John 20:19-20

  19 G3767 When G3767 therefore G3798 it was evening, G2250 on that day, G1520 the first G2250 day G4521 of the week, G2532 and when G2374 the doors G2258 were G3699 locked where G3101 the disciples G2258 were G4863 assembled, G1223 for G5401 fear G2453 of the Jews, G2424 Jesus G2064 came G2532 and G2476 stood G1519 in G3319 the midst, G2532 and G3004 said G846 to them, G1515 "Peace G5213 be to you."
  20 G5124 When he had G2036 said G5124 this, G1166 he showed G846 them G846 his G5495 hands G2532 and G846 his G4125 side. G3101 The disciples G3767 therefore G5463 were G5463 glad G1492 when they saw G2962 the Lord.