2 Thou knewest my sitting and my rising; thou didst understand for my thoughts from far of
3 Thou didst sift my way and my lying down, and thou knewest all my ways.
4 For not a word in my tongue, behold, O Jehovah, thou knewest all of it
5 Thou didst press me behind and before, and thou wilt place thine hand upon me.
6 Knowledge being wonderful from me; being high, I shall not be able for it
7 Whither shall I go from thy spirit? and whither from thy face shall I flee?
8 If I shall ascend to the heavens, thou art there: and shall I bend down to hades, behold thee.
9 Shall I lift up the wings of the dawn? shall I dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea?
10 Also there thy hand will guide me, and thy right hand will hold me.
11 And saying, surely the darkness shall fall upon me; and the night shone about me.