Titus 2:2-12

Matthew(i) 2 That the elder men be sober, honest, discret, sounde in the fayth, in loue, and in pacience. 3 And the elder women lykewyse, that they be in such rayment as becommeth holynes, not false accusars, not geuen to muche drynkynge, but teachers of honest thinges 4 to make the yong women sobre mynded, to loue theyr husbandes, to loue their chyldren, 5 to be dyscret, chast, huswyfly, good & obedyent vnto theyr owne husbandes, that the word of God be not euyl spoken of. 6 Young men lykewyse exhort that they be sobre mynded. 7 Aboue all thynges shewe thy selfe an ensample of good workes wyth vncorrupt doctryne wyth honesty, 8 and wyth the wholesom worde, which cannot be rebuked, that he which wythstandeth, maye be ashamed, hauyng nothynge in you that he maye disprayse. 9 The seruauntes exhort to be obedient vnto theyr owne maysters, and to please in al thynges, not aunswerynge agayne, 10 neyther be pyckers, but that they shewe all good faythfulnes, that they maye do worshyp to the doctryne of oure sauyoure God in all thynges. 11 For the grace of God, that bringeth saluacion vnto al men, hath apered 12 & teacheth vs that we shoulde denye vngodlynes & worldly lustes, and that we shoulde lyue sobre mynded ryghtuouslye and Godly in this present worlde,