Hebrews 11:8-12

Moffatt(i) 8 It was by faith that Abraham obeyed his call to go forth to a place which he would receive as an inheritance; he went forth, although he did not know where he was to go. 9 It was by faith that he sojourned in the promised land, as in a foreign country, residing in tents, as did Isaac and Jacob who were co-heirs with him of the same promise; 10 he was waiting for the City with its fixed foundations, whose builder and maker is God. 11 It was by faith that even Sara got strength to conceive, bearing a son when she was past the age for it — because she considered she could rely on Him who gave the promise. 12 Thus a single man, though he was physically impotent, had issue in number like the stars in heaven, countless as the sand on the seashore.