Heuites and Iebusytes)
Joshua 9:10
10 and all that he dyd vnto the two kynges of the Amorites beyode Iordane, Sihon the kynge at Hesbo, and Og the kynge of Basan, which dwelt at Astaroth.
Joshua 10:40
40 Thus Iosua smote all the londe vpon the mountaynes, and towarde the south, and in the lowe countrees, and by the ryuers, with all their kynges, and let not one remaine ouer and damned all that had breth, as the LORDE God of Israel had commaunded.
Joshua 10:42
42 and toke all these kynges with their lode at one tyme: for the LORDE God of Israel foughte for Israel.
Joshua 11:16-17
16 So Iosua toke all this lode vpon ye moutaynes, & all yt lyeth towarde the south, & all the londe of Gosen, and the lowe countre, & the playne felde, and the mountayne of Israel with the valley therof,
17 from the mountayne that parteth the londe vp towarde Seir, vnto Baalgad, in the playne of mout Libanus beneth mount Hermon. All their kynges toke he, and smote them, and put the to death.
Joshua 11:22
22 and let none of the Enakims remayne in the londe of the children of Israel, saue at Gasa, at Gath, at Asod, there remayned of them.
Joshua 12:2-6
2 Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which dwelt at Hesbon, and had dominion from Aroer that lieth by the water syde of Arnon, and vnto the myddes of ye water: and ouer halfe Gilead, vnto the water of Iabok, which is the border of the childre of Ammon:
3 and ouer the playne felde, vnto the see of Cynneroth eastwarde, and vnto the see of the playne felde, namely the Salt see towarde the east, the waye vnto Beth Iesimoth: and from the south beneth by the ryuers of mount Pisga.
4 And the border of Og the kynge of Basan, which remayned yet of Raphaim, and dwelt at Astaroth and Edrei,
5 and had the dominion ouer mout Hermon, ouer Salcha, and ouer all Basan vnto the border of Gessuri & Maachati, & of halfe Gilead, which was the border of Sihon the kynge at Hesbon.
6 Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE and the childre of Israel smote them. And Moses the seruaunt of ye LORDE gaue it vnto the Rubenites, Gaddites and to the halfe trybe of Manasse in possession.
Joshua 13:10-12
10 and all the cities of Sihon the kynge of the Amorites, which, dwelt at Hesbon, vnto the border of the children of Ammon:
11 and Gilead and ye border of Gessuri and Maachati, and all mout Hermon, and all Basan vnto Salcha:
12 all ye kyngdome of Og at Basan, which dwelt at Astaroth and Edrei, that remained yet ouer of Raphaim. But Moses smote them and droue them out.
Joshua 14:6
6 Then came forth the children of Iuda to Iosua at Gilgall: and Caleb ye sonne of Iephunne the Kenisite sayde vnto him: Thou knowest what ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses the man of God, concerninge me and the in Cades Bernea.
Joshua 14:6-14
6 Then came forth the children of Iuda to Iosua at Gilgall: and Caleb ye sonne of Iephunne the Kenisite sayde vnto him: Thou knowest what ye LORDE sayde vnto Moses the man of God, concerninge me and the in Cades Bernea.
7 I was fortye yeare olde, whan Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE sent me out from Cades Bernea, to spye out the londe, and I broughte him worde agayne, euen as I had it in my hert.
8 Howbeit my brethren that wente vp with me, discoraged the hert of the people: but I folowed ye LORDE my God vnto the vttemost.
Joshua 14:8-14
8 Howbeit my brethren that wente vp with me, discoraged the hert of the people: but I folowed ye LORDE my God vnto the vttemost.
9 Then sware Moses vnto me the same daye, and sayde: The londe whervpon thou hast troden with thy fote, shalbe thine enheritaunce and thy childrens for euer, because thou hast folowed the LORDE my God vnto the vttemost.
10 And now hath the LORDE letten me lyue, acordinge as he sayde. It is now fyue and fortie yeare sence ye LORDE spake this vnto Moses, wha Israel walked in the wildernesse. And now lo, this daie am I fyue and foure score yeare olde
11 and am yet as stronge to daye, as I was in that daye whan Moses sent me out: euen as my strength was then, so is it now also to fighte, and to go out and in.
12 Geue me now therfore this mountayne, wherof the LORDE spake in that daye, and thou herdest it the same daye: for now the Enakims dwell theron, and it hath greate and stronge cities: yf happly the LORDE wyl be with me, that I maye dryue the out, as he hath sayde.
13 Then Iosua blessed him, and so gaue Hebron vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephune.
14 Therfore was Hebron the enheritaunce of Caleb the sonne of Iephune the kenisite, vnto this daye, because he folowed the LORDE God of Israel vnto the vttemost.
Joshua 15:14
14 And Caleb droue from thence the thre sonnes of Enak, Sesai, Ahiman, and Thalmas begotten of Enak.
Joshua 22:4
4 For so moch now as the LORDE youre God hath broughte youre brethre to rest, as he promysed them, turne you now, and go youre waye to youre tentes in to the londe of youre possession, which Moses the seruaunt of the LORDE gaue you beyode Iordane.
