1 Wisdom hath built herself a house, and fixed underneath it seven pillars.
2 She hath slain her victims. She hath mixed her wine for the cup and furnished her table.
3 She hath sent out her servants, and with a loud proclamation hath given an invitation to her entertainment, saying,
4 "Whosoever is simple, let him come to me." And to them who want understanding she saith,
5 "Come, eat of my bread and drink the wine which I have mixed for you.
6 Forsake folly, that you may reign forever: and seek prudence and build up understanding with knowledge."
7 He who instructeth the wicked shall receive for himself dishonour; and he who reproveth
8 the ungodly will blemish himself. Rebuke not the wicked, lest they hate thee; rebuke a wise man and he will love thee.
9 Give a wise man a hint and he will be wiser; an intimation to a righteous man and he will proceed to take it.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; and knowledge is the counsel of the holy. For to know the law is a characteristick of a good understanding;
11 for by this means thou shalt live long, and years of life will be added to thee.
12 My son, if thou art wise for thyself, thou wilt be wise also for thy neighbours. But if thou become wicked, thou alone shalt draw up evils. He who leaneth upon lies, feedeth on the wind, and he shall pursue flying birds; for he hath left the walks of his own vineyard, and wandered out of the paths of his own field, and traverseth a desert without water, and a land destined to thirst; and with his hands gathereth sterility.
13 A woman who is foolish and bold needeth a curb; she hath no sense of shame.
14 She sat at the doors of her house; on a seat open to view in the streets;
15 calling to passengers who were going right on their ways,
16 "Let him who is the simplest of you turn aside to me; and them who want prudence I exhort saying,
17 Taste sweetly bread in secret and water sweeter for being stolen.
18 He indeed did not know that with her the earth born perish; that he is lighting upon the perch of death. But fly thou away speedily; tarry not in that place, nor fix thine eyes upon her; for in this manner thou shouldst pass by strange water. Abstain from strange water, and drink not of a strange fountain; that thou mayst live long, and that years of life may be added to thee.