60 Manega his leorni[n]g-cnihta cwædon þa hig ðis gehyrdon; Heard is þeos spræc hwa mæg hig gehyran;
61 Ða wiste se hælend þt his leorning-cnihtas murcnedon betweox him sylfon be þison. & he cwæð to him þt eow beswicð.
62 gyf ge geseoþ mannes sunu astigendne þær he ær wæs
63 gast is se ðe geliffæst flæsc ne fremað nan þing. þa word þe ic eow sæde synt gast & lïf.
64 Ac sume ge ne gelyfað; Witodlice se hælend wiste æt fruman. hwæt þa gelyfedan wæron & hwa hine belæwon wolde.
65 & he cwæð; Forþig ic eow sæde þt nan man ne mæg cuman to me buton min fæder hit him sylle;
66 Syððan manega his leorning-cnihtas (sic) cyrdon. onbæc & ne eodun mid him.