Joshua 22:7
7 Vnto the halfe trybe of Manasse had Moses geuen possession at Basan: vnto the other halfe gaue Iosua amonge their brethren on this syde Iordane westwarde. And whan he let them go to their tentes and blessed them,
Joshua 24:15
15 But yf ye like not to serue the LORDE, the chose you this daye whom ye wyll serue: the God whom youre fathers serued beionde ye water, or ye goddes of the Amorites, in whose lode ye dwell. As for me and my house, we wyll serue the LORDE.
Judges 1:10
10 And Iuda wente agaynst the Cananites, which dwelt at Hebron. (As for Hebron, it was called Kiriatharba afore tyme) and they smote Sesai, & Achiman, and Thalmai.
Judges 1:12-15
12 And Caleb sayde: He yt smyteth Kiriath Sepher, & wynneth it, I wyl geue him my doughter Achsa to wife.
13 Then Athniel the sonne of Kenas, Calebs yongest brother wane it. And he gaue him his doughter Achsa to wife.
14 And it fortuned yt whan they wete in, she was counceled of hir housbande, to axe a pece of londe of hir father. And she fell from the asse. The sayde Caleb vnto her: What ayleth ye?
15 She sayde: Geue me a blessynge, for thou hast geuen me a south & drye londe, geue me also a watery londe. Then gaue he her a londe that was watery aboue and beneth.
Judges 1:20
20 And acordinge as Moses had sayde, they gaue Hebron vnto Caleb, which droue out the thre sonnes of Enak.
Judges 11:16-17
16 for when they departed out of Egipte, Israel walked thorow the wyldernes vnto the reed see, and came to Cades,
17 and sent messaungers to the kynge of the Edomites, and sayde: Let me go thorow thy londe. But the kynge of ye Edomites wolde not heare the. They sent lykewyse vnto the kynge of the Moabites, which wolde not also. Thus Israel abode in Cades,
1 Samuel 4:2
2 and prepared them selues agaynst Israel. And whan the battayll beganne, the hoost was deuyded, so that Israel was smytte before the enemies, & in the edge in the felde they slewe aboute a foure thousande men.
1 Samuel 4:10
10 Then foughte the Philistynes, & Israel was smytten, & euery one fled vnto his tete, & there was a very greate slaughter, so that there fell of Israel thirtye thousande fote me,
1 Samuel 8:12
12 and to be rulers & captaynes, to be plowemen to tyll his londe and to be reapers in his haruest, and to make his harnesse, and soch thinges as belonge to his charettes.
1 Samuel 12:3-4
3 Beholde, here am I: answere ye agaynst me before the RORDE and his anoynted, yf I haue taken eny mans oxe or asse, yf I haue done eny man violence or wronge, If I haue oppressed eny ma, yf I haue receaued a gifte of eny mans hande, and kepte it secretly, I wil restore it you agayne.
4 They saide: Thou hast done vs nether violence ner wronge, nether oppressed, ner taken ought of eny mans hande.
1 Samuel 16:7
7 But ye LORDE sayde vnto Samuel: loke not vpon his countenaunce, ner vpon the tallnesse of his person, For I iudge not after the sighte of man. A man hath respecte vnto the thinge that is before his eyes, but the LORDE loketh vpon the hert.
1 Samuel 16:22
22 And Saul sente vnto Isai, sayege: Let Dauid remayne before me, for he hath founde fauor in my sighte.
1 Samuel 17:18
18 & these ten new cheses, and brynge them to ye captayne, and loke how thy brethren do, whether it go well with them or no, and take what they byd the.
1 Samuel 17:45-46
45 Neuertheles Dauid sayde vnto the Philistyne: Thou commest vnto me with swerde, speare and shylde. But I come vnto the in the name of the LORDE Zebaoth the God of the hoost of Israel, whom thou hast despysed.
46 This daye shall the LORDE delyuer the in to my hade, that I maye smyte the, and take thy heade from the, and geue the bodies of the hoost of the Philistynes this daye vnto the foules vnder the heauen, and to the wylde beestes vpon the earth, that all the londe maye knowe yt Israel hath a God.
1 Samuel 22:7
7 Then sayde Saul vnto his seruauntes that stode by him: Heare ye children of Iemini: Shal the sonne of Isai geue lodes and vynyardes vnto you all, & make you all captaynes ouer thousandes and ouer hudreds,
1 Samuel 25:1
1 And Samuel dyed, and all Israel gathered them selues together, mourned for him, & buried him in his house at Ramath. As for Dauid, he rose, and wente downe into the wyldernesse of Paran.
2 Samuel 8:3
3 Dauid smote Hadad Eser also the sonne of Rehob kynge of Zoba, whan he wete to fetch his power agayne at ye water Euphrates.
2 Samuel 14:14
14 For we all dye the death, and as the water that sinketh in to the earth, which is not taken vp. And God will not take awaye the lyfe, but vnbethynketh himselfe, yt euen the very outlawe be not cleane thrust out from him.
2 Samuel 21:16-22
16 & Iesbi of Nob (which was one of the children of Rapha, and the weight of his speare was thre C. weight of brasse, and had a new harnesse vpon him) thoughte to smyte Dauid.
