Hebrews 11:8-12

CLV(i) 8 By faith Abraham, being called, obeys, coming out into the place which he was about to obtain to enjoy as an allotment, and came out, not versed in where he is coming." 9 By faith he sojourns in the land of promise as in an alien land, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the joint enjoyers of the allotment of the same promise. " 10 For he waited for the city having foundations, whose Artificer and Architect is God. " 11 By faith Sarah herself also obtained power for the disruption of seed, and brought forth beyond the period of her prime, since she deems the Promiser faithful;" 12 wherefore, also, were begotten by one, and these of one who is deadened, according as the constellations of heaven in multitude, and as the sand beside the sea shore innumerable."