19 Again he hath rebuked him with sickness on a bed, and benumbed all his bones;
20 so that he cannot take any nourishment, [though his soul longeth for food]
21 until his flesh become rotten, and he can show his bones bare.
22 When his soul hath come near to death, and his life near to the mansion of the dead,
23 though there may be a thousand messengers of death, not one of them can mortally wound him.
24 If he determine in his heart to turn to the Lord, when he shall have shewn man his charge against him, and pointed out to him his folly, he will support him, that he may not fall to death,
25 and renew his body like the plaistering on a wall, and will fill his bones with marrow; and make his flesh soft like that of an infant, and restore him to full strength among men.
26 And when he hath prayed to the Lord, and shall enjoy acceptable things, he will come with a cheerful countenance and with thanks: and render justice to men.