Psalms 5

Matthew(i) 1 To the Chaunter by Nehiloh, a Psalme of Dauid. Heare my wordes (O Lorde) consyder my callynge. 2 O marke the voice of my petition my Kynge and my God, for vnto the wyl I make my prayer. 3 Heare my voyce by tymes (O Lorde) for early in the mornyng wyll I get me vnto the, yea and that with diligence. 4 For thou art not the God that hath pleasure in wickednesse, ther may no vngodly person dwel with the. 5 Suche as be cruell maye not stande in thy syght, thou art an enemye vnto all wycked doers. 6 Thou destroiest the lyers: the Lord abhorreth the bloude thursty and disceatful. 7 But as for me, I wyl come into thy house euen vpon the multytude of thy mercy: and in thy feare wyll I worshippe towarde thy holy temple. 8 Lede me (O Lord) in thy ryghtuousnesse; because of myne enemyes, & make thy waye playne before me. 9 For there is no faithfulnesse in their mouthes: they dessemble in their hertes: their throt is an open sepulcher: with their tonges thy disceaue. 10 Punysh them (O God) that they may perysh in their owne ymaginacions: cast them out because of the multytude of their vngodlynesse, for they rebell agaynste the. 11 Agayne, let all them that put their truste in the, reioyse: yea let them euer be geuynge of thankes, because thou defendest: them: that they whyche loue thy name, be ioyfull in the. 12 For thou Lord geuest thy blessynge vnto the ryghtuous: and with thy fauorable kindnes thou defendest him, as wyth a shylde.