1 And Bezaleel wrought and Ahaliab ad all wyse harted me to whom the Lorde had geuen wysdome and vnderstondynge, to knowe how to worke all maner worke for the holye service, in all that the Lorde commaunded.
2 And Moses called for Bezaleel Ahaliab and all the wise harted men in whose hertes the Lorde had put wysdome, eue as many ab their hartes coraged to come vnto the worke to worke it.
3 And they receaued of Moses all the heueoffrynges which the childern of Israel had brought for the worke of the holye service to make it with all. And they brought besyde that wyllyngeoffringes euery mornyng.
4 And all the wise men that wrought all the holye worke, came euery man from his worke which they made,