4 & þa hi ut-ferdon hi gemetton þone folan ute on twycenan beforan dura. getigedne. þa untigdon hi hine
5 & sume þe þar stodon þus sædon him; Hwæt do gyt þone folan untigende.
6 þa cwædon hi; Swa se hælend unc bead & hi leton hi þa;
7 Ða læddon hi þone folan to þam hælende & hi hyra reaf on ä-ledon & he on sæt;
8 Manega hyra reaf on þone weg strehton. sume þa boceras of þam treowum heowon & streowodon on þone weg.
9 & þa ðe beforan eodon & þa ðe æfter folgodon cwædon þus osannä sy gebletsod se þe com on drihtnes naman;
10 Si gebletsod þt rïce þe com ures fæder dauides osannä on heahnessum;
11 [Note: Ðis sceal on þone feorðan frige-dæg ofer pentecosten. Cum introisset iesus hierosolimam in templum. A. ] And he eode þa on hierosolima templ & ealle þing he be-sceawode; Þa æfen tima wæs he ferde to bethanïam mid his twelf leorning-cnihtum;