17 Neuertheles Abisai the sonne of Zeru Ia helped him, & smote the Philistyne to death. Then sware Dauids men vnto him, & sayde: Thou shalt nomore go forth with vs vnto the warre, that the lanterne in Israel be not put out.
18 Afterwarde there arose yet warre at Nob with the Philistynes. Then Sibechai the Husathite smote Saph, which also was one of the childre of Rapha.
19 And there arose yet warre at Gob with the Philistynes. Then Elhanan the sonne of Iaere Orgim a Bethleemite smote Goliath the Gethite, which had a speare, whose shaft was like a weeuers lome.
20 And there arose yet warre at Gath, where there was a cotencious man, which had sixe fyngers on his handes, and sixe toes on his fete, that is foure and twety in the nombre, and he was borne also of Rapha.
21 And whan he spake despitefully vnto Israel, Ionathas ye sonne of Simea Dauids brother smote him.
22 These foure were borne vnto Rapha at Gath, and fell thorow the hande of Dauid and of his seruauntes.
2 Samuel 23:3
3 He sayde: The God of Israel hath spoke vnto me, the strength of Israel, the gouernoure amonge men, the righteous gouernoure in the feare of God.
2 Samuel 24:3
3 Ioab sayde vnto the kynge: The LORDE thy God adde vnto this people an hundreth tymes as moch as it is now, that my lorde the kynge maye se his eyes lust theron. But why hath my lorde the kynge a desyre to this thinge?
1 Kings 3:7-9
7 Now LORDE my God, thou hast made thy seruaunt kynge in my father Dauids steade: As for me, I am but a small yonge man, knowynge nether my outgoynge ner ingoynge.
8 And thy seruaunt is amonge the people whom thou hast chosen: which is so greate, that no man can nombre them ner descrybe them for multitude.
9 Geue thy seruaunt therfore an obedient hert, that he maye iudge thy people, & vnderstonde what is good & bad: for who is able to iudge this thy mightie people?
1 Kings 21:8-14
8 And she wrote a letter vnder Achabs name, and sealed it with his signet, and sent it vnto ye Elders and rulers in his cite, which dwelt aboute Naboth,
9 and wrote thus in ye letter: Proclame a fast, and set Naboth aboue in the people,
10 and set two men of Belial before him, to testifye and saye: Thou hast blasphemed God and the kynge. And brynge him forth, and stone him to death.
11 And the Elders and rulers of his cyte, which dwelt in his cite, dyd as Iesabel had commaunded them, acordynge as she had wrytten in the letter that she sent vnto them
12 and they proclamed a fast, and caused Naboth to syt aboue amonge the people.
13 Then came the two men of Belial, and stode before him, and testyfyed agaynst Naboth in ye presence of the people, and sayde: Naboth hath blasphemed God and the kynge. Then broughte they him out of the cite, and stoned him to death.
14 And they sent Iesabel worde, sayenge: Naboth is stoned & put to death.
1 Chronicles 5:9
9 And dwelt towarde ye East, as one cometh to the wyldernes by ye water Euphrates: for their catell were many in the londe of Gilead.
1 Chronicles 18:3
3 He smote Hadad Eser also ye kynge of Zoba in Hemath, whan he wente to set vp his power by the water Euphrates.
1 Chronicles 21:3
3 Ioab sayde: The LORDE make his people an hundreth tymes mo then they are now. But my lorde O kynge, are they not all my lordes seruauntes? Why doth my lorde then axe therafter? Wherfore shal there a trespace come vpon Israel?
1 Chronicles 27:23
23 But Dauid toke not the nombre of them that were twentye yeare olde and there vnder: for the LORDE had promysed to multiplye Israel as the starres of the ?kie.
2 Chronicles 14:11-12
11 And Asa called vpon ye LORDE his God and sayde: LORDE, it is no differece wt ye, to helpe by fewe or by many. Helpe vs O LORDE oure God: for oure trust is in the, & in thy name are we come forth against this multitude. LORDE oure God, let no man preuayle agaynst the.
12 And the LORDE smote the Morias before Asa and before Iuda, so that they fled.
2 Chronicles 19:6-10
6 And sayde vnto the Iudges: Take hede what ye do: for ye execute not the iudgment of man, but of the LORDE, and he is with you in iudgmet:
2 Chronicles 19:6
6 And sayde vnto the Iudges: Take hede what ye do: for ye execute not the iudgment of man, but of the LORDE, and he is with you in iudgmet:
7 therfore let the feare of the LORDE be with you, and bewarre, and do it: for with the LORDE oure God there is no vnrighteousnes, ner respecte of personnes, ner acceptinge of giftes.
8 And at Ierusalem dyd Iosaphat ordeyne certayne of the Leuites and prestes, and of the awnciet fathers of Israel for ye iudgment of the LORDE, and ouer the matter of the lawe, and caused them to dwell at Ierusalem,
9 and commaunded them, and sayde: Se that ye do thus in the feare of the LORDE, in faithfulnes & in a perfect hert.
10 In all causes that come vnto you from youre brethren (which dwell in their cities) betwene bloude and bloude, betwene lawe and commaundement, betwene statutes and ordinaunces ye shal enforme them, yt they synne not against the LORDE, and so the wrath to come vpon you and youre brethren. Do thus, and ye shal not offende.
