Job 33:19-26

Great(i) 19 He chasteneth hym wyth sycknesse, and bryngeth hym to his bed: he layeth sore punyshement vpon hys bones, 20 so that hys lyfe maye awaye wyth no bred, and his soule abhorreth to eat any dayntie meat: 21 In so moch that hys body is cleane consumed awaye, and his bones appeare no more. 22 Hys lyfe draweth on to the graue, and hys lyfe to death. 23 Now, yf there be a messenger (one amonge a thousande) sent for to speake vnto man, and to shewe him the ryght waye: 24 then the Lorde is mercyfull vnto hym, and sayeth: He shalbe delyuered, that he fall not downe to the graue, for I am sufficiently reconcyled. 25 Than shall hys flesh be as well lykyng as it was afore, and shalbe as it was in hys youth. 26 For yf he submytte hym selfe vnto God, he shalbe gracious vnto him, and shewe him his countenaunce ioyfully, & rewardeth man for his ryghteousnes.