1 John 4:17-18

  17 G1722 In G5129 this G3326   G2257   G26 love G5048 has been G5048 made perfect G2443 among us, that G2192 we may have G3954 boldness G1722 in G2250 the day G2920 of judgment, G3754 because G2531 as G1565 he G2076 is, G2532 even so G2070 are G2249 we G1722 in G5129 this G2889 world.
  18 G2076 There is G3756 no G5401 fear G1722 in G26 love; G235 but G5046 perfect G26 love G906 casts G1854 out G5401 fear, G3754 because G5401 fear G2192 has G2851 punishment. G5399 He who fears G5048 is G3756 not G5048 made perfect G1722 in G1161 love.