Numbers 32:17-22

NSB(i) 17 »Then we will be ready to march in battle formation ahead of the other Israelites until we have brought them to their land. Meanwhile our families will live in walled cities. They will be safe from the other people who live here. 18 »We will not return to our homes until every Israelite has received his own land. 19 »We will not take possession of any land on the other side of the Jordan River, to the west and beyond. We already have our land here, east of the Jordan.« 20 Moses answered: »If you really mean what you say, then here in the presence of Jehovah get ready to go into battle. 21 »All your fighting men are to cross the Jordan and under Jehovah’s command they are to attack our enemies until Jehovah defeats them 22 and takes possession of the land. You may return after that, because you will have fulfilled your obligation to Jehovah and to the other Israelites. Then Jehovah will acknowledge that this land east of the Jordan is yours.