2 Chronicles 20:20
20 And they gat them vp early in ye mornynge, and wete forth by the wyldernesse of Thekoa. And whan they were goynge out, Iosaphat stode, & sayde: Herke vnto me O Iuda, & ye indwellers of Ierusale: Put youre trust in the LORDE yor God, & ye shal be safe: and geue credence vnto his prophetes, & ye shall prospere.
2 Chronicles 32:8
8 With him is a fleshly arme, but with vs is the LORDE oure God, to helpe vs and to fighte for vs. And ye people trusted vnto the wordes of Ezechias kynge of Iuda.
Nehemiah 4:20
20 Loke in what place now ye heare the noise of ye trompe, resorte ye thither vnto vs. Oure God shal fight for vs,
Nehemiah 9:12-23
12 and leddest them on the daye tyme in a cloudy pyler, and on the nighte season in a piler of fyre, to shewe them lighte in the waye yt they wente.
Nehemiah 9:12
12 and leddest them on the daye tyme in a cloudy pyler, and on the nighte season in a piler of fyre, to shewe them lighte in the waye yt they wente.
13 Thou camest downe also vpo mount Sinai, and spakest vnto them from heauen, and gauest them righte iudgmentes, true lawes, good commaundementes and statutes,
14 and declared vnto them thy holy Sabbath, and commaunded them preceptes, ordinaunces, and lawes, by Moses thy seruaunt:
15 and gauest them bred from heauen whan they were hongrye, and broughte forth water for them out of the rock whan they were thyrstye: and promysed them, that they shulde go in, and take possession of the londe, where ouer thou haddest lyfte vp thine hande for to geue them.
16 Neuertheles oure fathers were proude and hardnecked, so that they folowed not yi comaundementes,
17 and refused to heare, and were not myndefull of the wonders yt thou dyddest for them: but became obstynate and heady, in so moch that they turned back to their bondage in their dishobedience. But thou my God forgauest, and wast gracious, mercifull, pacient, and of greate goodnesse, and forsokest them not.
18 And though they made a molten calfe (and sayde: This is thy God, that broughte the out of the londe of Egipte) and dyd greate blasphemies,
19 yet forsokest thou them not in the wyldernes, acordinge to thy greate mercy. And ye cloudy piler departed not from them on ye dayetyme to lede them the waye, nether the piler of fyre in the night season, to shewe them lighte in the waye that they wente.
20 And thou gauest them thy good sprete to enfourme them, and withheldest not thy Manna from their mouth, and gauest the water wha they were thirstie.
21 Fortye yeares longe madest thou prouysion for them in the wyldernesse, so that they wanted nothinge: their clothes waxed not olde, and their fete swelled not.
22 And thou gauest the kigdomes & nacions, & partedst the acordinge to their porcions, so that they possessed the londe of Sihon kynge of He?bon, & the londe of Og ye kynge of Basan.
Nehemiah 9:22-23
22 And thou gauest the kigdomes & nacions, & partedst the acordinge to their porcions, so that they possessed the londe of Sihon kynge of He?bon, & the londe of Og ye kynge of Basan.
23 And their childre multiplyedst thou as the starres of heauen, and broughtest the in to the londe wherof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they shulde go in to it, and haue it in possession.
Nehemiah 9:23-23
23 And their childre multiplyedst thou as the starres of heauen, and broughtest the in to the londe wherof thou haddest spoken vnto their fathers, that they shulde go in to it, and haue it in possession.
Job 22:6-9
6 Thou hast take the pledge from thy brethre for naught, & robbed the naked of their clothinge:
7 To soch as were weery, hast thou geue no water to drynke, thou hast withdrawe bred fro the hungrie:
8 Shulde soch one the as vseth violece, wroge & oppression (doinge all thinges of parcialyte, & hauynge respecte of personnes) dwell in the lode?
9 Thou hast sent wyddowes awaye emptie and oppressed the poore fatherlesse.
Job 29:11-17
11 When all they yt herde me, called me happie: & when all they yt sawe me, wysshed me good.
12 For I delyuered ye poore whe he cried, & the fatherlesse yt wanted helpe.
13 He yt shulde haue bene lost, gaue me a good worde, & ye widdowes hert praised me.
14 And why? I put vpon me rightuousnes, which couered me as a garmet, & equite was my crowne.
15 I was an eye vnto the blynde, & a fote to the lame.
16 I was a father vnto the poore, & whe I knew not their cause, I sought it out diligetly.
17 I brake the chaftes of ye vnrightuous, & plucte the spoyle out of their teth.
Job 31:13-16
13 Dyd I euer thynke scorne to do right vnto my seruautes and maydens, when they had eny matter agaynst me?
14 But seynge that God wil sytt in iudgment, what shal I do? And for so moch as he wil nedes vyset me, what answere shal I geue him?
15 He that fashioned me in my mothers wombe, made he not him also? were we not both shappen alyke in oure mothers bodies?
16 When the poore desyred enythinge at me, haue I denyed it them? Haue I caused ye wyddowe stonde waytinge for me in vayne?
