Numbers 14

Tyndale(i) 1 And all the multitude cryed out and the people wepte thorow out that nyght 2 and all the childern of Ysrael murmured agenst Moses and Aaron. And the hole congregacion sayed vnto them: wolde god that we had dyed in the lond of Egipte ether we wolde that we had dyed in thys wildernesse. 3 Wherfore hath the Lorde broughte vs vnto this londe to fall apon the swerde that both oure wyues and also oure childre shulde be a praye? is it not better that we returne vnto Egipte agayne? 4 And they sayde one to another: let vs make a captayne and returne vnto Egipte agayne. 5 And Moses and Aaron fell on their faces before all the congregacion of the multitude of the childern of Israel. 6 And Iosua the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephune which were of them that serched the londe rent their clothes 7 and spake vnto all the companye of the childern of Ysrael saynge: The londe which we walked thorowe to serche it is a very good lande. 8 Yf the Lorde haue lust to vs he will bringe vs in to this londe and geue it vs which is a lond yt floweth with mylke and hony. 9 But in any wise rebell not agenst the Lorde Moreouer feare ye not the people of the londe for they are but bred for vs. Their shylde is departed from them and the Lorde is with vs: feare them not therfore. 10 And all the whole multitude bade stone them with stones. But the glorie of the Lorde appered in the tabernacle of witnesse vnto all the childern of Israel. 11 And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: Howe longe shall thys people rayle apon me and how longe will it be yet they beleue me for all my signes whiche I haue shewed amonge them ? 12 I will smyte them with the pestilence and destroy the and will make of the a greatter nacion and a mightier then they. 13 And Moses sayed vnto the Lorde: then the Egiptians shall heare it for thou broughtest this people with thy mighte from amonge them. 14 And it wilbe tolde to the inhabiters of this lande also for they haue herde likewise that thou the Lorde art amoge this people ad yt thou art sene face to face and yt thy cloude stondeth ouer them and that thou goest before them by daye tyme in a piler of a cloude and in a piler of fyre by nyght. 15 Yf thou shalt kill all this people as thei were but one ma then the nacions which haue herde the fame of the will speake sayenge: 16 because ye Lorde was not able to bringe in this people in to ye londe which he swore vnto them therfore he slewe them in the wildernesse. 17 So now lat the power of my Lord be greate acordynge as thou hast spoken sayenge: 18 the Lorde is longe yet he be angrye ad full of mercy and suffereth synne and trespace and leaueth no man innocent and visiteth the vnryghtuousnesse of the fathers vppon ye childern eue vpo yt thirde and fourth generacion. 19 be mercyfull I beseche ye therfore vnto ye synne of this people acordinge vnto thi greate mercy and acordinge as thou hast forgeue this people from Egipte euen vnto this place. 20 And the Lorde sayed: I haue forgeue it acordynge to thy request. 21 But as trulye as I lyue all the erth shalbe fylled with my glorye. 22 For of all those me whiche haue sene my glorye and my miracles which I dyd in Egipte and in ye wildernesse and yet haue tempted me now this .x. tymes and haue not herkened vnto my voyce 23 there shall not one se the lond whiche I sware vnto their fathers nether shall any of the that rayled apo me se it. 24 But my servaute Caleb. because there is another maner sprite with hi and because he hath folowed me vnto the vttmost: him I will bringe in to the lond which he hath walked in and his seed shall conquere it 25 and also the Amalechites ad Cananites which dwell in the lowe contrees Tomorowe turne you and gete you in to the wildernesse; euen the waye towarde the red see. 26 And the Lorde spake vnto Moses ad Aaron sayenge 27 how longe shall this euell multitude murmure agenst me? 28 I haue herde ye murmurynges of ye childern of Ysrael whyche they murmure agenste me. Tell them yt the Lorde sayeth. As truely as I lyue I wil do vnto you euen as ye haue spoken in myne eares. 29 Youre carkasses shall lye in this wildernesse nether shall any of these numbres which were numbred from .xx. yere and aboue of you which haue murmured agenst me 30 come in to the londe ouer which I lifted mynehande to make you dwell therein saue Caleb the sonne of Iephune and Iosua the sonne of Nun. 31 And youre childern whiche ye sayed shuld be a praye the I will bringe in and they shall knowe the londe which ye haue refused 32 and youre carkesses shall lye in this wildernesse 33 And youre childern shall wadre in this wildernesse .xl. yeres and suffre for youre whoredome vntill your carkasses be wasted in the wildernesse 34 after the numbre of the dayes in which ye serched out yt londe .xl. dayes and euery daye a yere: so that they shall bere your vnrightuousnes .xl. yere and ye shall fele my vengeaunce 35 I the Lorde haue sayed yt I will do it vnto all this euell congregacion yt are gathered together agenst me: euen in thys wildernesse ye shalbe consumed and here ye shall dye. 36 And the men which Moses sent to serche the londe and which (when they came agayne) made all the people to murmure agenst it in that they broughte vpp a slaunder apon ye londe: 37 dyed for their bryngenge vp that euell slaunder apon it and were plaged before the Lorde. 38 But Iosua the sonne of Nun and Caleb the sonne of Iephune which were of ye me that went to serche the londe lyued still. 39 And Moses tolde these sayenges vnto all the childern of Ysrael and the people toke great sorowe. 40 And they rose vp yerlee in the mornynge and gatt them vpp in to the toppe of the mountayne sayenge: lo we be here ad will goo vpp vnto the place of which the Lorde sayed for we haue synned. 41 And Moses sayed: wherfore will ye goo on this maner beyonde the worde of the Lorde? it will not come well to passe 42 goo not vpp for the Lorde is not amonge you that ye be not slayne before youre enemyes. 43 For the Amalechytes and the Cananites are there before you and ye will fall apon the swerde: because ye are turned a waye from ye Lorde and therfore the Lorde wyll not be with you. 44 But they were blynded to goo vpp in to ye hylltoppe: Neuer the lather the arke of the testament of the Lorde and Moses departed not out of the hoste. 45 Then the Amalekytes ad the Cananites which dwelt in that hill came doune and smote them and hewed the: euen vnto Horma.