19 I hope, however, as one who trusts in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you before long, so that I may myself be cheered by receiving news of you.
20 For I have no one but him to send--no one of kindred spirit who would take the same genuine interest in your welfare.
21 They are all pursuing their own aims and not those of Christ Jesus.
22 But you know what Timothy has proved himself to be, and how, like a child working for his father, he worked hard with me in spreading the Good News.
23 It is Timothy, then, whom I hope to send, as soon as ever I can foresee how it will go with me.
24 And I am confident, as one who trusts in the Lord Jesus, that before long I myself shall follow.
25 Still I think it necessary to send Epaphroditus to you now, for he is my brother, fellow-worker, and fellow-soldier, and he was also your messenger to help me in my need.