Job 31:34
34 For yf I had feared eny greate multitude of people: Or yf I had bene dispysed of ye symple, Oh then shulde I haue bene afrayed. Thus haue I quyetly spent my lyfe, and not gone out at ye dore.
Psalms 27:1-3
1 The LORDE is my light and my health: whom then shulde I feare? the LORDE is the strength of my life, for whom the shulde I be afrayed?
2 Therfore when the wicked (euen myne enemies & my foes) came vpon me, to eate vp my flesh, they stombled and fell.
3 Though an hoost of men were layed agaynst me, yet shal not my hert be afrayed: and though there rose vp warre against me, yet wil I put my trust in him.
Psalms 46:1
1 In oure troubles and aduersite, we haue founde, that God is oure refuge, oure strength and helpe.
Psalms 46:7
7 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence.
Psalms 46:11
11 The LORDE of hoostes is wt vs, the God of Iacob is oure defence. Sela.
Psalms 58:1
1 Yf youre myndes be vpon rightuousnesse in dede, then iudge the thinge that is right, o ye sonnes of men.
Psalms 77:20
20 Thou leddest thy people like a flocke of shepe, by the honde of Moses and Aaron.
Psalms 78:11-13
11 They kepte not the couenaut of God, & wolde not walke in his lawe.
12 They forgat what he had done, and the wonderfull workes that he had shewed for them.
13 Maruelous thinges dyd he in the sight of their fathers in the londe of Egipte, euen in the felde of Zoan.
14 He deuyded the see and let them go thorow it, and made the waters to stonde like a wall.
Psalms 78:14
14 He deuyded the see and let them go thorow it, and made the waters to stonde like a wall.
15 In the daye tyme he led them with a cloude, and all the night thorow with a light of fyre.
16 He cloaue the hard rockes in the wildernesse, and gaue them drynke therof, as it had bene out of the greate deapth.
17 He brought waters out of the stony rocke, so that they gusshed out like the ryuers.
18 Yet for all this they synned agaynst him, and prouoked the most hyest in the wildernesse.
19 They tempted God in their hertes, and requyred meate for their lust,
20 For they spake agaynst God and sayde: Yee yee, God shal prepare a table in the wyldernesse, shall he?
21 Lo, he smote the stony rocke, that the watery streames gusshed out, and the streames flowed withall: but how can he geue bred and prouyde flesh for his people?
22 When the LORDE herde this, he was wroth: so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob, and heuy displeasure agaynst Israel.
Psalms 78:22
22 When the LORDE herde this, he was wroth: so the fyre was kyndled in Iacob, and heuy displeasure agaynst Israel.
23 Because they beleued not in God, and put not their trust in his helpe.
24 So he commauded the cloudes aboue, and opened the dores of heauen.
25 He rayned downe Manna vpo them for to eate, and gaue them bred from heauen.
26 Then ate they angels fode, for he sent them meate ynough.
27 He caused the east wynde to blowe vnder the heauen, and thorow his power he brought in the south wynde.
28 He made flesh to rayne vpon them as thicke as dust, and fethered foules like the sonde of ye see.
Psalms 78:34
34 When he slewe them, they sought him, and turned them early vnto God.
Psalms 78:43-51
43 They thought not of his hade, in ye daye when he delyuered them from the hande of ye enemie.
44 How he had wrought his miracles in Egipte, and his woders in the londe of Zoan.
45 How he turned their waters in to bloude, so that they might not drynke of the ryuers.
46 How he sent lyse amonge them, to eate them vp, and frogges to destroye them.
47 How he gaue their frutes vnto the catirpiller, and their laboure vnto the greshopper.
48 How he bett downe their vynyardes with hayle stones, and their Molbery trees with the frost.
49 How he smote their catell with haylestones, and their flockes with hote thoder boltes.
50 How he sent vpon them ye furiousnesse of his wrath, anger & displeasure: with trouble and fallinge in of euel angels.
51 When he made a waye to his fearfull indignacio, and spared not their soules from death, yee and gaue their catell ouer to the pestilence.
Psalms 82:3-4
Psalms 89:19
19 The LORDE is oure defence, and the holy one of Israel is oure kynge.
Psalms 95:11
11 Therfore I sware vnto the in my wrath, that they shulde not enter in to my rest.
Psalms 105:27-36
27 These dyd his tokens amoge them, and wonders in the londe of Ham.
28 He sent darcknesse and it was darcke, for they were not obedient vnto his worde.
29 He turned their waters in to bloude, and slewe their fishe.
30 Their londe brought forth frogges, yee euen in their kynges chambers.
31 He spake the worde, & their came all maner of flies & lise in all their quarters.
32 He gaue them hale stones for rayne, and flammes of fyre in their lode.
33 He smote their vynyardes & fige trees, and destroyed the trees that were in their coastes.
34 He spake ye worde, and their came greshoppers & catirpillers innumerable.
35 These ate vp all the grasse in their lode, and deuoured the frutes of their groude.
36 He smote all ye first borne in their lode, euen the chefe of all their substaunce.
Psalms 105:39-41
39 e spred out a cloude to be a couerynge, and fyre to geue light in the night season.
