John 21:15-19

WestSaxon990(i) 15 Ða hi æton [Note: Ðis god-spell ge-byreð on petres mæsse æfen. Dixit iesus petro. Symon iohannis diligis me plus his. A. ] þa cwæð se hælend to sïmöne petre; Simön iohannis lufast ðu me. swiðor þænne ðas; He cwæð to him. gea drihten þu wast þt ic þe lufige he cwæð to him. heald mine lämb; 16 He cwæð eft to him; Simön iohannis lufast ðu me. he cwæð to him gea drihten þu wast þt ic ðe lufige; Ða cwæð he to him heald mine lamb; 17 He cwæð þriddan siðe to him. simön iohannis lufast ðu me. Ða wæs petrus sarig. forþam þe he cwæð þriddan siðe to him lufast þu me; And he cwæð to him. drihten þu wast ealle þing. þu wast þt ic þe lufige; Ða cwæð he to him heald mine sceap; 18 Soð ic secge þe. þa þu gingra wære. þu gyrdest þe & eodest þær þu woldyst. Witodlice þonne þu ealdast þu strecst þine handa & oðer þe gyrt. & læt þyder þe þu nelt; 19 [Note: Ðys god-spel ge-byrað on sancte iohannis euuangelista mæssedæg. Dixit iesus petro. sequere me. A. ] Ðæt he sæde witodlice & tacnude hwylcon deaðe he wolde god geswuteligan; And þa he þt sæde þa cwæð he to him. fylig me;