Mark 16:1-5

WestSaxon990(i) 1 & ða sæternes dæg wæs agän. seo magdalenisce maria & iacobes maria & salomeæ bohton wyrt-gemang þt hi comon & hine smyredon; 2 And swyðe ær anum reste-dæge comon to þære byrgene up-asprungenre sunnan. 3 & cwædon him betwynan; Hwa awylt us ðysne stan of þære byrgene dura; 4 Þa hi hi besawon. hi gesawon þæne stan aweg awyltne. soðlice he wæs swyðe mycel; 5 And þa hi eodon on þa byrgene hi gesawon anne geongne on þa swyðran healfe sittende hwitum gegyrlan ofer-wrohne; & hi þa forhtodon;