Matthew 27:15-18

WestSaxon990(i) 15 Hig hæfdon heom to ge-wunan to heora symbel-dæge þt se dema sceolde for-gyfan þam folce ænne for-wyrhtne mann swylcne hig habban woldon; 16 He hæfde þa soðlice ænne strangne þeof-mann. gehæftne. se wæs genemned barrabbas; 17 Þa þt folc gesamnod wæs þa cwæð pilatus; Hwæþer wylle ge þt ic eow agyfe þe barrabban ðe þone hælynd. ðe is crist gehaten; 18 Hë wiste soðlice þt hig hyne for ändan him sealdon;