9 Reioyce thou greatly, O doughter Syon, be glad, O doughter Ierusalem. For lo, thy king commeth vnto the, euen the ryghteous & Sauioure: Lowly and simple is he, he rydeth vpon an asse, & vpon the foale of an asse.
10 I wil rote out the charrettes from Ephraim, & the horse from Ierusalem, the battel bowes shalbe destroyed. He shall geue the doctryne of peace vnto the heathen, & his dominion shal be from the one syde to the other, and from the flundes to the endes of the worlde.
11 Thou also thorow thy bloude of thy couenaunt, shalte let thy presoners out of the pyt, wherin is no water.
12 Turne you nowe to the strong holde, ye that be in preson, & long sore to be delyuered: And this daye I brynge the word, that I wil rewarde the double agayn.
13 For Iuda haue I bent out as a bowe for me, and Ephraim haue I fylled Thy sonnes (O Sion) will I rase vp againste the Grekes, & make the as a giauntes swearde:
14 the Lorde God shalbe sene aboue them, and his dartes shal go forth as the lyghteninge. The Lorde God shall blowe the trompet, and shall come forth as a storme oute of the south.
15 The Lorde of hostes shall defende them, they shall consume and deuoure, & subdue them with slyng stones. They shal dryncke & rage as it were thorow wyne. They shalbe fylled like the basens, & as the hornes of the aulter.
16 The Lorde their God shall delyuer them in the day, as the flock of his people: for the stones of his Sanctuary shalbe set vp in his land,
17 O how prosperous & goodlye a thinge shall that be? The corne shall make the yong men chearefull, and the newe wyne the maydens.