Isaiah 63:11-12

  11 H2142 [H8799] Then he remembered H3117 the days H5769 of old H4872 , Moses H5971 , and his people H5927 [H8688] , saying, Where is he that brought them H3220 out of the sea H7462 [H8802] with the shepherd H6629 of his flock H7760 [H8802] ? where is he that put H6944 his Holy H7307 Spirit H7130 within him?
  12 H3212 [H8688] That led H3225 them by the right hand H4872 of Moses H8597 with his glorious H2220 arm H1234 [H8802] , dividing H4325 the water H6440 before H6213 [H8800] them, to make H5769 himself an everlasting H8034 name?