Hebrews 11:8-12

Wycliffe(i) 8 By feith he that is clepid Abraham, obeiede to go out in to a place, whiche he schulde take in to eritage; and he wente out, not witinge whidur he schulde go. 9 Bi feith he dwelte in the loond of biheest, as in an alien loond, dwellynge in litle housis with Ysaac and Jacob, euene heiris of the same biheest. 10 For he abood a citee hauynge foundementis, whos crafti man and maker is God. 11 Bi feith also the ilke Sara bareyn, took vertu in consceyuyng of seed, yhe, ayen the tyme of age; for sche bileuede hym trewe, that hadde bihiyte. 12 For which thing of oon, and yit nyy deed, ther ben borun as sterris of heuene in multitude, and as grauel that is at the see side out of noumbre.