Psalms 105:39
Psalms 106:24-25
24 Yee they thought scorne of yt pleasaunt londe, and gaue no credence vnto his worde.
Psalms 106:24
Psalms 106:25
25 But murmured in their tentes, and herkened not vnto the voyce of the LORDE.
Psalms 106:32-33
Psalms 115:14
14 The LORDE encrease you more & more: you, and youre childre.
Psalms 118:12
12 They came aboute me like bees, & were as hote as the fyre in the thornes, but in the name of the LORDE I wil destroye them.
Psalms 135:11
11 Sihon kynge of ye Amorites, Og the kynge of Basan, and all the kyngdomes of Canaa.
Psalms 136:19-20
Proverbs 19:3
3 Foolishnesse maketh a man to go out of his waye, & then is his herte vnpacient agaynst the LORDE.
Proverbs 22:22-23
Proverbs 22:29
29 Seist thou not, yt they which be diligent in their busines stonde before kynges, and not amonge the symple people?
Proverbs 24:23
23 These are also ye saieges of ye wyse. It is not good, to haue respecte of any personne in iudgmet.
Proverbs 29:25
25 He that feareth men, shal haue a fall: but who so putteth his trust in the LORDE, shal come to honor.
Isaiah 4:5-6
5 Morouer vpon all the dwellinges of the hill of Sion and vpon their whole congregacion, shal the LORDE prouyde a cloude and smoke by daye, and the shyninghe of a flammynge fyre by night, for all their glory shalbe preserued.
6 And Ierusalem shall be a tabernacle for a shadowe because of hete in the daye tyme, a place and refuge where a man maye kepe him for wether and rayne.
Isaiah 7:9
9 And the chefe citie of Ephraim is Samaria, but the head of Samaria is Romelies sonne. And yf ye beleue not, there shall no promyse be kepte with you.
Isaiah 7:15-16
Isaiah 7:18
18 For at the same tyme shal the LORDE whistle for the flyes yt are aboute the water of Egipte, and for ye Beyes in the Assirians londe.
Isaiah 8:9-10
Isaiah 13:7
7 Then shall all hondes be letten downe, and all mens hertes shal melt awaie,
Isaiah 30:17
17 A thousand of you shal fle for one, or at the most for fyue, which do but only geue you euell wordes: vntil ye be desolate, as a shipmast vpon an hie mountayne, and as a beaken vpon an hill.
Isaiah 40:11
11 He shal fede his flock like an hirdman. He shal gather the lambes together with his arme, and carie them in his bosome, & shal kindly intreate those that beare yonge.
Isaiah 41:10
10 be not afrayde, for I wil be with ye. Lake not behinde ye, for I wil be thy God, to stregth ye, helpe ye, & to kepe ye with this right hode of myne.
Isaiah 43:1-2
1 Bvt now, the LORDE that made the (o Iacob) and he that fashioned the (o Israel) saieth thus: Feare not, for I will defende ye. I haue called ye by thy name, thou art myne owne.
2 When thou wentest in the water, I was by the, that the stroge floudes shulde not pluck ye awaye: When thou walkest in the fyre, it shal not burne ye, and the flame shall not kindle vpon the.
Isaiah 46:3-4
3 Herken vnto me, o house of Iacob, and all ye that remayne yet of the housholde of Israel: whom I haue borne from youre mothers wombe, and brought you vp from yor byrth, till ye were growen:
4 I I which shall beare you vnto youre last age: I haue made you, I will also norish you, beare you and saue you.
Isaiah 59:1-2
Isaiah 63:9
9 In their troubles he forsoke the not, but the angel that went forth from his presence, delyuered them: Of very loue & kindnesse that he had vnto them, redemed he them. He hath borne them, and caried them vp euer, sence the worlde begane.
10 But after they prouoked him to wrath and vexed his holy minde, he was their enemie, and fought agaynst them him self.
Jeremiah 1:17
17 And therfore gyrde vp thy loynes, arise, and tell them all, that I geue the in comaundement. Feare them not, I will not haue the to be afrayed of the.
Jeremiah 2:6
6 They thought not in their hertes: Where haue we left the LORDE, yt brought vs out of the lode of Egipte: yt led vs thorow the wildernesse, thorow a deserte and rough londe, thorow a drie and a deedly londe, yee a londe that no man had gone thorow, and wherein no man had dwelt.
Jeremiah 5:28-29
28 herof are they fat and welthy, and are runne awaye fro me with shamefull blasphemies. They ministre not the lawe, they make no ende of the fatherlesses cause, they iudge not the poore acordinge to equite.
29 Shulde I not punysh these thinges, saieth the LORDE? Shulde I not be avenged of all soch people, as these be?
Ezekiel 20:6
6 euen in the daye that I lift vp myne honde ouer them, to bringe them out of the londe of Egipte: in to a londe that I had prouyded for them, which floweth with mylcke and hony, and is a pleasaunt lode amonge all other:
Ezekiel 20:15
15 But I swore vnto them in the wildernesse, that I wolde not bringe them into the londe, which I gaue them: a londe that floweth with mylcke & hony, & is a pleasure of all londes:
Ezekiel 21:7
7 And yf they saye, wherfore mournest thou? Then tell them: for the tydinges that commeth, at the which all hertes shall melt, all hondes shal be letten downe, all stomackes shal faynte, and all knees shall waxe feble. Beholde, it commeth & shal be fulfilled, saieth the LORDE God.
