4 And they went their way, and founde the colt tyed by the doore without, in a place where two wayes met: and they loosed hym
5 And diuers of them that stoode there, sayde vnto them: What do ye loosyng the colte
6 And they sayde vnto them, euen as Iesus had commaunded: And they let them go
7 And they brought the colt to Iesus, and cast their garmentes on hym, and he sate vpon hym
8 And many spred their garmentes in the way: Other cut downe braunches of the trees, & strawed the in the way
9 And they that went before, and they that folowed, cryed, saying, Hosanna, blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde
10 Blessed be the kyngdome, that commeth in the name of hym that is Lorde of our father Dauid: Hosanna in the hiest
11 And the Lorde entred into Hierusalem, and into the temple: And when he had loked rounde about, vpon all thynges, and nowe the euen tyde was come, he went out vnto Bethanie with the twelue