2 Thou knowest my doune sittyng and myne vprysinge, thou vnderstandest my thoughtes a farre of.
3 Thou art about my path & about my bed and spyest out all my wayes.
4 For lo, there is not a worde in my tonge, but thou, O Lorde knowest it altogether.
5 Thou hast fashioned me behynde and before, and layed thyne hande vpon me.
6 Such knowlege is to wonderfull and excellent for me, I can not atteyne vnto it.
7 Whither shal I go then from thy sprete? or, whyther shall I go then frome thy presence?
8 If I clyme vp into heauen, thou art there if I go doune to hel, thou art there also.
9 If I take the wynges of the mornynge, & remayne in the vttermost parte of the sea:
10 Euen there also shall thy hande leade me, and thy right hand shall holde me.
11 If I saye: peraduenture the darkenesse shall couer me, then shall my nyghte be turned to daye.