Hosea 9:12
12 And though they bringe vp eny, yet will I make them childlesse amonge men. Yee wo shall come to them, when I departe from them.
Hosea 11:3-4
Amos 2:9
9 Yet destroyed I the Amorite before them, that was as hie as the Cedre trees, and as stronge as the okes: notwithstodinge I destroyed his frute fro aboue, and his rote from vnder.
Amos 5:11-12
11 For so moch the as ye oppresse ye poore, and robbe him of his best sustenaunce: therfore, where as ye haue buylded houses off square stone, ye shall not dwell in them. Maruelos pleasaunt vynyardes shall ye plante, but the wyne of the shal ye not drynke: and why?
12 as for the multitude of youre wickednesses and youre stoute synnes, I knowe them right well. Enemies are ye off the rightuous, ye take rewardes, ye oppresse the poore in iudgment.
Jonah 4:11
11 And shulde not I then haue compassion vpon Niniue that greate cite, wherin there are aboue an C. and xx. thousande personnes, yt knowe not their right hode fro the lefte, besydes moch catell?
Micah 2:1-3
1 Wo vnto them, that ymagyn to do harme, and deuyse vngraciousnesse vpon their beddes, to perfourme it in ye cleare daye: for their power is agaynst God.
2 When they covet to haue londe, they take it by violence, they robbe men off their houses. Thus they oppresse a ma for his house, & euery man for his heretage.
3 Therfore thus sayeth the LORDE: Beholde, agaynst this housholde haue I deuysed a plage, wherout ye shal not plucke youre neckes: Ye shal nomore go so proudly, for it will be a perlous tyme.
Micah 3:1-4
1 Heare, o ye heades of the house of Iacob, and ye leders of the house of Israel: Shulde not ye knowe, what were laufull and right?
2 But ye hate the good, and loue the euell: ye plucke of mens skynnes, and the flesh from their bones:
3 Ye eate the flesh of my people, ad flay of their skynne: ye breake their bones, ye choppe them in peces as it were in to a cauldron, ad as flesh into a pot.
4 Now the tyme shall come, that when they call vnto the LORDE, he shall not heare them, but hyde his face from them: because that thorow their owne ymaginacios, they haue dealte so wickedly.
Micah 7:3-4
3 yet they saye they do well, when they do euell. As the prince wil, so sayeth the iudge: yt he maye do him a pleasure agayne. The greate ma speaketh what his herte desyreth, & ye hearers alowe him.
4 The best off the is but as a thistle, and the most rightuous of them is but as a brere in the hedge But when the daye of thy preachers commeth, yt thou shalt be vysited: the shal they be waisted a waye.
Habakkuk 3:3
3 God commeth from Theman, and the holy one from the mount of Pharan. Sela.
Zechariah 2:5
5 Yee I myself (saieth the LORDE) wil be vnto her a wall of fyre rounde aboute, & wilbe honoured in her.
Matthew 22:16
16 and sent vnto him their disciples with Herodes officers, and sayde: Master, we knowe that thou art true, and teachest the waye of God truly, and carest for no ma: for thou regardest not the outwarde appearaunce of me.
Matthew 25:24
24 Then he that had receaued the one talet, came and sayde: Syr, I knew that thou art an hard man: thou reapest where thou hast not sowen, and gatherest where thou hast not strowed,
Matthew 28:20
20 and teach them to kepe all thinges, what soeuer I haue commaunded you. And lo, I am with you euery daye vnto the ende of the worlde.
Mark 12:14
14 And they came, and sayde vnto hi: Master, we knowe that thou art true and carest for no man. For thou regardest not the outwarde appearaunce of men, but teachest ye waye of God truly. Is it laufull to geue tribute vnto the Emperoure, or not?
Luke 12:32
32 Feare not thou litle flocke, for it is youre fathers pleasure to geue you the kyngdome.
Luke 19:21
21 I was afrayed of the, for thou art an harde man, thou takest vp yt thou hast not layed downe, and reapest that thou hast not sowne.
Luke 20:21
21 And they axed him, & sayde: Master, we knowe that thou sayest & teachest right, and regardest the outwarde appearauce of no man, but teachest the waye of God truly.
John 7:24
24 Iudge not after the vtter appearauce, but iudge righteous iudgment.
Acts 1:21-23
21 Wherfore amonge these men which haue bene gathered together with vs (all the tyme that the LORDE Iesus wete out and in amonge vs,
22 begynnynge from the baptyme of Ihon, vntyll ye daye that he was take vp from vs) must one be a wytnesse with vs of his resurreccion.
23 And they appoynted two (Ioseph called Barsabas, whose syrname was Iustus, and Mathias.)
Acts 6:2-6
2 Then the twolue called the multitude of the disciples together, and sayde: It is not mete that we shulde leaue the worde of God, and to serue at the tables.
3 Wherfore brethren, loke out amonge you seue men, that are of honeste reporte, and full of the holy goost and wyssdome, whom we maye appoynte to this nedefull busynes.
