21 & ferdon to cafarnaum & sona reste-dagum he lærde hi on gesamnunge. ingancgende
22 [Note: Erat enim docens eos quasi potestatem habens. A. ] & hi wundredon be his läre; Soþlice he wæs hi lærende swa se þe anweald hæfð. næs swa boceras.
23 & on heora gesamnunge wæs sum man. on unclænum gaste & he hrymde
24 & cwæð eala nazarenisca hælend hwæt is us & þe. com ðu us to for-spillanne. ic wat þu eart godes halga;
25 Ða cidde se hælend him & cwæð adumba. & gä of þisum men.
26 & se unclæna gast hine slitende & mycelre stefne clypiende him of eode;
27 Þa wundredon hi ealle swa þt hi betwux him cwædon. hwæt ys þis. hwæt is þeos niwe lär. þt he on anwealde unclænum gastum bebyt. & hi hyrsumiað him.
28 & sona ferde his hlïsa to galilea rice;