Exodus 26:18-25

Tyndale(i) 18 And thou shalt make .xx. bordes for the habitacion on the south syde, 19 and thou shalt make, xl. sokettes of syluer ad put them vnder the .xx. bordes: two sokettes vnder euery borde, for their two fete. 20 In lyke maner in the northsyde of the habitacyon there shalbe .xx. bordes 21 ad .xl. sokettes off syluer: two sokettes vnder euery borde. 22 And for the west ende off the habitacyon, shalt thou make syxe bordes, 23 ad two bordes moo for the two west corners of the habitacio: 24 so that these two bordes be coupled to gether beneth and lykewyse aboue with clampes. And so shall it be in both the corners. 25 And so there shalbe .viij. bordes in all and .xvi. solettes of syluer: ij. sokettes vnder euery borde.