4 But we wil geue oure selues vnto prayer, and to the mynistracion of the worde of God.
5 And the sayenge pleased the whole multitude. And they chose Steuen, a man full of fayth and of the holy goost, and Philippe, and Procorus, and Nicanor, and Thimon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas the Proselite of Antioche.
6 These they set before ye Apostles, and they prayed, and layed their handes vpon them.
Acts 7:51
51 Ye styffnecked & of vncircumcysed hertes and eares, ye allwaye resiste the holy goost: Eue as yor fathers dyd, so do ye also.
Acts 10:34-35
Acts 13:18
18 And by the space of fortye yeares suffred he their maners in the wyldernesse,
Acts 20:20
20 how yt I haue kepte backe nothinge yt was profitable, but that I haue shewed you, and taughte you openly, and priuately from house to house.
Acts 20:27
27 For I haue kepte nothinge backe, but haue shewed you all the councell off God.
Romans 2:11
11 For there is no respecte of personnes before God: Who so euer haue synned without lawe,
Romans 8:7-8
Romans 8:31
31 What shal we saye then vnto these thinges? Yff God be on oure syde, who can be agaynst vs.
Romans 8:37
37 Neuerthelesse in all these thinges we ouercome farre, for his sake that loued vs.
Romans 9:11
11 or euer the childre were borne, & had done nether good ner bad (that the purpose of God might stode acordinge to the eleccion, not by the deseruynge of workes, but by the grace of the caller)
2 Corinthians 2:16
16 To these, ye sauoure of death vnto death: but vnto ye other, the sauoure of life vnto life. And who is mete therto?
2 Corinthians 3:5
5 not that we are sufficient of oure selues to thynke eny thinge, as of oure selues, but oure ablenesse commeth of God,
Ephesians 2:3
3 amonge whom we also had oure conuersacion in tyme past in the lustes of oure flesh, and dyd the wyll of the flesh and of the mynde, and were naturally the children of wrath, euen as well as other.
Ephesians 4:11
11 And ye same hath set some to be Apostles, some to be prophetes, some to be Euangelistes, some to be shepherdes & teachers,
Ephesians 6:9
9 And ye masters, do euen the same vnto the, puttynge awaye threatenynges, and knowe that euen youre master also is in heauen, nether is there eny respecte of personnes with him.
Colossians 3:25
25 But he that doth wronge, shal receaue for the wronge that he hath done, for there is no respecte of persons (with God.)
1 Thessalonians 2:4
4 but as we are alowed of God, that the Gospell shulde be commytted vnto vs to preache, euen so we speake, not as though we wolde please me, but God, which tryeth oure hertes.
1 Thessalonians 2:11
11 as ye knowe, how that as a father his children, euen so exhorted we and comforted and besoughte euery one of you,
1 Timothy 5:21
21 I testifye before God and the LORDE Iesus Christ, and ye electe angels, that thou obserue these thinges without haistie iudgment, and do nothinge parcially.
1 Timothy 6:17
17 Charge the which are riche in this worlde, that they be not proude, ner trust in the vncertayne riches, but in the lyuynge God (which geueth vs abundauntly all thinges to enioye them:)
Hebrews 3:8-11
8 harden not youre hertes, as in the prouokynke in the daye of temptacion in the wyldernes,
9 where youre fathers tempted me, proued me, and sawe my workes fortye yeares longe.
10 Wherfore I was greued wt that generacion, and sayde: They erre euer in their hertes. But they knewe not my wayes,
11 so that I sware in my wrath, that they shulde not enter in to my rest.
12 Take hede brethren, that there be not in eny of you an euell hert of vnbeleue, to departe from the lyuynge God:
Hebrews 3:18-19
Hebrews 12:17
17 For ye knowe, how that afterwarde whan he wolde haue inhereted the blessynge, he was put by: for he foude no place of repetaunce, though he desyred (ye blessynge) with teares.
Hebrews 13:6
6 so that we maye boldely saye: The LORDE is my helper, and I wyl not feare what man maye do vnto me.
James 2:1-5
1 Brethren, haue not the faith of oure LORDE Iesus Christ ye LORDE of glory in respecte of persons.
2 Yf ther come in to yor copany a ma wt a golde rynge and in goodly aparell, & ther come in also a poore man in vyle raymet,
3 & ye haue a respecte to him yt weareth the gaye clothinge & saye vnto hi: Sit thou here i a good place, & saye vnto ye poore, stonde thou there or sit here vnder my fote stole:
4 are ye not parciall in youre selues, and haue iudged after euyll thoughtes?
5 Harken my deare beloued brethre. Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde, which are ryche in faith, and heyres of the kyngdom which he promysed to the that loue him?
James 2:9
9 But yf ye regarde one person more then another, ye comit synne, and are rebuked of the lawe as trsagressours.
1 Peter 1:17
17 And yf so be that ye call on the father, which without respecte of personnes iudgeth acordynge to euery mans worke, se yt ye passe ye tyme of youre pilgremage in feare:
Jude 1:5
5 My minde is therfore to put you in remebrauce, for as moche as ye once knowe this, how that ye LORDE (after that he had deliuered the people out of Egipt) destroyed them which afterwarde beleued not.